Gp2x User Guide V1.2


Certified Idiot :)
Jan 11, 2004
London, UK
I have released a new revision of the GP2X User Guide. This version has some changes to a few sections and the main change is a new development setting up guide which now uses Theoddbots compiled libraries. With this setup you can do alot more than with the previous one!

Baring any mistakes this should be the last version for a while so if you want to print out the guide or include it on a CD/DVD this is the version to use. I will shortly be getting in contact with a few people that offered to translate the guide. I would also like to thank everyone that contacted me to say thanks for the guide or gave some suggestions, I have received many emails and tried to reply to them all so if I have missed you out sorry!

You can download this release from GP2X Archive here.
Just going through the emails from people that have offered to translate the guide. So far there is:


I am sure there was a Spanish offer but I cant find the email so if anyone is interested in doing a Spanish translation or any other please reply here. [UPDATE] We now have a Spanish translator.
Ok, now I followed the instructions to the tee, but your demo source cant find any headers for all SDL libraries.

Not sure if I have made a mistake or not, but I tried it with your old demo as well and same result. Tried on a different computer also.
Which file :P?
I downloaded the SDL library files 5 times using IE and Firefoxy, both gave me errors when extracting. Both sources (demo one and two) gave me "cannot find SDL header" errors :(

EDIT: Also when i followed the instructions for the first gp2x guide, the first test demo worked no problem, but the second one didnt due to that I didnt have SDL_ttf.
I think the startup should mention not installing a blank unformatted SD card and powering on to spontaneous bricking.
My mistake! I use different folders to whats used in the guide and forgot to change the path in the arm-linux-sdl-config. I have updated the download with this change and removed one other lib which wasnt needed or included with theoddbots library, you can download the updated file at extract it to devkitGP2X/bin/ as before. This should definately fix the problems with files not being found.

Also, I noticed that setting the paths to devkitgp2x isnt really needed, the only path you need is one to /MinSys/bin
Guyfawkes posted on Dec 28 2005 at 03:12 AM said:
I am sure there was a Spanish offer but I cant find the email so if anyone is interested in doing a Spanish translation or any other please reply here.

Hey I loved your guide! It was an incredible help for me in may aspects. I wonder why this korean guys doesn't include a user manual like yours.

I'd like to contribute in the translation of the guide. Maybe someone (or just the guy who has send you the email) could help in the translation too... How can we do that? Could you PM me and I'll give you my mail to send me the (editable) document?

In case someone whould like to help me too, just reply this message, or just PM me...
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Guyfawkes posted on Dec 27 2005 at 02:12 AM said:
I have released a new revision of the GP2X User Guide. This version has some changes to a few sections and the main change is a new development setting up guide which now uses Theoddbots compiled libraries. With this setup you can do alot more than with the previous one!

Baring any mistakes this should be the last version for a while so if you want to print out the guide or include it on a CD/DVD this is the version to use. I will shortly be getting in contact with a few people that offered to translate the guide. I would also like to thank everyone that contacted me to say thanks for the guide or gave some suggestions, I have received many emails and tried to reply to them all so if I have missed you out sorry!

You can download this release from GP2X Archive here.

Hey, I'm interested in make a translation to the Spanish of your guide! I just send you a mail! Sorry for my poor English! ^^U

See ya!
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Hi, we are a group of spanish members of gp32spain. We are translating the text in a .txt. We need the original word documento to change the text and then make the pdf.

Congratulations for the great user guide!

My email:

A greeting
Wyldkyo hemos empezado a traducir ya... agregame, llevamos mas de 10 hojas ya..

Agregame y halbamos el email esta arriba

Un saludo
Thanks for replying here Javac, I dont visit the gp32spain forums much as its hard to navigate the forums when I dont speak any Spanish.

Later tonight or tomorrow I will be going over the user guide for any final changes and after I will send it to the people who will be translating it. I will also include the original images with the Word doc as it may make it a bit easier for you.
I would change the development tips as follows for a Newbie guide based on the incomplete information I got from Wiki and my efforts to resolve it:

Read the short guide and download the from

Wiki Dev guide

Dev kit all in one zip

Unzip to C:\

Go to Start, Control Panel, System, Advanced, Environment Variables

Select Path and edit

Paste the following on the end


and ok 3 times then close control panel

Shell to Dos prompt

CD c:\devkitGP2X

CD demo

Type Make and press enter

Have a look in the directory for a demo.gpe file (dir) - you can now exit the dos prompt and use explorer to Copy the demo.gpe to your SD card

Copy a small bitmap image called image.bmp into the root of the SD card. Use a photo editor or paint to make one 320x240 pixels in size.

Run the demo.gpe and you should see the bitmap image.

If all you get is a black screen you need to install the SDL libraries from

SDL Libs

Unzip these to root of your SD card, and then run the utility from the utility menu. the screen goes black and then returns to the menu screen. Now re run the demo.gpe from games menu and all should be well and you are on the road to developing for GP2X.
1. This is a really great piece of work. Thank you!

2. Pg 1. Could you put the link to the latest version of the guide? Not just emuboard?

3. Pg 9. I notice that my Windows XP fails to configure the GP2X as a drive. It does recognize it as a valid USB game device, but never adds it as a drive. I end up dropping the SD card into the laptop's built-in card reader to use it as a drive. [HP Zv6000 laptop, Win XP Pro, full configuration on request].

4. Pg 12. The SDL library files are not immediately obvious when following the link to Any chance you could get them to do a redirect page, or provide a navigation hint?

5. Could this be posted as a PDF? The RAR archive contains only the PDF and a readme with the same distribution information as contained in the PDF itself. While it would increase file size by 100K, a PDF makes this one step instead of many. People stuck on WinBlows need to download WinRAR just to view this one file.

Again a great piece of work!
