Wrestling Games On Gp32


Mar 18, 2005
Madrid, Spain
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I was wondering if anybody could point me in the direction of any decent wrestling games that work on the GP32. The Megadrive WWF games are really poor, so you can forget them ;)

I seem to recall a 'Fire Pro Wrestling' series on the SNES, but I'm not sure how well it will run...
I've managed to get Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium working really well on OpenSNES and I have to say the animation is fantastic!

I've not figured out the controls yet, but I'm quite enjoying the great ways the console is beating me, hehe!

Its in Japanese, but I found a patch to make it all English and it seems like great fun so far.

I still want suggestions though!
i haven't tried on the GP32 yet, but WWF Monday night raw on the Sega Genesis is one of the best i've played, especially Royal rumble mode, very fun.
the wwf ganes for md pretty much suck.... Fire pro wrestling X (with part translation ) is very nice... but i played that long ago many many many hours :)

i want WWF Wrestlefest in GPMAME ....... pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese franxis :)
You might want to try 'homosexuals in tights prancing around the stage to orchestrated moves with someone else with a crowd of idiots thinking its for real and cheering them all on' on the Megadrive. Great wrestling game that is ;-)
psj3809, I bow to down to your superior knowledge and would like to present you with the following award.

psj3809 - Winner of Most Obvious Troll Post Ever

I've even crafted it to be shaped like a belt. In case you weren't sure, those are things that go around your waist.

As for anyone else, I'm almost certain that Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium is the best wrestling game playable on the GP32. In fact, I would say its better than any of the wrestling games in current generation of consoles.

That is open to discussion :)
Yoiu might want to try Championship Wrestling by Epyx for the Commodore 64. Don't know if it works on Frodo32 (never tried) but for a game released in the mid 80's that has no license whatsoever (although it does have definite WWF overtones) it is STILL my favourite wrestling game to this day, yet to be betters (and personally I never believe it will).

Like I said, no idea if it works on Frodo32 or not but worth a try.
Glad to be of help.

OK turns out I actually lied - I just checked my SMC and I HAVE tried CW on GPFrodo before. It runs great.

When you get a version, make sure to get the Remembers version (if you can't find the Remembers version, PM me). This is the best versiona available, with full support for high scores, cheat modes (if you want to) and even has the instructions included so you can find out what to do etc. It works great on GPFrodo too.
Fire Pro doesnt run very smooth for me in the SNES emulator but its alright. Best wrestling game you'll find playable on GP32 though. Only other I can think of is WWF Wrestlemania 2000 for the GBC, its crap but in a fun kinda way.

Im interested in this patch though... maybe you could send it me or point me in the right direction?

Hi Jebus - nice to meet another Fire Pro fan!

I'll send you the patch, but I have to say I haven't tried it myself, I've just worked out what the Japanese symbols mean by trial and error.

Tell you what I'll do - I'll quickly test it now myself and if it works, I'll email it to you.
I'm happy to do this for anyone else who is interested.

It works really well for me at 156mhz.
I play with sound off and frameskip 3. I know thats a high frameskip, but it doesn't seem to affect this game at all.
WWF Wrestlemania on the Amstrad CPC. I'm not sure if this runs on Pituka, and it probably sucks, but I still got hours of enjoyment on this as a kid.