Selling Up

Apr 15, 2003
S. Wales
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I'm Flat Broke... and I hate eating baked beans... it pains me to do this.. But does anyone want to buy a GP32 non FLU ? It has a 32mb smart Media card, and MoviePark. Its in mint condition - three months old and hardly used. Still under warranty. £80 ex PandP..... or nearest offer. I need to eat real food. When I get more cash, I of course, will be back.

Bloody student overdrafts.....
Yep :-)

I have an ok one - it pays a reasonable living wage. Nothing special, but enough. I'm a 2D animator - but freelanceing is the nature of the beast that I end up taking a job as an IT technican - and then dont get the time to work on the folio at a fast enough rate.... Trouble is I'm saddled with all the loans and overdraft I had in Uni... and thats the kicker, cos I want to clear my overdraft by November - and am almost there. Just need an extra push - but im fed up of eating crap... so if i can sell the GP32 It will all be cleared and I get to eat properly - and mayeb take my girlfriend to the pictures. I then get payed and get to start again on an even keel - and head in the right direction. Thats it 4 years of student overdarft shifted, and I get piece of mind. I've cleared it before - but I hadnt budgeted for future things that came up and bit me - but I'm wise now :-)

I've never had a credit card, store card etc - cos I dont want one. I'm just trying to live within my means. Was a toss up between hifi and GP32. Hifi couldn't go though - would have gone loopy without it.
Yeah - well dude it all depends on if I have the cash to head home. Been looking at prices... and its gonna cost about £60 - and then there is food, and beer... and getting back to newport. Im gonna have to see whats what...

BTW I have the you know what done to email you tonight :-)
why not try bankruptcy i know of a few people that have done it i dont know the how to's but i hear that more and more students are doing it to wipe out their student debt it should be fine as long as you dont have a mortgage and other large commitments after you do declare bankruptcy just change your name by deed pole and you have a fresh credit rating
why not try bankruptcy i know of a few people that have done it i dont know the how to's but i hear that more and more students are doing it to wipe out their student debt it should be fine as long as you dont have a mortgage and other large commitments after you do declare bankruptcy just change your name by deed pole and you have a fresh credit rating

Thats a bit drastic! lol - I have quite a good credit rating cos I keep atop of it all.. but I wish I hadn't bothered with uni. I trained as an Animator - but end up working full time as an IT tech....
wish i could get a IT tech job here in australia :( i got all the skills but the IT jobs down here are getting very thin i havent been able to get a job and its been way over 6 months.

Before u say im a slacker :P i am working but i can't live on $6 and hour im barely getting through life on that <_<

hmm...maybe i should move to another country *thinks about that*

$6 an hour. - ouch thats about £4... I'm on about £6.50 - But when all the tax, student loans, overdraft etc is taken out - it just goes before I see it.

Im in a crappy paid IT job...Other people I know are getting what I get and more just to train... but I've been looking in the jobs paper and a few things have come up :-) i work in a uni. I used to get more money working night shifts packing DVD's - I suppose at least this job has futire prospects - but nevermind..... I'll have a stab at getting these other jobs.
Good lord yeah I would say you should be getting paid more for a tech job than that. I have just been changing jobs recently and am now relizing how sweet I had it when I was doing thearapy for autistic kids. I'm thinking of getting back into it again just because for what it was it paid well and had flexable hours which worked well around school. I think I can handle doing a few thearapy sessions a week along with substitute teaching. Although this year is going to be my last at school and its going to be killer. Good luck on getting those student loans paid off I'm afraid I will end up being haunted by them for life.