Noob Question....need A Straight Answer


Oct 9, 2005
Hi all,

Been reading up on this system and all i want to know id will be able to run MAME at full speed? ( im not talking ridge racer, im talking capcom classics such as the street fighter series, and games around that era).

Also why the hell does everyone keep on about GBA this emualtion and GBA that....jesus you can pick these machines up for a few quid go out and buy a fucking GBA!.

Well hope someone answers my question as i cant be arsed to search, i dont want to do anything else on the machine except have it for MAME.

If it cant do that then im not interested :)

actually when you say "i cant be arsed to search" people are much less likly to answer your question, but I'm a helper, I like to help.

The answer is "I dunno". With the system not out yet there's only a few people with the dev boards who might be able to answer it and they're either not talking or working on other things. But look at it this way if you searched you would find the MAME on the GP32 runs a lot of games really well so a stronger system should be ableto run many of these classic games better.

As for GBA emulation; 2 reasons. 1. People like getting free stuff and 2. it's easier to carry 30 games on a flash cart or card then to actually carry 30 games in separate cartridges. if you want a simper answer: lazyness.
Ahhh i basically this system could be a complete flop then with no real " potential" for good emualtors that run at full speed.

Thanks for the help was going to place an order but i think ill hold back. I just read it as its going to be this amazing handheld machine with enough power to run emualtors at full speed.....time for me to some more reading i think, but i defo wont be ordering one now.

Stick with my PSP even though the emualtin scene has gone dead on that, all im looking for is a powerfull little handheld to run mame! lol

Thanks again for the help
You really have your wires crossed mate. It has the potential for good emulators. We already have ports of PC engine, Amiga and Quake on the go. And that's from ONE developer.

The bottom line is, we won't know till someone tries it and the hardware is released.

Just keep your eye on this machine over the next couple of months if you are still not sure.

Side note: We have one mame port on the gp32 which plays a lot of the 1980's games.
A complete flop? :P

If the gp32 ran mame games good, surely the gp2x (a much stronger and newer unit) will do the same + better.

I'm sure this handheld will be a little emulation wonder (Well, a lot is being developed for it at the moment, and once it's released to the public, a whole more wll come).

And yeah, think about all the rest comming too. :P

Qua emulation (not only talking about speed) and homebrew market, this is a much better shoice than the psp. :)

(Have you read the currently in development list at gph's site?)
A loser. *Nod* He's got ONE purpose in mind for whatever he buys, and even it it already did everything else (which it seems to do, in my opinion), sounds like wants it to do that one function %100 perfect right when he gets it.

And if he can't be bothered to take about 15 seconds to search the GP2X channel of the forum for MAME, it's rather pathetic, and I'm normally nice to noobs. Just something about this one that irritates me.
lots of new people to a scene that dont take the time to get used to it before they dive in eventually do hit a raw nerve but it's not everyone. Heck some are actually coming to code, others are genuinely curious about it so I wouldnt lump everyone into one group.
Alpha2 posted on Oct 10 2005 at 02:51 PM said:
lots of new people to a scene that dont take the time to get used to it before they dive in eventually do hit a raw nerve but it's not everyone. Heck some are actually coming to code, others are genuinely curious about it so I wouldnt lump everyone into one group.

Well put. Noob myself (first post the other week) I want to code for the machine, as well as get into some emu's and home brew. To be honest I probably enjoy coding stuff more nowadays than playing games, but hopefully with the gp2x I will be able to adjust that balance and get it right.

Can't wait to get my hands on the machine ! Hopefully will tie in well with the completion of my vic-20 mini-game entry.


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JaqMs posted on Oct 10 2005 at 12:24 AM said:
Is it just me or has the noobs around here been getting demanding?

lol noob. I wouldn't feel brave enough to call anyone a noob if I had a member number 5000+
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Cyclops posted on Oct 10 2005 at 09:55 AM said:
JaqMs posted on Oct 10 2005 at 12:24 AM said:
Is it just me or has the noobs around here been getting demanding?

lol noob. I wouldn't feel brave enough to call anyone a noob if I had a member number 5000+

What I meant by "noobs" is people that are new to the GP2X. I mean normally someone wouldn't walk up to a PSP box and say it needs a single thing that you want or you won't buy it. Usually they are here to ask questions/get answers to fuel their need of getting a GP2X.
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But the only question i had was will it run mame full speed....that is THE only reason id buy one, truthfully.

I wouldnt want it for anything else.

Anyways thanks for some of the helpfull comments ill keep reading these forums and see how things go.
stepp posted on Oct 10 2005 at 05:04 PM said:
But the only question i had was will it run mame full speed....that is THE only reason id buy one, truthfully.

I wouldnt want it for anything else.

Anyways thanks for some of the helpfull comments ill keep reading these forums and see how things go.

I sympathize, but I think you should choose your words more carefully. Your posts sounded awfully like a flamebait.

I've already placed my 200$ wager that the system will have good emulation potential. Like you, I'm eagerly awaiting a good handheld MAME unit, so far the PSP and Zodiac I own cannot do it enough for my liking. Oddly, last I checked the Zodiac is further along with mame than the PSP is, despite its lesser power of the two.

I'm probably going to sell my Zodiac 2 depending on how much I like the GPX2 when I get it. Of course, I wont really know how good it is until months down the road, I cannot expect it to fulfill my needs instantly. But the more I read these forums, the more I have faith in this community in comparison to the PSP homebrew scene. Maybe its the n00b in me.

