Hows The Duke3d Going Woogal?


Oct 11, 2005
I've just been hunting around to try and find all my old games so I'm ready to try woogal's terrific work on delivery day. Unfortunately I can't find my quake and doom disks :(

All i could find that will be useful is Duke3D, which woogal hasn't said anything about recently. Have you had any luck with the audio issues at all? Is there likely to be an earlier release version like Q & Q2?

Although I did find Ms flightsim 1 on a 5 1/4"...Result!

I know this is somewhat of a selfish post but hey it helps push the moany topics off the front page.
I was trying to get it released at the same time as Quake but ran out of time. Then I was working on it last night and for some reason half the buttons weren't responding (probably did something stupid somewhere). Working on it again now, so if I find this bug quickly it will be released tonight (not got much time again).

Audio is there (no music, just sfx) but speech isn't working. Not looked into the reason yet but I'll probably just release anyway so you've got something to play ;)
Thats it, I'm now officially jealous of those who pre-ordered. I mean, Duke3d, Quake, SNES emulator. Sure they may be some bugs and glitches and whatnot, but I have two 8 hour flights coming up *shudders* and I would kill to have something as badass as this on one of those flights.
What data files are needed anyway? I've just had a root around in the directory I've mine and there isn't a huge amount in there, nothing that i would see as similar to a Doom sytle wad file anyway.
BTW, for the most part, the GP32 port runs around 60fps when it is done loading and it isn't in a render-heavy spot. So FPS shouldn't be anything to worry about. Then again, MIDI synth for the music could slow this down a bit.
Were they letting people download Duke3d for free a while back, or am I thinking of Tribes? If not where do I get the game? I've checked 1-5 dollar racks at various places but can't find it. I have a problem downloading games I don't own, and I doubt there would be a torrent anywhere anyway.

Shareware was the best episode anyway, every level was brill, the other eps were about 50/50.

Out of curiosity, will it support the FMVs? "I'll rip your head off and shit down your neck"
Were they letting people download Duke3d for free a while back, or am I thinking of Tribes? If not where do I get the game? I've checked 1-5 dollar racks at various places but can't find it. I have a problem downloading games I don't own, and I doubt there would be a torrent anywhere anyway.

3DRealms sells Duke Nukem at their webstore, I think.
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