I'm not an all that experienced programmer, but I propably not all that bad either. And I'm quick to learn. Right now I'm about 75% through learning java, but after that I though I would give C++ a go. (I am familliar to the language as I did some small suff a few years ago, but never really got in to it.) A friend of mine would LOVE to see a NES sequencer for the gpx2, and it seems like an interesting project. So I though could ask you some question about this. First of all, how hard do you think it would be?
To write the it from scratch would of cource be very difficult, but maby there is some nice librerys out there one could use? If not, maby code could be ported? I'm NOT asking for code examples or for someone to walk me through this. I would just be very greatful for some general advice thats all.
Since I have almost no experince of C++, you could save me a lot hassle just by pointing me in the right direction. 
Thanks a lot.
To write the it from scratch would of cource be very difficult, but maby there is some nice librerys out there one could use? If not, maby code could be ported? I'm NOT asking for code examples or for someone to walk me through this. I would just be very greatful for some general advice thats all.
Thanks a lot.