Gp2x Psx Emulator Released

WrongEyedJesus posted on Dec 7 2005 at 06:54 AM said:
dennis20014 posted on Dec 7 2005 at 01:09 AM said:
I'm getting a Gp2x for xmas so I dont know when it'll come but I'm just lookin up on develpment right now, and its kickin ass! Plenty of guides on how to get stuff on the system and emulators updatin almost everyday. The PSX emulator I'm lookin foward to in particular, I never got an original GP32 cz it was hasty on details about psx emulators or didnt work at a full frame rate, but this baby is shapin up!

I'm also hopin they can get some decent quality n64 emulators out, but even if they don't OLD SCHOOL ROX!

N64-->Old School? :blink:

I'm getting waaaay too old.......
lol me 2.
Old school for me is pong. I still play my Atari 2600 and my Atari Video Pinball 10 in 1 :D
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Iorgy77 posted on Dec 7 2005 at 11:22 AM said:
Anyone tried the PSX NES emu?

An emu in an emu, it boggles the mind. :)

It'd be like playing Super Gameboy on the SNES emulator. I don't think it works, but someone could give it a go. I think someone wrote a Super Gameboy Loader, Google it.
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Jarska333 posted on Dec 22 2005 at 09:06 AM said:
Since that is an acronym, is that not infact four words?

Double Data Rate, Deutches Democratiche Republic, Dance Dance Revolution?
DDR == Dance Dance Revolution.

For all of you europeans I think it got a horribly dreadful name such as Dancing Stage or something like that.
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(I know.)

But frankly my dear, I don't give a damn about it. Because it could well be considered exercise. :)

Or did you need a mat for this, or was it just button smashing?
Jarska333 posted on Dec 22 2005 at 02:02 PM said:
(I know.)

But frankly my dear, I don't give a damn about it. Because it could well be considered exercise. :)

Or did you need a mat for this, or was it just button smashing?
I think it involved a mat.
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on the newest version ridge racer 1 goes ingame but many gfx bugs.

hmm for me 0.10 is still the best version.
how about any of the crash bandicoot or tomb raider games? ive checked the wiki page but i'd like more info :)
I triedy ff7 last night, and it works! OF course though the frame rate is terrible so dont even bother, I kne wit wouldnt work really but I was just seeing if it'd even load
It would be so freeking great if ff7 could be made playable on the GP2X. I would buy a GP2X just for that game. I'm not keeping my hoop up though.
anyone tyed x-com ufo defense / Enemy unknown

I dont have the iso to test myself but if it works i could probably get it.

feddon posted on Dec 27 2005 at 07:59 PM said:
anyone tyed x-com ufo defense / Enemy unknown

I dont have the iso to test myself but if it works i could probably get it.


Man, I would kill for that to be emulated, if not a port... mmmm, X-com...
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