

Oct 3, 2004
New Zealand
Hi all,

Just did some quick mock-ups for some new guru labels just now (based on my tshirt designs). Thought they might look nice as replacements :)

What do you think?

Small banner

Avatar version for forum
kknd_cf posted on Jul 17 2005 at 09:39 PM said:
Moved to suggestions.

Where threads go to die!

Personally I like the new logos, It's less busy and more pleasing on the eye.
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I actually think pea's look better now that the boards are blu (anyone remember when the were red/brown/gold like the main screen's sidebars are)

but the old ones wen't better with the old boards (which I liked better)

although personally pea, I think your's would look better if there was a kind of gradient in the back ground or something, maybe even a lens flair. idk, solid black looks a little boring
Lens flare = comic sans = newbie toy :)

Sorry, but most designers (ones worth their salt anyhow) will stay away from lens flare like the plague. When it was first introduced, it was used by every man and his dog. Infact, it was almost like there was a special photoshop macro that went "Bevel text, add drop shadow, add obligatory lens flare".

Just like people who first get a computer love comic sans and use it for EVERYTHING. grrrr. I hate that font.
I like to use linux console fonts for non-artsy stuff, like dialog and the font I use for my games, and gp32 games. :) for those interested. I mostly use the 6x13 font (you can probably expect to see it in my gp32 games, should I ever finish any that is. :P), and the 5x7 whenever I need smaller stuff.

Well anyway, back to the topic, I think Pea's logos fit pretty well here. The current ones look nice too, but Pea's are better, because they're all shiny new and different. :)

What qualifies someone for the guru title? I've always wondered.
Guru, schmuru :) I think just one day the mods went nuts and handed them out to the frequent fliers. I was just new at the time, but I remember there were heaps of complaints that some of the choices were pretty random or willy-nilly.

I think there should be categories -

coding guru - Robster, Reesy et al
general guru - Vimacs et al
honourary guru - Those who run gp32 sites, write fanzines, reviews etc
moderator - kknd_cf et al

And guru should be a regular (e.g. every 6 months) voting event where someone puts a name forward, and then hold a poll where you have to get 75% or more to gain status :).

Either that or you have to do certain 'tasks', such as (1) has written at least two working games/apps for the GP32 - or (2) has ported two games/apps for the gp32 etc to be a coding guru.
My school newspaper made me write all my articles in Comic Sans
, I got so mad, I quit. Oh and, my job here is taking care of noob questions :)
When I first saw this post, I though you were asking to be made a guru :lol:


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Grrrr. I hate comic sans!

Nah, If I'm going to be a guru, I better release some of my apps/games first! I think you have to earn a status like that. 'guru' should (IMO) be reserved only for a select few anyway. Everyone else should be something different (like expert for example).
I think just one day the mods went nuts and handed them out to the frequent fliers. I was just new at the time, but I remember there were heaps of complaints that some of the choices were pretty random or willy-nilly.

:) It fits :)

PS. Just updating my dev environment - and the msys disclaimer IS IN COMIC SANS! grrr.
Drag posted on Jul 17 2005 at 07:35 PM said:
I like to use linux console fonts for non-artsy stuff, like dialog and the font I use for my games, and gp32 games. :) for those interested. I mostly use the 6x13 font (you can probably expect to see it in my gp32 games, should I ever finish any that is. :P), and the 5x7 whenever I need smaller stuff.

Well anyway, back to the topic, I think Pea's logos fit pretty well here. The current ones look nice too, but Pea's are better, because they're all shiny new and different. :)

What qualifies someone for the guru title? I've always wondered.

IMO they are almost worse than comic sans. But I guess they're great for cramped areas like GP32's screen.
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The reason that those people who got their guru's taken away was because after about 1000 or 5000 posts or something like that they were getting guru status and they were just posting lots and some didn't even own a gp32 yet so they fixed that and took away the guru status. Alot of the time it's awarded to people who either contribute to the scene (coding, reviews, ect.) or help people on the boards.
I like the design of the new guru image! Nice work pea! (but can you trust someones opinion who likes comic sans :D)
Well I hate Times New Roman. :P

Comic sans is ehhh. Arial, Verdana, and Tahoma are nice. I write my number 4's like in those fonts (triangle with a stem, as opposed to the L and the dash)

Guru shouldn't have been a post-count status thingy, because the logos say "certified", and no one certified them! :(

I like the linux fonts. Not the huge ones, but the smaller ones, mostly because of how many sizes it comes in, and it's a nice yummy sharp edged pixel font. :)