Anyone Interested In These?

Now that you mention I have a lot of old PC Games, nearly all were on the cover CD for some magazine. I put them into eBay but no one wanted them. And I`m not playing them anymore, they are just taking up space.

Just WOW, for the Man, for the Woman - by Calvin Kline, ...erm... by Quiest!!
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Here is the list, every line is one CD:

Alone In The Dark 2

Battle Engine Aquila
Big Mutha Truckers

Capitalism / Panzer General 3D

Dark Colony
Der Clou


F22 Air Dominance Fighter

Giants: Citizen Kabuto

Heli Heroes / Re-Volt


Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games

Kings Quest 7
KKND 2 Krossfire

Lands Of Lore
Lands Of Lore 2

Mechwarrior 3
Might & Magic - Darkside of Xeen

Nuclear Strike

Oxyd Magnum Gold Edition

Pandemonium 1
Pandemonium 2
Panzer Elite

Rebel Assault
Redline Racer
Return To Zork

Schatten Über Riva
Star Trek Generations
Syndicate Plus

The Legend Of Kyrandia / Iron Assault / Jimmy Whites Wirlwind Snooker
The Raven Project
The Terminator: Skynet
Tomb Raider 3
Turok 2

War Wind 2
Whales Voyage 2

X-Com: Terror from the Deep


That`s 50 games! Would be a lot of weight (1-2 kilo?)
And I have to think of how I pack them...
Ok, Can I have (Along with the GP32 Games :D) -

Alone In The Dark 2
and Turok 2

And to Save money on Shipping, You could just ship the CD's and the Covers (Remove them from the Boxes) :D

Let me know if thats possible, it will all fit in one padded envelope :)

So that would be

Alone in the Dark 2
Turok 2
and the 2 GP32 Games (Dungeon & Guarder and Little Wizzard)

Thanks :D

If I was sending them discs I listed and the Gp32 Games to Germany, the weight equals around 75g which would only cost me £1.03 (about €1.50)... so it should be around that price for you.

Also, Remember to ship them as Gift :D Thanks

You are one Very nice guy :)
No covers, I just have the CDs, as I said they came with some PC magazines.

I will try sending them like you said, but I don`t know if I`m doing that tomorrow, I am kind of "disabled" atm, I stretched & bended my back in way I shouldn`t have, and I have the baddest pain in my back I`ve ever had... :(
ok, No covers would be better still as it will reduce the weight ever so slightly :D

Get better soon :D
Whao Quiest, you're giving away some real classics there! How dare you! ;)

Seriously, gets me thinking about an exchange thingy. Would have to work on the basis of honesty though.... you know, swapping games.
Ba, dumb idea, forget it.
I already got three syringes into my ass today, and I hate them so much :(

You hate your ass?

"them" would refer to asses then, but I wrote ass. So it refers to syringes :P

Whao Quiest, you're giving away some real classics there! How dare you! ;)

Seriously, gets me thinking about an exchange thingy. Would have to work on the basis of honesty though.... you know, swapping games.
Ba, dumb idea, forget it.

I`m just giving away what I`m tired of playing, what I have twice, what I can`t get to run anymore and what I didn`t like. ;)
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grrrr, im too late...

i wanted alone in the dark, but its ok...

once again quiest your a top geezer, did i just say geezer? :huh:
Ein guter netter Mann! London slang! As in 'Diamond Geezer!' 'Top Bloke'

it can also be derogatory, 'miserable geezer'

But here it is well meant :D
did you manage to post them or are you still in pain :)

Thanks again

Still in pain, but it got alot better :)

I will send everything on friday this week for sure (if nothing silly happens until then :D)