Disposable Aa Research


Still Fresh
Jan 26, 2006
I'd like to add a note about battery life, with disposables not rechargeables, I've done a lot of research, and spent WAAAAAAYYY too much on them. :)

Barring the bugs in the video/audio syncing I get, these are my results:

ASDA SmartPrice AAs: N/A Died during boot-up
Red Dragon (Chinese brand?): N/A No power up beyond brief LED flicker
Black Bull (Or whatever they were called now - Supplied with Unit): 33 Mins glitch-free use.
Duracell Coppertop: 51m 32s glitch free use.
Duracell M3: 56m
Energizer Ultimate: 1 hr 10 mins (See notes below)
Energizer Ultimate Lithium: 7hrs thusfar, still going. :lol:

My tests have been simple, and fair, my criteria for it has been, in this order (EDIT) Firmware 1.2.1(/EDIT):

45m DivX - Star Trek Enterprise 4x22 (640x480 size)
60m DrMD - Sonic The Hedgehog 1 (Default settings)
60m MP3 Playing - For fairness, this was done in consecutive order, rather than random play.
30m Narcissu - Starting at chapter 1 each time (mainly due to the saving glitch) EXCELLENT BTW
Since Nothing got this far except my lithium batteries, I won't bother listing any more. :D Needless to say, I'm quite pleased, but they are REALLY expensive, I'm just glad I've still got another two in the pack. :lol:
What a waste of money! For all you've spent on batteries you could have bought a 4 pack of rechargeables and a recharger and you'd be getting 3+ hours per charge!
Even if you use rechargeables (which IMO everyone should), this is useful info if you find yourself stranded somewhere without any battery power, and you want to buy some disposables as a quick fix.
What a waste of money! For all you've spent on batteries you could have bought a 4 pack of rechargeables and a recharger and you'd be getting 3+ hours per charge!
I didn't do this for myself. -_- I wanted to help out, in my own small way, as I'm no good with technical things like programming or porting. (I'm able to compile stuff, but can't compile FreeCNC for this thing sadly, so I gave up)

But, seriously, I wanted to provide some info to the community on what's best in the market for powering your handheld, for when you aren't near a power socket. I've not seen any other research done, so I've done some instead.
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Wow! the 1.2.1 firmware seems to really boost battery life. I too purchased the Energizers and on 1.0.1 it lasted a good 3hrs before finally going dead.
Good test Ninjafae.

Has anyone tried Panasonic Oxyride batteries - it would be interesting to see where they fit in??
What a waste of money! For all you've spent on batteries you could have bought a 4 pack of rechargeables and a recharger and you'd be getting 3+ hours per charge!

That's NO waste of money. It tells everyone who DOESN'T want to get rechargables which disposables to stay away from and which to buy. Also, like BradN said, if you don't have your rechargables with you, you'll be able to get some good disposables to tide you over.
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Just use decent ("decent" doesn't mean "ultra fast") charger even with average NiMH AA. Two sets of them is enough for a day for me. It's best for the cost and I could have extra pairs as well. (I have 4 sets and they cost me very little so I can have very long times of using gp2x)

Imho for general use NiMH are the best from every standpoint.

What a waste of money! For all you've spent on batteries you could have bought a 4 pack of rechargeables and a recharger and you'd be getting 3+ hours per charge!

That's NO waste of money. It tells everyone who DOESN'T want to get rechargables which disposables to stay away from and which to buy. Also, like BradN said, if you don't have your rechargables with you, you'll be able to get some good disposables to tide you over.

I have to disagree here... (not that I have much anything against disposable batteries but!)

The NIMHs can be recharged few hundreds times so you are getting many times more of your money worth with them. Using disposables with gp2x you are wasting money and resources. None is good and I can appreciate tests of disposables but they aren't optimal way to power your gp2x.
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I did not get very good results with any disposable batteries i tried. I would have haning boots, Locked games, movies were just unplayable. After buyin a set of Energizer NiMH 2500mhas and a charger i have not had ne problems with my unit at all. Now with DaveC's Joystick cap i can fully enjoy all of my gaming nostalgia goodness.

Imho for general use NiMH are the best from every standpoint.

yeah.. although i might get myself some of those lithium ones for when i go to malaysia. i have no idea what plug sockets they have there.. and i might be able to get some lithiums there on the cheap also :D
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Also, btw, your sig is an absolute KILLER, on my connection. :o
You'd hate Drak's old sig, then, that annoyed me on a fast broadband connection. I think the total of his avatar and sig filesize was 1MB.

They loaded slow on ur broadband... :blink: they loaded instantly and i got shaw cable... OH well they are gone now.

Back to the main topic:
NinjaFae- see the user name? Ninjas are really good at being stealthy, so he/she could have easily jacked them with their skills. :rolleyes:

But seriously, just get energizer rechargable 2500ma ones, thats what most people use and when you use 2 sets its pretty much no wait time :) Unless you play your gp2x more than 5 hours a day, then get 3 pairs!!!!

Hell I even got some cheap 1$ for 4x, 1700ma NIMH that last for like 2.5 hours.
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Also, btw, your sig is an absolute KILLER, on my connection. :o
You'd hate Drak's old sig, then, that annoyed me on a fast broadband connection. I think the total of his avatar and sig filesize was 1MB.

Check my sig. :lol:

Dont know the filesize but the fading is starting to annoy even me. B)
After hearing of the shock file size from nickspoon, I decided to switch them off entirely. Even in this day and age, some of us are on limited bandwidth's, and I'm pushing the limits already.
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Also, btw, your sig is an absolute KILLER, on my connection. :o
You'd hate Drak's old sig, then, that annoyed me on a fast broadband connection. I think the total of his avatar and sig filesize was 1MB.

Check my sig. :lol:

Dont know the filesize but the fading is starting to annoy even me. B)
431.68KB. Largeish.

@Drak: It wasn't that they loaded slowly, it was mostly that they annoyed me, especially the first time I downloaded them. 3 fps, probably.
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Also, btw, your sig is an absolute KILLER, on my connection. :o
You'd hate Drak's old sig, then, that annoyed me on a fast broadband connection. I think the total of his avatar and sig filesize was 1MB.

Check my sig. :lol:

Dont know the filesize but the fading is starting to annoy even me. B)
431.68KB. Largeish.

@Drak: It wasn't that they loaded slowly, it was mostly that they annoyed me, especially the first time I downloaded them. 3 fps, probably.

Yeah they were slow.. the prog I used was kind of lame.. but anyways they were meant to be? or were they? who knows. I learned my lesson and they had a great impact hehe.

<-- read
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