
yeh but ninty are a bit too relaxed if u ask me. Just look at Geist on GC. That was in development for about 3 years and in the end it was mediocre with good graphics and some slow down. A good concept ruined by repetitiveness and a preloonged development period.
The Revolution will not have the bells and whistles of the other consoles, they have already anounced that it will not have HD support. This will reduce their cost allowing them to offer a much cheaper console. (A lot smaller too) The new type of controler may hinder the games coming from 3rd parties. Special games would have to be developed to take advantage of the new concept. (You can't port and play these games on any other system) That means putting aside a special team to work on Nintendo products. At first you will see a lot of poor ports that will frustrate those who bought the system. The DS has suffered this crappy cheap marketing. It will just depend on the 3rd party company deciding if it would be worth their time and investment to do the proper development. Most of the games at first, that will take advantage of the system, will be by Nintendo.

If they have killer games like they have put out for the DS and that cheaper price point, then they will sell consoles. But it will be the games that will move the unit. You might just see a price difference that might look like the same difference that you see between the PSP and the DS.
The Retro game downloads and first party Ninty mascots will sell the Revolution.The price of admission will probably be very inviting.

I, for one, am trying not to get involved in the next generation of consoles. I am not going to buy one. I have no room. I would have to get rid of something and I am not willing to do that. I am going to try to stick to the handheld units. In about a year and a half I could be eating these words. <_<
I think Square Enix have to be the most laid back. You seen the delays on Kh2 and FFXII? FFXII has been in development for 8 years iirc.
Thw Revo simply will not outsell the mainstream consoles. it may be more profitable for Intendo on some level but it will never be a mainstream success. You wont be watching an episode of your favorite sitcom and watching someone talking about how they missed grandma's funeral because they stayed up all night playing "nintendo revolution" or some odd-ass secerio like that.

...maybe if it's a really low budget show they'll by a Revo (it being the cheaper system) and sit it on top of a tv to show someone might be a gamer but that's about it.

it's always the game that move units, and it's well documented that Nintendo's games while often spectacular are under appriciated and under marketed and thus under sold, why else do you think Nintendo's Exclusivity contract with Capcon died so horribly, not because Capcom wanted to screw Nintendo but because they saw the deal was going to end in a financial disaster.

KH2 I suspect got pushed back alot more due to the partnership with Disney (they're kinda sticklers about their property you know?) I don't think FF12 has been in the works quite that long, they didnt even announce the development team until FF10 shipped so at best I'd accept the idea of them starting work on it around FF8 or 9.
Thing is, Nintendo's not shooting for the number one spot, which is evident when they say how nice it would be to have a Rev AND a PS3/X360. I think Nintendo is trying to position itself as the second choice console, and from polls I've seen on joystiq (maybe not the most diverse audience... don't really know), but the poll showed the idea is very popular.

Here's the thing: X360 and PS3 are expensive. I suspect that a lot of gamers (more casual gamers, which means probably not necessarily us) will purchase one of those two, and, because of the very high price and similarity between the two systems, they will pass on getting the other one.

Now looking at the frequency of people owning more than one next-gen console this generation, it's not unreasonable for the same trend to continue in this coming generation. And because the Rev is different and cheaper, I think it could be a popular second choice console.
OMFG, PEOPLE QUIT SAYING THE XBOX 360 is expensive. The base unit cost the same price as a SNES when it first came out. It cost the same as when an Atari 2600 came out, I"M ALSO PRETTY DAMN SURE IT COST THE SAME AS THE ORIGINAL PS2 XBOX WHENT IT FIRST CAME OUT . Granted its the base unit, but its still functional, jesus christ people $299 for a 360 is not that bad of a price and if memory serves me correct, you bought a PS2 for $299 new with NO MODEM, NO HARDRIVE, NO GAME, and 1 CONTROLLER, so what the fuck is the difference.
I did not pay $299.00 for a PS2. I paid $199.00. I waited until the games started rolling out. :huh: I have never paid "this is a new system" price for a game system. When PS1 and Saturn first came out, "Toys-R-Us" had a deal sometime thereafter where you traded in 10 video games and you could purchase a PS1 or a Saturn for $99. I gathered together all my crappy Snes & Gen games and even picked up some cheap bargain bin specials for a couple of dollars and bought both systems. By that time I had an idea of the games that had came out or was coming out for those systems. It has mainly been the games that has caused me to say, "Hey I want that system." :)

If my memory serves me correctly, didn't the first Xbox sell for $399 at launch? ;)
I'm inclined to think that the Revolution will be a success, simply because of the many new genres that it will create which will attract people who don't necessarily like most of the games that are found on consoles today. The Revolution's controller WILL allow new genres of games to flourish on it that will be mostly absent on other consoles. A somewhat interesting article about this from one perspective can be found over here.

Basically, there are millions of potential customers in the gaming market who really don't care too much about the latest graphics - this is part of the reason why the DS ended up doing so well compared to the PSP. It's like what someone before me said - you feel left out of the gaming industry if you don't like games like Grand Theft Auto. So the first company that succeeds in breaking that barrier and reaching out to a new market that the other companies are too blind to see will be the company that makes a huge profit. When you actually look at many of the people who play games, a lot of them are very different from the young guys who review games for magazines - there's a real disconnect there between what the market actually IS and what it's perceived as being.

I don't know if the Revolution will succeed in breaking through that barrier, but from what I hear coming from Nintendo that is what they're aiming at. Should be interesting...
so what other "genres" can we expect?? We already have action, adventure, RPG, fighting, Beat em up, dancing, puzzle, arcade, sports, racing.

