Is There Anywhere To Buy Piranah's In The Uk?


Jul 12, 2004
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I've wanted a few piranah's now for a while but i cant find anywhere on the internet that sells them in the u.k :-( does anyone know of any pet shops/specialist shops that sell piranah's in the u.k

i dont want to import them i'd rather buy them that have already been imported to the country.

are they legal to buy?

cheers for any help

gary.mckeown posted on Oct 18 2005 at 10:26 AM said:
I've wanted a few piranah's now for a while but i cant find anywhere on the internet that sells them in the u.k :-( does anyone know of any pet shops/specialist shops that sell piranah's in the u.k

i dont want to import them i'd rather buy them that have already been imported to the country.

are they legal to buy?

cheers for any help


They are legal to buy, I know some people selling them (8 of them), They are red bellied Piranah, Some of my local fish stores sell them, Word of warning, MAke sure you read up on them before owning them

Good place to looke is the site below, They ship to anywhere in the UK:
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MINT :-D cheers for the link mate.

i'll definately read up on them b4 i buy them dont want them ripping me apart lol


Ive owned red bellies for years and theyre really not that vicious. Theyre more nervous than anything else, often scared and flighty. If you want a real vicious pet go for a black bellied piranha. They only grow to around half the size (about 6-8 inches), but MAN are they nasty. Left over night in one of my tanks, it went through 6 red bellies. IN EIGHT HOURS!!!
jesus christ lol i think i'll stay away from those then cuz i've got a little sister that will not listen if i say it will eat her lol

what kind of equipment am i going to need for the red bellies?

depends how many you want to keep. your best option is a 6x2x2 tank which should house 6 piranhas in relative comfort. a bit taller would be nice if you can afford the space. If you cant get a 6ft tank, get a 4ft one and just keep 2 in there. Youll need a heater (300watt will be more tahn enough). Youll also need lighting hoods etc, but most importantly for piranhas is the filtration system as tehy produce truck loads of shit. Go for what you can afford, but a fluval 404 external filter offers good value for money and will cope with 6 piranhas. Its about 70 quid its somewhere like pets at home i think. Dont bother getting them if you cant afford decent filtartion, as they will die fairly quickly.
so i'm basically best getting a 6x2x2 tank & spending around £100 on the filter so they dont die?

i cant find any piranahs here
i've emailed them so hopefully they'll get back to me

whats the best thing to feed them? dont fancy giving them mice and stuff but maybe little shitty weak fish or something i can get from a shop preferably.

il add there isnt one recorded incident of a paranha killing a human! if you try to prove me wrong, your only lieing to yourself! :lol:
A big fish place near mine sells Piranahs.

I tell ya, Piranahs have a bad name for no reason, a single piranah bite would be hard to even notice.
Kop_007 posted on Oct 18 2005 at 10:05 PM said:
A big fish place near mine sells Piranahs.

I tell ya, Piranahs have a bad name for no reason, a single piranah bite would be hard to even notice.

People keeping some species have lost fingers to them so i'd say you'd definitly notice a bite!
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found a place about 5 mins from my house that sells them, £3 each. £160 for the tank,pump and other stuff you need to get started. :-) i'll be getting these at the weekend.
saintdragon posted on Oct 18 2005 at 06:32 PM said:
il add there isnt one recorded incident of a paranha killing a human! if you try to prove me wrong, your only lieing to yourself! :lol:

There was a shipping disaster where something like 200 people died when a riverboat sank near a school/swarm of piranas. I believe it was the worst river disaster in recorded history.

can't find a source though so it may just be a story along the lines of "Bat Boy found with Elvis!"
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But what do you want Piranhas for?

In my opinion, they are one of the worst fish to have.

They may come with a 'cool' factor but the extra care is just not worth it.

I'm a big cichlid fan myself. Nice, meaty looking fish, which come in all shapes (well they're ok), sizes and colours.
my dad's talked me out of getting piranha's too high maintenance.

What coldwater fish are there that are like the piranha?

we used to have some catfish that were HUUUGE but i cant remember what kind they were.
As I said, Piranhas are high maintenance in my opinion, so you made the right decision.

Why do you want coldwater fish now? The only difference between you average coldwater and tropical fish is the heater you have to stick in the tank (certin species are different however). It's that easy.

A Pacu is a tropical fish that looks like a Piranha if your interested in that...they can grow to huge sizes though, so be careful.

There are a number of coldwater catfish you can being the one I've seen the most of...however my absolute favourite is the 'hammerhead catfish' (I don't know if that's its proper name) - it's a bottom dweller so It doesn't swim around to much, but they look well good.
cold water fish will be easier to look after wont they?

Yeah catfish are mint, i'll probably end up with one of those, sadly tho the one that we used to have is no longer for sale :-( i'll find out tonight what kind it was and message tomorrow, hopefully my dad was just bullshitting so i wouldnt get one lol.