I see it like this, I look at how many homebrew apps are out for the tapwave, I remembered going to for awhile, and I saw a list of 'free must have apps' some post around the multimedia boards I think. There were maybe 4 or 5 homebrew. Zodtris, and some sniper game come to mind, was it called orbital sniper? Anyway, I think that the problems between the community and the company caused the entire thing to fall under. I've heard the homebrew scene for zodiacs is better since I stopped looking, somehow.

Then, the PSP. While it's the most powerful on the market, Sony is constantly trying to kill one of the few redeeming things left about their handheld. They haven't released any new games that are worthwhile, but GTA3:LCS is coming out soon, and I'm sure that'll sell a shitload of units. GTA3:LCS will probably also have the 2.01 patch, forcing many of us to make that inevitable choice.

I could say I've wasted alot of money on handhelds looking for the right choice. For a long time the flash card in my GBA was enough for me, and then the SRAM battery died :(

Now, this is the part of the rant where I might sound a bit crazy. Of the zodiac, and the PSP, I've never really felt like the device was 'my own'. This isn't just about the DRM, but I just felt like the devices themselves were limited in a way I can't put my finger on. To this day, I'm still tossing money out for a device that just feels right, and I'm hoping the GPX2 doesn't disappoint.

Where am I hoping it doesn't disappoint? Specifically SNES, and MAME. I'm not trying to be demanding when I say this, but I'm really hoping SNES meets my expectations eventually.

LJZ (now LJP, probably better so it probably doesn't matter) was slow-ish to begin with with any sound whatsoever, and the analog nub on the Zodiac is absolute crap, the buttons were too small and the device was a hassle to play.

I expected the PSP to feel better, what with it basically meant to function like a PS2 controller, which is the evolution of an SNES controller. Unfortunately, the PSP controls don't feel right either. I can't exactly define why, but the responsiveness of the directional buttons, and the mediocrity of the square button just ruined it for me.

I know I've set my expectations far too high for this unit more than likely, and I apologize. However, from the things I've read, this device has a community far stronger than the PSPs, and a company far more open than tapwave. I consider that good enough for now.

Sorry for saying a bunch of things you probably already know.
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stepp posted on Oct 10 2005 at 05:04 PM said:
But the only question i had was will it run mame full speed....that is THE only reason id buy one, truthfully.

I wouldnt want it for anything else.

Anyways thanks for some of the helpfull comments ill keep reading these forums and see how things go.

MAME it stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. This means that it emulates lots of different hardware. This isn't a problem. It just means that of the 5500+ machines, some will be emulate fast and others will emulate slowly. Even on a modern desktop machine there are many games that run slowly. It is why most people in this forum generally pick out common arcade hardware neo-geo, cps 1/2 etc. Which is also a bad statement as even neogeo is such a tiny part of mame that really only produced a few games(mainly franchises although good ones).

Thats not including games where control is not really practicle (mahjong, vertical, wierd input)

MAME is also an emulator that follows a philosophy, that is for accurate emulation (read as not fun). Its not designed for fast emulation, but accurate emulation. So is normally slow to emulate on lots of platforms. if you look at arcade emulation that involes a dedicated emulator they are generally a lot faster raine/callus/finalburn etc.

People who have a GP32 have already seen the benefit of optomized cores for the common CPU's 68000 and z80 and more could be on there way.

The reality is you should be asking of the 5500+ arcade games how many will it emulate. The reality is that with the hardware scaling/fast cpus/large memory more than any other handheld.

Although really seriously people should start thinking about those games that they love normally its a sweet spot when they went to arcades (for me around 1985) rather than wanting a heap of (collected)games.
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Wow really enjoyed reading the last 2 posts cheers guys :)

Will defo be following how this little machine turns out.

PS Sorry if i came across as rude in my first post everyone.


Cyclops posted on Oct 10 2005 at 05:47 PM said:
stepp posted on Oct 10 2005 at 05:04 PM said:
But the only question i had was will it run mame full speed....that is THE only reason id buy one, truthfully.

I wouldnt want it for anything else.

Anyways thanks for some of the helpfull comments ill keep reading these forums and see how things go.

MAME it stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. This means that it emulates lots of different hardware. This isn't a problem. It just means that of the 5500+ machines, some will be emulate fast and others will emulate slowly. Even on a modern desktop machine there are many games that run slowly. It is why most people in this forum generally pick out common arcade hardware neo-geo, cps 1/2 etc. Which is also a bad statement as even neogeo is such a tiny part of mame that really only produced a few games(mainly franchises although good ones).

Thats not including games where control is not really practicle (mahjong, vertical, wierd input)

MAME is also an emulator that follows a philosophy, that is for accurate emulation (read as not fun). Its not designed for fast emulation, but accurate emulation. So is normally slow to emulate on lots of platforms. if you look at arcade emulation that involes a dedicated emulator they are generally a lot faster raine/callus/finalburn etc.

People who have a GP32 have already seen the benefit of optomized cores for the common CPU's 68000 and z80 and more could be on there way.

The reality is you should be asking of the 5500+ arcade games how many will it emulate. The reality is that with the hardware scaling/fast cpus/large memory more than any other handheld.

Although really seriously people should start thinking about those games that they love normally its a sweet spot when they went to arcades (for me around 1985) rather than wanting a heap of (collected)games.

Handheld TMNT :drool:
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