So what new genre? Cooking? Can't say fishing games, dreamcast already did that with its fishing rod and game, what else? Shopping game? wait thats been done too on PS2 with the Bratz game.

There will be no new genres, just the same old genres done different, and people don't like change, that is why the Rev will need a back up plan to its controller idea. And i've already decided i will not buy a revolution if it forces me to use that controller for everything. I'm sorry but i'm not going to be a 27 year old gamer looking like a retard as i'm waving a dvd remote control around.
Angel posted on Feb 2 2006 at 09:09 PM said:
There will be no new genres, just the same old genres done different, and people don't like change, that is why the Rev will need a back up plan to its controller idea. And i've already decided i will not buy a revolution if it forces me to use that controller for everything. I'm sorry but i'm not going to be a 27 year old gamer looking like a retard as i'm waving a dvd remote control around.

Before Resident Evil there was no survival horror "genre". When things done differently it becomes a different genre. What genre would you put Ico? How about WarioWare, GTA, Brain Games, Katamari Tamashi, or Pickmin? Genre is a way for magazine reviewers to categorize stuffs for their own conveniences, but trying to put everything in a few prefixed genres is quite a stretch and practically plain dumb in my opinion.

Yes, you have every right to not liking revo controler without trying it for a second. But, I have to say that people DO like change, otherwise you'll be happy playing the same old game you've been playing since 80s and never buy another game in your life. Why do you think people buy a new console? They want something NEW.

Personally, I'm getting tired of current generation of games and want something that will refresh my interest in gaming. Some believe cosmetic change is enough (PS3 and 360), others think different (Revo). Just like many thing in life, there is no right answer; you just go with what you like, no need to smack other peoples' choice necessarily. ;)
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The thing is, do we want the Revo to be a success? I certainly do! I love flashy graphics as much as the next man/woman. And what I have seen of the ps3 and the 360 is impressive. But I know it's not really enough.I am bored of all the tomb raider style games now. Basically, the third or first person game is king, in the same way as reading a book is the only way to tell a story directly to your brain by looking at words. But publishers can just stick words on a page and rely on the imagination of the authors to be able to move us. EA and the rest think"screw imagination, lets have flashier vehicles and cars etc."

So if the big third party licences can't be done on the Revo-great! It'll force publishers to think of individual ideas. Of course, if the revo doesn't sell, then they won't bother-chicken egg. But I think it will sell, there will be no big Fifas and Maddens etc. We won't need them cos we'll have a second system. But the revo will have 'different' games, and retro games.

I really want it to work. I love the idea of being in the middle of a new Zelda, and having to work out not just an onscreen puzzle, but actually how to use the controller too! If done well, it could be great (anyone who had to do that puzzle in trace memory-where you had to close the DS as a press knows what I mean).

It's gonna be intersting, and we as gamers are richer for it. I'm just glad that Ninty hasn't tried to compete. Who needs a third machine?
lubidog posted on Feb 3 2006 at 10:46 AM said:
I really want it to work. I love the idea of being in the middle of a new Zelda, and having to work out not just an onscreen puzzle, but actually how to use the controller too! If done well, it could be great (anyone who had to do that puzzle in trace memory-where you had to close the DS as a press knows what I mean).

Those ones were so cool, .. although I did have look that one up.. got the reflection one and the dust ones though :)
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skysnapper posted on Feb 3 2006 at 09:18 AM said:
Well there has be an operation sim appear on the DS  and there is a cooking game in the pipeline :P

There was a operation sim on the Intellevision too, a little game called Microsurgeon, so that has been done too.

Also, about people liking change? I think your wrong, if people liked change, then why is a d-pad still the current best choice on controllers? and even handhelds? Its been the same for what, 20 years now? Since 1984 when the NES was released in Japan, or if people wanted change so bad, i guees it was a mistake for Sony to keep the same controller layout from PS1 to PS2, and the PS3 is not going to be majorly different either, just a redesign on the same old thing. Same with the XBOX and XBOX 360. And before you tell me i'm wrong about the d-pad thing because of the Gamecube or N64 controllers, well, they still have d-pads built into them to use.

Also, if people like change, then i guess its a bad idea to have Resident evil 1 re-released, twice now, it was rereleased on the Gamecube and now again for the DS, i mean, if people like change so much then why not an original Resident evil game for the DS. And sequels and franchises. Though the individual game may be different from one enother, its still pretty much the same thing. Tekken 1 - Tekken 5, still has alot of the same characters, and it's still just another fighter. Or any EA game. If people liked change then they wouldn't be able to afford to produce as many sequels and games to its franchises as it does.

Again, some people are more open to change than others, but people like things that work. Why fix something thats not broken. I am willing to give the controller a shot, i never said that i didn't. I said i will not buy the Revolution if it makes me use it for everything, that includes any retro games. I want a normal controller for retro games.

We can argue over and over and over and over again, but nobody knows for sure what will happen until the day comes that its released.

And also, look back in video game history, look at all the stuff that tried to be different from the norm, how many succeded and how many failed. many more failed.
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I am willing to give the controller a shot, i never said that i didn't. I said i will not buy the Revolution if it makes me use it for everything, that includes any retro games. I want a normal controller for retro games.

The controller can easily be turned sideways for retro games, according to Nintendo. That will work for NES style games, but not much else obviously. The revolution will play gamecube games, including Twilight Princess, which is scheduled to be released shortly before the revolution. Nintendo already stated that they were going to have a classic style controller available, but i wonder whether or not they will include it.. probably not to keep costs down, but we can hope :)

Those look an awful lot like gamecube controller ports....
