Gph != Gpl?

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Believe it or not Sony do comply with the GPL, Heres some source!!

However, Sony and GPH are allowed add any copyrighted bits and pieces alongside the linux operating system and choose any license they wish, as long as it none of the code used in creating the extra bits is not GPL'd.

Although from the outset you can look at it as running linux but there are many extra bits in the GP2x that are definately not linux. Just binary files that run under linux.
Imagine you bought a 'linux' server from IBM or Dell which included there very own super duper linux configuration setup software. You can hardly expect them to GPL everything in the box, they may want to sell the compiled software seperatley or liscence it to any other third party at a later date.

No, but you should expect them to GPL everything that links to or uses GPL-ed code. Otherwise they're violating the license and have no rights to redistribute their derivative works.

Good luck with your lawsuit against Sony that uses Linux for PSP and PS3. Sure, they'll happily open up the guts of those.

Aside from some binary-only kernel modules, it's my understanding that Sony released the sources for the PS2 Linux distro. Why they wouldn't do the same for the PS3 is beyond me.

Edit: See this page for more details. Basically the source comes with PS2 Linux when you buy it, though there are binary-only kernel modules for certain pieces of hardware.
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If the GPLed source code (the Kernel in this case) has been modified, then they're obligated to distribute the source code of the modified version, along with the GPL terms and EULA.

Since the GPL copyright is a "virical" type of license, all the works/modifications made off that source, are infected with the same license. So they're in the obbligation of releasing at least the kernel source code if they ever changed anything (wich probabilly did).

About the drivers, if they made them from scratch (yet again, I don't think so) and doesn't uses that license, they're in the right on not releasing anything.

Anyway, there has been some issues with people don't releasing GPLed source code, like gpQuake 0.5 or Quake2x (in wich I want to see the source code :P).

See ya!

Edit: Btw, could couldn't they understand if there's even a translation to korean of the GPL license:
GPH is good about these kind of things, you'd expect them to be since almost all programs that have ran/will run on their hardware are homebrew. However, they have been slow in the past to do things. They'll probably eventually release all the sourcecode to everything except the launcher code for encyrypted/DRM'ed/Commercial binaries.
Besides, they don't have to have the source available anywhere, as long as they provide it upon request, the can also have it for download somewhere (doesn't have to be distributed along with the handheld)...

Just my 2 cents =/
Besides, they don't have to have the source available anywhere, as long as they provide it upon request, the can also have it for download somewhere (doesn't have to be distributed along with the handheld)...

Just my 2 cents =/

The console hasn't even really been released yet. Everywhere still says "pre-order" for it. If they haven't released the source once all the pre-orders have been cleared, then think about taking action.

Until then, have some freaking patience. They aren't trying to screw us over, because without us, there wouldn't be a GP2X.

All this hype about them breaking the GPL licence is uncalled for.
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I'm going to post about Linux source in GP2X forum, but as I'm Spanish and my English is not too good, I would like someone could correct the following text:


Now that GP2X is on sale, there is no reason to not make public the Linux kernel source code.

As you must know, due to Linux's GPL License you must make available the source code in the same moment that a binary (in this case the GP2X firmware) is made public or you will have legal problems.

You can read about it in korean here:

By the way, when you publish the source, the kernel actual problems could be solved by lots of people so it is another good reason to do it.

After reading this, are you going to publish kernel source code?


posting there is pretty senseless as anna (the one who answers at the forum) is aware of the issue, now calm down guys, stop crying, and just wait a bit...
posting there is pretty senseless as anna (the one who answers at the forum) is aware of the issue, now calm down guys, stop crying, and just wait a bit...

She is aware of the issue, but she doesn't do anything :angry:

You're right, maybe the best is not do anything and let FSF know about it.
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It's not out here yet, so I dont think we should be worrying too much.. yet.
She is aware of the issue, but she doesn't do anything :angry:

You're right, maybe the best is not do anything and let FSF know about it.
Is your girlfriend going to die unless you get the source code RIGHT NOW or something?
Seriously, where do these impatient people come from? GPH is not out to ruin your life dude, give them a chance.
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She is aware of the issue, but she doesn't do anything :angry:

You're right, maybe the best is not do anything and let FSF know about it.
Is your girlfriend going to die unless you get the source code RIGHT NOW or something?
Seriously, where do these impatient people come from? GPH is not out to ruin your life dude, give them a chance.

