How much did you pay for customs?


Jul 16, 2003
My two boxes of GP32s with 128MB smcs arrived at istanbul today. I bought them from play asia for $550 (incl. p&p). But today I'm informed about an import fee of $260! ($130 per gp32+smc!!!) Now I'm panicked because I will be paying $400 per gp32.

Now I'm wondering about other countries' import fees. Did you all paid these astronomical import fees to customs office?
$130?!?!?! Blimey, i think it must hav been a mistake. I didnt pay anytax because i asked them to lower the invoice but $130 seems waaaaay too much tax tho :o
Our prices include the customs charges, so you won't pay anymore.

Its amazing that people will goto asia sites to save a few $ and risk massive customs bills.

Plus those sites genrally don't know howto give support on the GP32 or support the scene.

Oh, and its amazing how many people pretend to have bought a GP32 from me to get support out of me...

I didn't pay customs because I live in EU and I bought mine from Gbax in the UK. So I just payed for the shipping which didn't cost too much, so I'm happy. But you man, you got screwed. Why didn't you look up some information about customs before you bought it?
to craigx:

I pretend to buy from you, but play-asia (and I) messed up and eventually I ended up buying from them.

But I must say that your pirece listing does not match with world-pay results. I went to playasia because gbax web site said $440 and when I check-out world-pay says it's ~$480. (I guess thats because currency changes)

Now I feel sorry, I could accept that $480 and go with the gbax. :)
(infact I tried again to buy from gbax. But I was too late to cancel my order from play-asia )

(I'm telling this on the forum because I want to share my gp32 shopping experience.)
A $260 import fee on a $550 purchase? That's insane! I realize that customs charges vary from country to country, but that's nearly a 50% tax!

In the US and England, you can usually avoid import fees by having the sender write "gift" somewhere on the bill of landing, but who knows what Turkey's rules are. In a country where they charge you 50% for buying something overseas, they might charge you 75% for a gift!
I ordered from Play-Asia and I didn't have to pay for customs. For $294 I bought a FLU GP32, 128 mb SMC, and the Entware Carry Case. I paid $27 for the fastest shipping possible.
Got mine from gbax so no shipping cahrges for me, only problem was they were out of stock so I had to wait a few more days than I thought but that didn't matter cos my SMC was out of stock at the place where I ordered it from. My gp32 was just waiting in its box for two days after I got it.
i decided 2 be really dumbbb + got it from lik sang + had 2 pay £30 import goddamn meee ! !! + i live in the uk. It was a real spur of the moment thing as it was my decided b-day present so i was just like buy buy buyyyy !
£30 sounds about right, but the $120 sounds riddiculous.

Be aware that it is within your right to query/request a recalculation of the import duty. Sometimes customs don't know exactly what the item is, so slap lots of duty on it.

Let us know how you get on with your query.

Guys i,port tax varies from country to country. In uk everything less than £25 (Approx) has no charge, so you should get them to say value lesss than that amount. I paind £5 tax first time and as i had to send a faulty unit back second time they wrote replacemnt unit, tax paind and i paid nothing.

Shitty places like Turkey may have tax's as high as 50-200% the price of the item in question....! This is done to prevent you from importing items ...!

Find out the law in your country.... and note tax depends on particular class of items, i.e TV has different rates to CArs and to books etc..

i paid no duty, lik-sang stated a $30 value on the packaging so custo,s didn't bother

Hi there...
After almost 10 hours of extensive talk at the customs office, my import fee drops from $260 to $230 that makes 100$ per unit.

I learn those:
in Turkey, gp32 and it's accessories treated as Luxury good, so it's KDV (VAT) is 18%. And plus import tax, bonded warehouse rent, financial counsellor price and many other paperwork price boost that value to almost %50.

And keep in mind that postage fees are subject to tax too. (I paid $58.20 for UPS and I have to pay $20 tax for it!)

But if you buy something less than €100, then there is no tax for it.