Looking For Gp32 Flu


Still Fresh
Aug 2, 2005
I am looking for a Flu system, in good condition. Willling to pay up to $160, possibly $180. Hopefully with some memory too but it really doesn't matter. I live in California. Thanks :D :lol:

gp32_console :unsure: gp32_console
I think you mean BLU. FLU is the one with the washed out contrast like a GBA-SP. BLU is backlit like a PDA. The price you stated is the price for a BLU, FLUs are much cheaper due to the poor screen.
DaveC posted on Aug 10 2005 at 02:13 PM said:
I think you mean BLU. FLU is the one with the washed out contrast like a GBA-SP. BLU is backlit like a PDA. The price you stated is the price for a BLU, FLUs are much cheaper due to the poor screen.

oh my god!

Dave C - let it go man!

we all have preferences - each system does things better than the other...

FLU does not have a poor screen it has all the benefits of the reflective screen with a frontlight for night time playing...

I have had a BLU and a FLU - and the BLU is next to useless on the train and software support is still iffy (snes) ...

believe it or not some of like NLU's for this reason!

advice like yours is hopelessly biased!

sPaCe :ph34r:
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software support is iffy(snes)??? Uh... Okay... that's why I have a BLU+ version of OSNES9XGP... and there's a version of GPCinema without that stupid white line. The only program I use that has any screen issues anymore is NSFplay, which doesn't matter anyway because it doesn't cover up any important text.

I've never seen a FLU in person, or any other GP32 for that matter, but I love my BLU+. Its only problem is the screen that's impossible to see outside on a sunny day. but that's okay because I'm not usually outside sitting somewhere playing a game anyway.
spaceboygp32x posted on Aug 10 2005 at 02:35 PM said:
DaveC posted on Aug 10 2005 at 02:13 PM said:
I think you mean BLU.  FLU is the one with the washed out contrast like a GBA-SP.  BLU is backlit like a PDA.  The price you stated is the price for a BLU, FLUs are much cheaper due to the poor screen.

oh my god!

Dave C - let it go man!

we all have preferences - each system does things better than the other...

FLU does not have a poor screen it has all the benefits of the reflective screen with a frontlight for night time playing...

I have had a BLU and a FLU - and the BLU is next to useless on the train and software support is still iffy (snes) ...

believe it or not some of like NLU's for this reason!

advice like yours is hopelessly biased!

sPaCe :ph34r:

I had a FLU too. It was *AWEFUL* the contrast was shit, all of the colors were so washed out that it looked worse than an old GameGear, The lighting was uneven with annoying lines running through the screen, and it was impossible to keep out the dust making it not worth the few times that I played it in the sun.

SNES? SNES is iffy on ANY GP32 as it runs like crap, it is a choppy mess anyway with sound at even the crappiest low quality setting. SNES is hardly a reason to choose anything.
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Well you've conviced me that should broaden my search, so I'm now looking for a BlU or FLU system. :P Just pm me if you are selling one. :lol:
DaveC posted on Aug 10 2005 at 05:30 PM said:
I had a FLU too. It was *AWEFUL* the contrast was shit, all of the colors were so washed out that it looked worse than an old GameGear, The lighting was uneven with annoying lines running through the screen, and it was impossible to keep out the dust making it not worth the few times that I played it in the sun.

SNES? SNES is iffy on ANY GP32 as it runs like crap, it is a choppy mess anyway with sound at even the crappiest low quality setting. SNES is hardly a reason to choose anything.

yes but as I say - different purposes = different machines needed

a kid of 15 who playes on the school bus or in the day - BLU is no good cause you cant see the damn screen

an older player who plays in the evening would probably benefit from the BLU

see - im not dismissing either - something you should try dave

and as for the software - no one can deny that the BLU + issue - whilst resolved now - was one helluva mighty cock up by gamepark...

what dave C always fails to mention is that he got one of the first machines out - and has never had any problems with software

stop being a facist

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rabbits with hats posted on Aug 10 2005 at 07:35 PM said:
If the man says Flu he means Flu. Don't tell him what he wants...

...But my Blu+ Screen has very sweet contrast :D

I was going by the price he stated. He should be able to get a BLU for the amount listed so I thought that is what he meant. A FLU would be under $150.
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Jaw, you meantioned spares? I would like to buy one if you could give me the specs on it. THanks :lol:
spaceboygp32x posted on Aug 10 2005 at 06:01 PM said:
DaveC posted on Aug 10 2005 at 05:30 PM said:
I had a FLU too. It was *AWEFUL* the contrast was shit, all of the colors were so washed out that it looked worse than an old GameGear, The lighting was uneven with annoying lines running through the screen, and it was impossible to keep out the dust making it not worth the few times that I played it in the sun.

SNES? SNES is iffy on ANY GP32 as it runs like crap, it is a choppy mess anyway with sound at even the crappiest low quality setting. SNES is hardly a reason to choose anything.

yes but as I say - different purposes = different machines needed

a kid of 15 who playes on the school bus or in the day - BLU is no good cause you cant see the damn screen

an older player who plays in the evening would probably benefit from the BLU

see - im not dismissing either - something you should try dave

and as for the software - no one can deny that the BLU + issue - whilst resolved now - was one helluva mighty cock up by gamepark...

what dave C always fails to mention is that he got one of the first machines out - and has never had any problems with software

stop being a facist


I'm not trying to say that you're wrong, but on MY bus it was always dark, so that wouldn't have been a problem. but I know what you mean. The screen is horrible when there's any kind of decent light for a BLU. But the software problems don't really even exist anymore.
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200mhz flu. bit of dust on the screen, common to flu's tho. could do with a glass screen on it as the one that is on it is a little bit scratched, but it's not noticable when playing, again, it's gonna be hard to find a flu now that's got a scratch free perfect screen. i've got 2 in that condition (only 1 for sale), and i've got a tatty box for it too you can have if you want.
oh yeah, you'd better be quick if you want it in the next couple of weeks, i'm going on holiday on saturday :)
Jaw posted on Aug 11 2005 at 04:13 AM said:
200mhz flu. bit of dust on the screen, common to flu's tho. could do with a glass screen on it as the one that is on it is a little bit scratched, but it's not noticable when playing, again, it's gonna be hard to find a flu now that's got a scratch free perfect screen. i've got 2 in that condition (only 1 for sale), and i've got a tatty box for it too you can have if you want.
oh yeah, you'd better be quick if you want it in the next couple of weeks, i'm going on holiday on saturday :)

He is a very trustworthy guy and sold me a GP32 cable. I totally vouch for Jaw!!!
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