Since it's illegal, not excuses for violating GPL, you can't say violated GPL because your dog eated the source code or your mother put in the trash ;)
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Ehm, right, I'm not sure what you're trying to say... Not bashing you for your english, just the truth.
But anyway, I think you misunderstand me. Of course they need to release everything they are bound to by the GPL, but does it really matter if it takes a little longer? I personally don't think it's worth spamming a forum over, let alone threatening to turn them over to some authority on it. What exactly would that achieve? Oh great maybe you can get GPH shut down... then what? Give us your address so we can all come throw rocks through your windows for destroying one of the greatest things that happened in this time for homebrew? Just be a bit friendlier, the world has enough nastiness.
Ehm, right, I'm not sure what you're trying to say... Not bashing you for your english, just the truth.
But anyway, I think you misunderstand me. Of course they need to release everything they are bound to by the GPL, but does it really matter if it takes a little longer? I personally don't think it's worth spamming a forum over, let alone threatening to turn them over to some authority on it. What exactly would that achieve? Oh great maybe you can get GPH shut down... then what? Give us your address so we can all come throw rocks through your windows for destroying one of the greatest things that happened in this time for homebrew? Just be a bit friendlier, the world has enough nastiness.

Yes, because they must do it when released the binaries (in the gp2x page and now when Korean launch).

What do you mean, fanatism to GPH? Rocks in my windows or on me? That remembers me to Life of Brian.

I consider not releasing the source code of the (L)GPL'd stuff on GP2X one of the worsest things that happened in this time for homebrew and open-source. Releasing source code is not rocket science and Anna Hong could doing it putting some files (tar.gz or tar.bz2) on the page with them. There are no excuses for violating a license, and they said to be OPEN and good to their customers but violating a license because it's free, I think that is named with a word: HYPOCRITE.

I'm not an evil GPH hater, I want GP2X but not the GPH attitude with open-source. Thanks to using Linux, they have more interested people but because their pathetic attitude, they are started to being a lot less liked by people who understand and promote the open-source movement (wich GP2X is based on it).

I only want GPH consider it and fixing their faults, or people thinking about this and doing some campaign if GPH in the near future still not want to release their GPL/LGPL source codes...

(And my english is too bad, I need to learn a lot more, it's being worse because reading a lot of other wrong engrish, specially from asian people, sorry...)
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You're not understanding me.
As I said, of course they need to release everything they are bound to release by the GPL. I am just saying that the device is not even in the hands of customers outside of korea (which covers most people on this forum) so in my opinion it's a little bit early to go crying and threatening and generally making an ass out of yourself.
If the entire opensource community is this uptight, I can understand why companies will think twice before entering (I hope it's just the few people now that make the rest look bad).
Again, I am not saying they don't have to release the source, I am just saying, give them some time. You're not dealing with a great big evil company *cough*sony*cough* here
You're not understanding me.
As I said, of course they need to release everything they are bound to release by the GPL. I am just saying that the device is not even in the hands of customers outside of korea (which covers most people on this forum) so in my opinion it's a little bit early to go crying and threatening and generally making an ass out of yourself.
If the entire opensource community is this uptight, I can understand why companies will think twice before entering (I hope it's just the few people now that make the rest look bad).
Again, I am not saying they don't have to release the source, I am just saying, give them some time. You're not dealing with a great big evil company *cough*sony*cough* here

No, the problem is that for them open-source is equal of free and less work, ignoring the license and violating it. There are not problems in open-source communities if respecting the licenses, but that's is not too common actually (it needs the license being proved in courts for companies respecting more the license and being more afraid for not violating it).

That's not excuse about GP2X not released outside Korea, they released a binary to the public and released the console in Korea without the source code.

There aren't evil or good companies, I don't worry about such childish terms. They are violating a license, that's all. Not excuses because too small company, every company must be careful about stuff like licenses (their attitude about respecting SD license but not GPL/LGPL licenses is very crap).

I can't understand why talking about GPH like being friends, they are a corporation that sells a product, if giving the GP2X for free, then it can be very different...
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Man I give up, yes, you're right, you have the letter of the law by your side, and you're still an asshole (or at least defending someone who seemed to act like one)
I'm just glad that despite all the fuckwits in the world, I'm still able to assume good intentions unless proven otherwise, you seem to do the opposite and I feel sorry for you.
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