GP32 Is It Me Or Is C++ Very Mathimatically Intensive?


Oct 12, 2005
Pasco, WA | USA
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Well, i just bought C++ for dummies, and it is really intersting, im on about the second chapter. For some reason a lof of what goes on has to do a lot with math, mostly algebra 1, but im not that far into the book.

Does C++ get more mathimatically intense?
well seeing as computers perform complex math problems to do everything, yeah that would be a logical conclusion
You can also try PHP, it's a language especially made for stupid people.
Funny. How did you think C++ was going to be coded? 'When mario jumps on the goomba, it dies and gives him 100 points.' *Compile and run* "Dammit why isn't this working!!!!" :P
Shaking Your Fist Productions posted on Oct 15 2005 at 09:30 AM said:
Funny. How did you think C++ was going to be coded? 'When mario jumps on the goomba, it dies and gives him 100 points.' *Compile and run* "Dammit why isn't this working!!!!" :P
I wouldn't make fun if I were you.
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Look at ANY programming language and you'll find it requires some knowledge of Algebra. Even BASIC (but thats not, of course, a programming language :P). I was coding BASIC when I was 10 and didn't know a word of Algebra. I figured enough of it out from the manual, I didn't even know I was doing a form of Algebra, or even what Algebra was.
pea posted on Oct 15 2005 at 11:08 AM said:
hehe :P funny thing is, Jengo - what did you THINK it was going to be like? Writing a story?

well... i didnt think it was going to invlove algebra, not like thats a problem or anything algebra is quite simple. But for some reason i just always used to think it used basic math skills, the most (addition, subtraction, multiplication and divsion) wich it does use of course... just not like this...

But the main reasion i made this topic (see above) is if it gets more complex,

this is my first Programming language that i am trying to learn. i have no past experience in any programming language.
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Jengo posted on Oct 15 2005 at 06:04 PM said:
pea posted on Oct 15 2005 at 11:08 AM said:
hehe :P funny thing is, Jengo - what did you THINK it was going to be like? Writing a story?

well... i didnt think it was going to invlove algebra, not like thats a problem or anything algebra is quite simple. But for some reason i just always used to think it used basic math skills, the most (addition, subtraction, multiplication and divsion) wich it does use of course... just not like this...

But the main reasion i made this topic (see above) is if it gets more complex,

this is my first Programming language that i am trying to learn. i have no past experience in any programming language.
its a decent question, good luck with your coding
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I started with TI BASIC for a few months, then I got Borland C++ and a book. You should be fine.
Rattboi posted on Oct 15 2005 at 02:51 PM said:
I started with TI BASIC for a few months, then I got Borland C++ and a book. You should be fine.

TI Basic is awesome man :) Especially for the 68k calcs.
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You might _use_ arithmetic etc, but it has nothing to do with the language.

ie: C, C++ and most other languages support a grammr for descriving programming flow, structure building, etc. (ie: Defining a function, variables, if statements, etc.) The language doesn't care what you do with it, nor how you get it done. (ie: "C" doesn't know about files, but the standard C library supports some function for working with files; the language itself couldn't care less.)

So your book might be doing some algebra, but thats its bidniz; if you're just writing a file copies, all you need is addition, for instance.

Not really true. As soon as you use a single variable, you are already using algebra. Assigning a value to an arbitrary label is part of algebra, i.e:
a = 5;

so you can't really get away from it.

You are right though, the rest is structures and language constructs like conditional statements, loops, functions etc. And then you get more complex with objects, pointers and so on ;)
i'm not really up with all of my programming terminology (learned to program mostly from guides on the net and trial and error) and the only language i'm currently know is Visual Basic (if that counts :P ) so i'm sorry if this sounds stupid, but what is a pointer? (heard it mentioned when I ventured into C++, but i never really got anywhere with c++, i'm planning on trying again when i get some time).
First of all: BASIC(and anything based of it, VB,, QBASIC, etc) should be burned off the face of the earth.

Second: It depends of the applications, simple IO apps don't need much math. 3D games will eat your brain out.(math wise)

Inopia: PHP is much better that ASP,, JSP, and ColdFusion.

deadlychicken22: a pointer holds the memory address of another variable.