Hi all :)


Jul 6, 2003
Hello evryone !
I'm french and 'ive bought a GP32 for my birthday (lol my unbelievable life ^ ^) and I enjoy playing it.
But I woul'd like to have a GOOD emulator SNES (ahhh I dream evry day to play Chrono Trigger on my bed... B)) and a GOOD emulator GBC (i can't save with any emulator - it's a rather supid for RPG... :angry: ).

I have just 2 questions:

- Have we a luck to see an emulator GBA on GP32 ?
- Is it normal, when i launch Scumm i come back to the main title GB32 (with the laughable ball who jump under the G, P, 3 and 2 lol ^ ^) ?

Thank you very much to answer me :)
Hello Myth. Erm a Good SNES eumlator is likely but its best If you don't ask and just wait as the emulators are made by everyday people and so people can get annoyed if someone asks for one over and over again. A GBA emulator on the other hand seems quite unlikely as its a difficult machine to emulate and the games require alot of RAM to run, something which the GP32 doesn't have much of.

Your problem with scuum could be for a variety of reasons so please give more specific details in the help section and someone should be able to assist.
Allright thx ^ ^
For the emulator SNES, i can wait B)
But for the GBA, i've read that the GB32 had more RAM than GBA, is it wrong ?
And, just to know, what are the best free games ? :rolleyes:
Check if there's a gp:\gpmm\debug.txt, I think that's where SCUMM saves debuginfo.. if it managed to do that before rebooting that is.. :>
There is a newer version of the GBC emu than .11 on gpzigi which is beyond full speed AND fixes that crash bug.


Here's a file mirror from Retrogames

NOTE - You must right click and choose "Save As', you'll get the off-site linking warning if you just click it normally.

Be warned, it's silly fast sometimes. I'm not sure if it's actually doing more than 60fps, or just frame skipping like nuts at a fairly smooth fps. But give it a try.

Some games work nicely with the extra speed.
File mirror removed due to Rico. Sorry. I'm sure they'll put it up here later when Hando returns.

NOTE: gp32emu just posted the file so get it there.