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You want us to line your pockets?
You must be kidding me?!

I am shitting myself with laughter here.

Edit: It would be a good idea, but you shouldn't have mentioned that you are gonna become a millionaire from it. Or gain any money from it, and you should market this at stupid people, and those that often do the lottery. And you need to make sure the prizes are more random, right now, who would do it knowing that probably 0 people have donated so far.

Some people might be stupid enough to do it on myspace, haha.
this sounds like a serious way of getting money as idiots will treat it like a lottery.

due to this, i am assuming it is not your own idea, and that you have stolen it from someone else.

the only reason i didn't delete the link to your site is because nobody here is stupid enough to give you money.
In all honesty its my idea - and its meant not to be taken seriously, but who truly knows. There have been 2 kids in Wiltshire who have made a million doing a similar thing but for example, buying pixels for your graphic on the website and cannot remember the other idea.

But the thing is - I thought of this a few years ago and its completely ridicolous.
In all honesty its my idea - and its meant not to be taken seriously, but who truly knows. There have been 2 kids in Wiltshire who have made a million doing a similar thing but for example, buying pixels for your graphic on the website and cannot remember the other idea.

You mean the Million Dollar Homepage. That idea is actually quite brilliant in its simplicity.

But in his scheme, payers get something back (ad space at the very least). In your scheme, payers get nothing back for their money (except a chance at more money).
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There is a little error in your site that could cost you a lot of money:
For every 5,000th donator up to 1,000,000 £10,000 (or equivalent Currency)
If people are stupid enough to actually donate that is :P
yes, but hes never getting 5000 donators, <_< f*cking spammer
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In all honesty its my idea - and its meant not to be taken seriously, but who truly knows. There have been 2 kids in Wiltshire who have made a million doing a similar thing but for example, buying pixels for your graphic on the website and cannot remember the other idea.

But the thing is - I thought of this a few years ago and its completely ridicolous.
Lets leave how i source my funding out of this ok?
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Mmmmh, I slapped the ho' at 369 mph!

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No man, don't compare yourself with the Million Dollar Homepage. That guy was actually creative and did something special, all you're doing is a shameless scheme with a cocky attitude. If it was up to me I'd just throw you in a hole. :lol:
No man, don't compare yourself with the Million Dollar Homepage

When did I compare myself?

Actually, it's just a scam of a pyramid scheme.

Click here for a definition
-Come again...??

I do agree with this site being completely uncreative and is shameless :D . Though the cocky attitude - I'm completely unaware of.

Maybe people would rather own a few pixels on a website then have an opportunity to win some money. Each to their own I guess.

But makes me quite surprised is the fact that everyone here has spent time looking at the website. I probably wouldn't.
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