Clicks For Devs - July Poll

Who's gonna get your money?

  • skeezix (Castaway, ZOT)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Squidge (gpDrive, BoR-Port)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Slubman (Firmware)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Aquafish (Firmware, GPWar 1 and 2)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Franxis (MAMEGP)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Another World-Team

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mr. Mirko (SDK, Project Ninja)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Quiest (Minigame Project)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nazca (Nazca game series)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Well, here it is - the official poll for the 'Clicks for Devs' money.

Please vote only at ONE of the two posts - I had to split them because that many choices aren't allowed at this board.

Oh, and pretty please:
Don't you rush all at once and click on the first 2 - 3 days of the new month - I really had a hard time last month telling google not to close the account down.

Just continue clicking as you did the whole month and ignore a new month has just started ;)

Thanks :)

Lot's of devs here - you can still make suggestions :)
No offence to the others, but mirko has to have it. i have ninja related cravings.
er, hasn't it been established mirko has backing for project ninja?

but he DOES deserve the money for the SDK ... what more useful work could have been done for the community?!
Awww come on... vote for the SDK that's fine, definetely worth the vote, but don't take a vote away from a dev who has contributed to the community just because everyone is dreaming about the "concept" project Ninja. There isn't even a prototype yet. I'm not trying to take anything away from Mirko, he's certainly a premier dev, but GBAX just got over with and plenty of votes should go there plus to the devs who have contributed long ago but have been forgotten about.

This happened last month to, fday nor the fday preview had even happened yet, but the board was hot with posts for fday and everyone voted for rleyh. Not trying to take away from Rleyh either, because if someone else was chosen last month then his fGP32 should have easily won this month.


:Edited for typos:
Personally, I think Rleyh has done more as there is other frimware that gets the job done a lot easier, such as the Euro fimrware is fine. It's the emulators that Rleyh has made and will continue to make, i say let's continue to give him the moey as we need them finished as far as firmware or whatever else we really don't need that as much as the emulators,s ince we have our GP32's for emulation and not the frimware etc....
Personally, I think Rleyh has done more as there is other frimware that gets the job done a lot easier, such as the Euro fimrware is fine. It's the emulators that Rleyh has made and will continue to make, i say let's continue to give him the moey as we need them finished as far as firmware or whatever else we really don't need that as much as the emulators,s ince we have our GP32's for emulation and not the frimware etc....

Sorry to be an ass, But we are not voting because of what we want from the developers, Or trying to bribe them into releasing unreleased software. It not a matter about whether someone has done more than someone else. It is also unfair to compare the usefulness of official firmware to a firmware developed by someone in the community. <_<

This is about who we (the community) think is deserving of the click for dev`s donations for a particular month. Simple. :)

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All devs will get there fair share in the end, but I see why people would vote in this way, another reason, not because of an alterior motive, but simply the fact that it is so hard to choose a developer. If you stop to think about it, you'll find every developer has done just about an equal part in the scene.
its really hard to choose...but I chose slubman!, next month squidge, then mr.mirko or matkeupon.

@ED: You forgot one thing: final war, its definitly a very cool game :D (made by Matkeupon)
Went with Squidge on this one. gpdrive is, by far, the most useful app created for the gp imho. Something I will always use (and am damn greatful for b/c pclink is trash)
I voted for Franxis. Everyone's been raving about a MAME emulator for as long as I've been in the community which although hasn't been that long I'm sure was high on a lot of people's want lists long before then.
I think he deserves something for his time and effort.

But we are not voting because of what we want from the developers

Project Ninja is all very exciting but personally I'd rather vote for something that I already have and appreciate. $0.02
Ed, I suspect that a lot of people are voting twice. So why not close both threads halfway through the month, then have two weeks with a new poll with the top half!

I suspect that a lot of us vote in haste. The discussion that follows these votes can change minds. So if we had a "finals" then we might find a more worthy winner.

I'm gonna vote after I've read through the posts, but then I am smarter than the rest of you :P
Ed, I suspect that a lot of people are voting twice. So why not close both threads halfway through the month, then have two weeks with a new poll with the top half!

I suspect that a lot of us vote in haste. The discussion that follows these votes can change minds. So if we had a "finals" then we might find a more worthy winner.

I'm gonna vote after I've read through the posts, but then I am smarter than the rest of you :P
I might be mistaken but the mods are probably able to see who voted for what anyway so in the event of a tie they could use that to make a fair decision on the winner.
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Went with Squidge on this one. gpdrive is, by far, the most useful app created for the gp imho. Something I will always use (and am damn greatful for b/c pclink is trash)


Project Ninja is cool but lets wait a bit until it actually needs money (right now it is only in planning stages)
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Vote for Quiest! Vote for Quiest! Quote for Viest! Vote for Quiest!

No, seriously, just making fun :D I hope the
money goes to Chui for the Fenix port ;)
I never said any thing about bribing people. I don't feel that every one has contributed equally, as this is a matter of perception. Think of it as donating money to a cancer foundation to come up with a cure. One could argue that giving the money to aids research is more important, hence it's ones perception.
I think it's great to give back to the developers and that's why one can take it upon them selves to donate money. However, i feel that some thing should be of commercial quality before dong so, in my opinion, while MAME is great on the GP32, the speed, sound and bugs are not where it's at compared to other emulators. Just because one one ports over one game while some one else is making 13 emulators there is more work in that. Once F0day is here I for one will be one of those donating for sure.
Remember in the end people are doing this for the love of the GP32 as a hobby and not for money, other wise it would not be free software, this is just some thing to think about.