I'm Sure There's One Of These Every Week


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
been away for quite a while, checked back in desperately hoping F-day would have come and passed... I needs me some FPCE32!!!

It was nice to find a much-updated version of DrMD (CONTRA!!! BLOODY CONTRA WORKING 100%!!!!!), but still no Ryleh stuff :(

So what's the latest word? FPCE PLEAAAAASSSEEEE! Gonna have to update my PSP sooner or later :( need my PCE handheld fix, no I'm not buying a pce GT/turbo express :P and the screen tearing and funky framerate speeds of GPengine bug me... sorry I'm picky!
Rlyeh's emus may go straight to gp2x, but nobody is 100% sure at the moment except the man himself.

Squidge is working on a pc engine emu and an amiga one for the gp2x, so if you intend to get one, you will probably find what you need with this instead of your gp32.
HPL will, I'm sure, go straight to the GP2x, but that doesn't mean the emus won't come out for everything else as well - that is, after all, the whole point of the library, unless I'm much mistaken; port it and no tweaking later, the emu should compile for whatever system its supposed to be on :).

So I imagine, fday will be the day when HPL is brought pver to all the systems Rlyeh wants to work with - which certainly includes both GP32 and 2x.
HPL will, I'm sure, go straight to the GP2x, but that doesn't mean the emus won't come out for everything else as well - that is, after all, the whole point of the library, unless I'm much mistaken; port it and no tweaking later, the emu should compile for whatever system its supposed to be on :).

So I imagine, fday will be the day when HPL is brought pver to all the systems Rlyeh wants to work with - which certainly includes both GP32 and 2x.

Indeed Rlyeh's HPL library makes it easier for him to port. I wouldn't be surprised if F-day will indeed feature Gp32 and GP2x releases. Wasn't he also developing his HPL library for the Zodiac or something? We actually might see those wonderfull splash screens featured on many a portable TFT screen, world domination is at hand! That is if Rlyeh feels up to it. Mwoehahahaaha ;)
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been away for quite a while, checked back in desperately hoping F-day would have come and passed... I needs me some FPCE32!!!

It was nice to find a much-updated version of DrMD (CONTRA!!! BLOODY CONTRA WORKING 100%!!!!!), but still no Ryleh stuff :(

So what's the latest word? FPCE PLEAAAAASSSEEEE! Gonna have to update my PSP sooner or later :( need my PCE handheld fix, no I'm not buying a pce GT/turbo express :P and the screen tearing and funky framerate speeds of GPengine bug me... sorry I'm picky!

I thought you could always downgrade PSP FW or run a hack to allow you to run new games without upgrading.
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It was nice to find a much-updated version of DrMD (CONTRA!!! BLOODY CONTRA WORKING 100%!!!!!),

Oh man, is it ever.
When I first got the new Dr.Md installed I went straight to playing Contra: Hard Corps, got up to the bull boss and then... past the bull boss.
A fully working Contra:Hard Corps on gp32 at last :)
Rheesy just keeps making that emulator better and better.

As for f-day, this speculation about a potential gp32/gp2x duel release, seems like an awsome idea. Rlyeh emulated a lot of systems, to see them all show up on the gp2x on the same day, would be one amazingly great day for the gp2x.
i doubt we will ever see anything better for PCE emulation than what we have in GPengine. I say that after having watched the scene for a good couple of yrs now!!

and that's fine, GPEngine does a damn good job such as it is.
i doubt we will ever see anything better for PCE emulation than what we have in GPengine. I say that after having watched the scene for a good couple of yrs now!!

and that's fine, GPEngine does a damn good job such as it is.

How could anything give you the attention that an old emu can`t be overcome?

SNES got worked on and is just a tad better now, DrMD is best as ever and DrSMS kicks butt of all other SMS emus.
There is also MAME now, which was always thought as nearly impossible.
There was a Duke3D and a Hexen port.

So, WHY THE HELL do you think you can give such a prognose after obviously not really watching the scene?

And as I`m looking at all other f-emus, I won`t doubt that rlyeh is able to make a better pce emu...
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call it a hunch. anyway..

PCE = much lower profile than SNES or Genesis, in the scene anyway. maybe not in japan back in the day, but you know what I am saying.

anyway at this late stage in the GP32s life, we literally have devs getting kits for the next system anyway.. rlyeh's been very very quiet and the only progress report he ever made of fPCE was that it didn't really do much of anything at all..

on top of that like i said, GPEngine does a more than satisfying job of emulation anyway.

though i would LOVE it if another one came up at this point, don't get me wrong - i want blazing lazers and legenday axe to be fixed, believe you me!!
I am looking forward to see some needed improvements in fZX32.

Not emulation improvements (since the emulator plays just about anything I throw at it), but configuration ones, like alowing to remap the stick to different keys for those old games that don't support joysticks nor redefining keys.

