Invader Zim Skin


Still Fresh
Dec 16, 2005
I just finished and uploaded my first skin, an Invader Zim themed skin.

You can download it at,0,0,0,52,1180

The menus for Main and Settings are operated on the computer screens in the lower right, took a bit of trial and error to get those working right. Let me know what you all think and also if you have any issues with it please respond here or drop me a PM.
Wow, tried it last night, it's really cool. What you might do is look for Irken icons, I've seen some somewhere, one for video, music, etc., they would look better than the default GPH icons, they look like icons that would be on Zim's computer. I did a Google search and nothing came up, just pictures of the characters as icons. I think I may have seen them on deviantart, but not sure. Maybe if you went to an Invader Zim fan site and asked about Irken icons you might find them.

Well, I didn't find any icons on DeviantArt but I did find "Dragonball Z Zim", "Final Fantasy Zim", "Mega Man Zim" and I swear I even saw an "Anthropomorphic Furry Zim :blink: "...sometimes I forget what that place can be like lol.

I used the GPH icons to avoid confusion. The 4th and 8th icon positions afford so little room to do anything that I couldn't label them in english (hence the irken font) so I decided to use the current, familiar icons.
How did you get the icons all down there?

All the menu icons on the main and settings menu have a hard-coded x and y position. All you have to do to scoot them around is make the picture larger than the default. The only caveat with this is you can only push them down and to the right and once you get to numbers 4 and 8 you don't have a lot of room to do anything.

I thought I'd figured out the x & y positions of all of them but building this skin showed me I was a little off. I'll figure them out later tonight and post them here.
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Er....once I download and figure out what z-launcher is I'll get to work on it. It appears I've been neglecting my 2X software-wise.

As promised I've figured out the x & y coordinates for the menu icons:


One thing, if you make an icon so large that it will run off the screen you'll end up with this:


So keep that in mind if you're going skinning.

Also, if anyone wants to do some IZ skinning, or just wants some bitchin graphics to play with, check out Room With a Moose. "The Closet" under "Multimedia" has tons of .zip files with transparent PNGs and even EPS files.

Thanks for the replies guys.
You da man! :D

Is ZLauncher capable of animated menus? I havent installed it yet :P