gameboy advance emulator????


Still Fresh
Aug 14, 2003
i want to know if there is a gameboyadvance emulator on gp32 and if not if it could be in the future if anyone knows.
i have a alpha version not tryed it aparentl it works but way 2 slow i think its a fake to be honest anyways whats the big deal about the gba emulator anyways just buy one if you want to play the games
Yes there is a gamboy advance emu
No you cant have it because its supposed to be private
No its not fast
No it will never be fast
Hmm... I guess that a fast and native GBA emulator for GP32 wouldn't be such a hard thing to pull off. I mean a thin emulator-layer that translates the GBA-specific issues to GP32.
shhhhhhhh! dont say things like that tokikenshi people are scared of making an gba emulator. Dont give them any crazy ideas on how to make them !
"Just buy one"
Do you think that we can find money everywhere on the street ?
Just be a little more nice, please....
Thank you guys
. I just asking, if somebody knows and want to answer me it's ok but if you don't know just s... or dont't answer.
I really dont give a flying rat's ass whether a GBA emulator is released for the GP32. I'm partly of that opinion because I believe that a full-speed GBA emulator would kill the GP32 because Nintendo would come down so hard on Gamepark, they wouldn't recover. Also, using a GBA emulator is actively encouraging the distribution and copying of currently available (an expensive!) games.

If you want GBA games, get a GBA

If you want better games, stick with the GP32 :D
I think its a good question, but more importantly how do the specs of the GBA and the GP32 compare natively?

Display 3.5" Reflective TFT LCD(65,536 concurrent colors)
Resolution 320 X 240 pixel
ROM 512K
Sound 44.1Khz 16 bit Stereo Sound / 4 Channel Wav Mixing, 16Poly S/W MIDI Support / Earphone Port / 2 Speakers
External Storage Medium Smart Media Card (SMC)
Wireless Multiplayer Gaming 4-Channel RF Module
PC Connection USB Port Connection
Power Supply 2AA batteries (12 hours use time between charges) / DC 3V Adapter
Option Rechargeable Battery
Controls 8-way directional pad (joystick) + Durable 6 key button
MP3 Capability MPEG ( I, II) Audio Support
Other Add-on Applications Image Viewer, Text Viewer, Media Player, E-Book Viewer
RF Module 2.4GHz ISM Band

CPU 32-Bit ARM with embedded memory
DISPLAY: 511 simultaneous colors in character mode and 32,768 simultaneous colors in bitmap mode
MEMORY 32 Kbyte + 96 Kbyte VRAM (in CPU), 256 Kbyte WRAM (external of CPU)
SCREEN (diagonal) reflective TFT color LCD
RESOLUTION 240 x 160 pixels

Lik-Sang rates the power of the GP32 as 4 times the CPU power of a Gameboy Advance (GP32 up to 133mhz? Is that correct), but I do not know enough about both ARM processors to know if this is factual.

hmm... requires a ton of investigation, which I am sure others are already well ahead of me (and more accurately doing so).

HZ :ph34r:
tokikenshi posted on Aug 18 2003 said:
Hmm... I guess that a fast and native GBA emulator for GP32 wouldn't be such a hard thing to pull off. I mean a thin emulator-layer that translates the GBA-specific issues to GP32.
If its not hard, then make one. Im sure we will all be pleased with your great success.
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This has been mentioned several times, but for those who may be new, here it goes again. There are 2 main reasons why a good GBA emulator is not possible.

1st. Although the GP32 runs at nearly 10 times the speed of the GBA, the GBA uses a CUSTOM ARM processor, with a bunch of 2d acceleration features. To emulate these features in software would take more processing power than the GP32 has available.

2nd. The GP32 only has 8 meg of RAM. For an emulator to run a game, the entire game ROM image must be loaded into RAM. Now even if a full speed emulator can be made, it's going to take up at LEAST 2 meg of RAM for itself and the GBA system RAM. That leaves (at best) 6 meg for roms. Many GBA games (especially the good ones) are larger than this.
unlucky posted on Aug 18 2003 said:
shhhhhhhh! dont say things like that tokikenshi people are scared of making an gba emulator. Dont give them any crazy ideas on how to make them !
shhhhhhhh! dont say things that make you look like a tard. Dont research at all into anything anyone is talking about and instead make an uneducated guess !
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If I want to play GBA games i'll buy a GBA. It's kind of lucky that I
have never really been taken with Nintendo. It's the Megadrive emulator I'm waiting for. I would hate to see Nintendo stamp all over Gamepark because of an GBA emulator.
How could Nintendo stamp all over GamePark for the sake of an emulator?
But it would be pretty much in-your-face if someone created a GBA emulator for GP32. Oh, how jealous the GBA people would be... :P
I don't know how they would go about it as I am not a lawyer but Nintendo are a huge company. If a GBA emulator was made for the GP32 I'm sure they would not stand by while they lost money.
How many times are we going to have EXACTLY the same bloody GBA thread ?!?!?!?!
If u actually read the forums u`d notice the same bloody question comes up seemingly every few days.
U`ve got a SNES emulator which is basically all a GBA is anyway - what more do u want ?

Maybe its about time we get a important Bugger Off GBA link at the top of the forum - At least then we wont have to keep reading the same question day in, day out
Next time someone asks about a gba emu, just post no comment. People are so persistent against both issues, they either want it or they fear it. Its stupid either way because a gba emu will NEVER be good enough to play large games at a decent speed.