I realy hope we can see fday, soon enough. (maybe the GP2x has given the man a little push ;))

By the way, Is there a better Spectrum emu for the GP32?
Well we COULDA had magic engine ported to the GP32 if y'all weren't such a bunch of cheap asses :D :P Seriously, David Michel did state he was interested in porting Magic Engine to the GP but I started a poll on the subject (one which he did actually check out) and seemed a lot of people had no interest in paying for the emu. I have already paid for his PC version and I love it, it is the most professionally done emu out there if you ask me. Though anyone who bought the PC version could have probably had the GP version for free, I'd still have paid another $15 to get it on my GP. We may still see it on GP as well as DC.

GP Engine works fine but you can tell it is a half done product. The lack of saves, the inconsistent frame rate speeds, the lack of a Vsync option (why am I the only person immensely bothered by screen tearing?)... it's not perfect at all and could definately stand to be improved. And I'm 100% sure that there is room with the GP32 hardware to make a better PCE emu.

In the meantime... Lubidog :P :P :P I haven't even touched my PSP in months... no wait that's a lie I did play a bit of Burnout recently, great port of a very fun game. Anyways you KNOW I'm no fanboy and I know you're just kidding :D

Dave C.... ahhhh Dave C how I've missed you and your sarcasm and negativity. As far as downgrading my PSP and all that... actually I have no need to as of yet. I still have a 1.5 and a 1.0 PSP, neither which get's used much. There are STILL no games out as of yet that have really interested me, I could care less about yet ANOTHER grand theft auto... so I have no plans of updating any time soon, and even if I did, my 1.0 will NEVER be updated. But we've already been over all this, I already told you long ago that I do agree there are times when the GP is preferable to the PSP for emulation (particularly for Genesis which still hasn't been matched on PSP). Also, lately my memory stick is just too full and I don't even have any emu's on there at the moment. Mostly though it's not being able to play the PSP well in bright/sunlit conditions that keeps me coming back to the GP every so often. PCE *DOES* run better on the PSP though, perfect frame rate, Vsync, 6 button support, CD ROM support... *shrug* I dunno, I would still love to see it perfected on the GP.
Since I got World of Warcraft a month ago I haven't touched any handheld, apart from my enormous penis! And I can't really imagine doing so for some time. Although i have preordered the GP2x, and am in the first batch to recieve it, I expect I will be using it to watch movies. I have hundreds of preconverted films in Mpeg4, so I am praying that it'll play them easily enough, as you all know how clever I am at things like this (ie. not at all).

But soon when all these lovely emus appear, then the GP2x'll come to the fore. I agree with Bast (as always) about the lack of save states. I want to complete those shootemups!!!
it would have been very impressive, no, not lubidog's penis, but having a conversion of magic engine on the gp32. But virtually nobody will pay for an emu whatsoever round these parts. I think if everyone knew that he had to pay NEC for an official license, many people may have been able to understand better and would possibly have stumped up the moolah for it.
well magicengine on GP is still a possibility. The coder wants to do it just to do it. But then, that was a while back... things have changed a bit by now, with GP2X on the way and all. At the time he had said that WHENEVER the PC/Mac versions ever are 'done' in his eyes (pretty damn close to it now as most can't see how it could get any better), he would like to move on to other open platforms.

Lubi - WoW huh? I want to play so bad but have neither the time or a PC powerful enough to do it justice. Looks like a blast though... like Everquest had actually been more than a chat room with nice graphics :D

Seriously though WoW looks a blast, much faster paced and easier to get into than most MMO's, and doesn't punish you severely if you can't play 40 hours a week. I envy you :P

I hardly play ANY of my systems anymore, handheld or otherwise. Just not a lot of time. I do usually sneak in a few minutes of DrMD before bedtime, playing lots of Contra Hard Corps (gaaawwwwwwwww). Was playing a lot of DS at work when Castlevania came out but got VERY stuck on the last boss. Also some Gunstar Super Heroes. At home, I got stuck on Resident Evil 4 (for like the fifth time!!!!!!!!!!) and dont' want to move on to anything else (God of War, Devil May Cry 3, Forza Motorsport... damn I'm so behind!) until I finish it. But really, I just don't have much time, and now a lot of new good stuff coming out for X-mas to put me even MORE behind 'schedule'. Damn....
Before WOW, i wasn't playing anything either. But an odd half hour here and a 45 minute session there, and you can still keep up. The game actually rewards you by not playing-you get double experience points the longer you don't play for. And it is just FUN!

But my pc powerful? I have an old centrino lappy, 1.6GHz, mobile ATI Radeon 9200 and it plays fine, so...!

Christmas, I'll have more time. But really a game will have to be good to drag my precious freetime away from WoW...