Sdl And C++ Tutorials?

Sep 18, 2005
Sorry that I keep posting basically the same thing, but I can never find my previous topics on here (are they deleted?). Just wondering if theres any tutorials that could get me started on C++ here, if you guys can give me any links to anything, that would really help. Thanks!
Shaking Your Fist Productions posted on Oct 14 2005 at 11:32 PM said:
Sorry that I keep posting basically the same thing, but I can never find my previous topics on here (are they deleted?). Just wondering if theres any tutorials that could get me started on C++ here, if you guys can give me any links to anything, that would really help. Thanks!

But i thought you've already ported halo to the gpx2...
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Alright, first of all, its not a Halo port, its a fangame, 2d sidescroller in the style of Liero X, if you've ever played it. Second, I found out that the software I'm currently using doesn't work with the GP2X. So If anyone can help me, please do.
man, Digitalawakening already made a big thread on this!!
go to the gp2x dev forum and check out jislizard's links
yaustar posted on Oct 14 2005 at 09:43 PM said:

Go with C first, it's a much smaller language then C++.
Definitely. C++ requires you to learn a more complex programming paradigm, which IMHO just gets in the way when you're just starting out. For proof of this, just go to your library and compare "The C programming language" by Kernighan and Ritchie with "The C++ programming language", by Stroustrup - both books describe their respective languages in similar detail and in a very similar style (hint: the C++ book is significantly bigger than the C book). Also, C++ is (mostly) a superset of C, so you won't have wasted your time learning C; you can use all the stuff you learnt in C (and most of the useful C functions you will end up keeping in your bag'o'tricks) when you "upgrade" to C++. The same applies to Java and C#, if you're considering either of those.
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Inopia posted on Oct 15 2005 at 05:40 PM said:
why people are even replying to these threads I'll never know :)

people are just trying to be nice, whats wrong with that anyway?
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Jengo posted on Oct 15 2005 at 01:08 PM said:
Inopia posted on Oct 15 2005 at 05:40 PM said:
why people are even replying to these threads I'll never know :)

people are just trying to be nice, whats wrong with that anyway?
Because the OP is obviously blind as a bat.
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Will anyone (I may do it) port the JAVA runtime to the GP2X? Because I can cook up a storm of stuff in that language, and if C++ isn't that different from java, then I may be able to learn that too, as they are both OOP langugaes, and share similar functions becuse of the 5.0 release of java (printf << >> etc...)
I'm in roughly the same boat, PsyMastr. My understanding of C++ is that it's essentially Java without the same structuring, with most commands that don't reference some pre-made class or something being very similar if not the same - code inside a class (or whatver passes for one in C++) is often indistinguishable between Java and C++, at least at some levels.
except java is lame, slow, and the "platform-independant" part comes with a 50mb very platform-dependant interpreter.

learning java is almost as bad as learning vb. except it sounds smarter.
drocon posted on Oct 21 2005 at 03:28 AM said:
except java is lame at slow at and the "platform-independant" part comes with a 50mb very platform-dependant interpreter.

learning java is almost as bad as learning vb. except it sounds smarter.

I learned VB :P

It was just so simple I couldn't resist....

And now i'm having a hard time learning c++....
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Learn C instead, OO really only come to its own on large projects as it makes code more maintainable (although saying that Quake3 was in C I think).