What Mencoder Codec Works?


Still Fresh
I have been struggling to re-encode divx movies to a smaller size. I am using mencoder under linux. It seems like i am doing everything right, the movies play using mplayer and xine, although as soon as i try it on the gp2x i get "unsupported file type." mplayer also says that the file is encoded to divx4, so why wont the mplayer on the gp2x accept it?
here is my command line:
$ mencoder -o test.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=200 -vf scale 320:240 input.avi
thanks everyone :D
I'm no expert but I have a feeling that they havnt' included the full range of codecs yet. I dont think I've seen a single "regular divix" movie not work flawlessly.. but seeing as I dont realy have a way to tell what they are beyond being divx encoded I can't say what the deal is.
give this a try

$mencoder movie.wmv -o movie.avi -ovc lavc -ffourcc DX50 -oac lavc -lavcopts acodec=mp3

just add ur details. I think for the most part add -ffourcc DX50. It will be divx5 then. which should play on your 2x.
yo, thanks alot bmilleker, it works fine now. i knew it must have been something simple that i was missing.
many thanks :)
You should give that wiki page a look at too. Cuts the file size down tremendously. Not sure what the quality will be like though. Give it a shot and report back :p.