Revoloution Revealed


You are dreaming. 2 Tflops beats 1 Tflop, and BluRay beats DVD. Plus the memory is faster in the PS3 too 3.2 Gig vs 360's paltry 700 Mhz. No matter how much we may have liked the current Xbox, you must admit they really fucked up bad with the weak specs of the new one.


Think sony is dreaming... its current spec puts in the same league as the top 200 super computers in the world..

see here for an example this super computer was rated 163 in the world as of november 2004

Note there is 1000 gflops to a Tflop

this is a universirt farm of 1152 processors...

Sony are just playing around with figures, as per usual....

remebered the supposed output of ps2 and the gfx they showed back then. I would ignore the paper figuresits all just marketing ploy to get the consumer overly excited for its product.
I think it wasn't so far wide of the mark, to say "Don't fuck with Sony!", he wasn't defending Sony, it's just that they seem SO determined to win this battle. What they are doing is terrifying for the competition.

The aggression behind their plan/vision is astonishing!

But again I say (ahem), why are we not hoping that ALL THREE consoles are going to be as powerfull and great as the makers claim? Why are we sniding from this camp at that camp? What loyalty do we owe any company? It's dog eat dog out there, and innovation will only make everything better for all of us.

In my profession (Opera), there are some sheisters knocking around who gain followers they don't deserve. I love this console race, because it's all about an unarguably quality end product, who ever makes it!!!

Now, let's all worship Ken.... :P
I thought Revolution was supposed to be 4-5 times more powerful than GC? Not a lot of difference there I guess... and either way, doesn't seem near powerful enough to me <_<

EDIT: you know... come to think of it there is ONE big advantage here, to the Revolution not be so powerful... the counter to everyone's fears about how the very complex new Xbox and PS3 will make coding that much harder and longer of a process, costing that much more, and basically... just screwing up gaming in general :D :P

Maybe the Revolution not being so powerful is a good thing... maybe it will lure third parties back to Nintendo with the promise of much lower development time and costs, and whatever innovations Nintendo has up it's sleeve might be icing on the cake.

On the flipside this could be a VERY bad thing as well, as Nintendo might LOSE a big chunk of third party support seeing as... many third parties create games that can more or less play, look and perform the same on whatever systems are currently available. Once they finish it for one system, porting it to another takes much less time invested. But now... as third parties create hit games for Xbox 360 and PS3, I imagine it would be MUCH harder if not impossible to port these games cross-platform to the Revolution... they'll be forced to either find a way to turn the detail level and required processing muscle way down, or they may have to just start from scratch and creat the game specifically for the Revolution... something many developers may not be willing to do.... I see another downward spiralling trend in the making here for Nintendo :(

You are dreaming. 2 Tflops beats 1 Tflop, and BluRay beats DVD. Plus the memory is faster in the PS3 too 3.2 Gig vs 360's paltry 700 Mhz. No matter how much we may have liked the current Xbox, you must admit they really fucked up bad with the weak specs of the new one.


Think sony is dreaming... its current spec puts in the same league as the top 200 super computers in the world..

see here for an example this super computer was rated 163 in the world as of november 2004

Note there is 1000 gflops to a Tflop

this is a universirt farm of 1152 processors...

Sony are just playing around with figures, as per usual....

remebered the supposed output of ps2 and the gfx they showed back then. I would ignore the paper figuresits all just marketing ploy to get the consumer overly excited for its product.
see even at peak speed 1000 processors do not achieve the ps3's power! those ps3 specs are so fake at 3.2ghz. But xbox 360 are real :ph34r:
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You are dreaming. 2 Tflops beats 1 Tflop, and BluRay beats DVD. Plus the memory is faster in the PS3 too 3.2 Gig vs 360's paltry 700 Mhz. No matter how much we may have liked the current Xbox, you must admit they really fucked up bad with the weak specs of the new one.

Think sony is dreaming... its current spec puts in the same league as the top 200 super computers in the world..

see here for an example this super computer was rated 163 in the world as of november 2004

Note there is 1000 gflops to a Tflop

this is a universirt farm of 1152 processors...

Sony are just playing around with figures, as per usual....

remebered the supposed output of ps2 and the gfx they showed back then. I would ignore the paper figuresits all just marketing ploy to get the consumer overly excited for its product.
see even at peak speed 1000 processors do not achieve the ps3's power! those ps3 specs are so fake at 3.2ghz. But xbox 360 are real :ph34r:
Bloody Fanboi
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skysnapper is making a very valid point.

Sony have 'lied' to us before to create excitement. They could be doing it again. I remember thinking that some of the early PS2 games were no better graphically than something like Chrono Cross. The way Sony had described the difference made it sound amazing, but, graphically, it was very similar to Dreamcast standards to me.
Aye, bloody fanboiz indeed!!!! Had enough now!!!

But yeah, the footage sony showed us of the new GT on the PS2 5 years ago was amazing, and the end result not quite so. But come on, the specs can't lie!!!!
lubidog posted on May 18 2005 at 03:46 PM said:
Aye, bloody fanboiz indeed!!!! Had enough now!!!

But yeah, the footage sony showed us of the new GT on the PS2 5 years ago was amazing, and the end result not quite so. But come on, the specs can't lie!!!!

Specs may not lie but what they are actually are capable can be twisted.
Just like Politicians or Accountants they are being very creative with their figures

The figures they are quoting and the graphs they are displaying put it as powerful as aone of the worlds supercomputers for the region of £300's
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lubidog posted on May 18 2005 at 03:46 PM said:
But come on, the specs can't lie!!!!
Why does everyone think higher specs are going to instantly create astounding graphics? People still need to make the games!!! A game with as good graphics as Shrek 2 or Finding Nemo is going to take as long as cost as much as Shrek 2 or Finding Nemo! Now I don't know how many hundreds of millions of dollars EA have, but I doubt many producers could afford that, and I don't fancy waiting 5 years for each game!
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Actually, you're right, I remember all the hype about the PS2 and stuff and was indeed a little dissapointed that the games (at least the early ones) looked no better than the dreamcast (when it was hyped as being like a million times better or something).

This competition can only be good for all of us.

I'll probably get an XBOX360 because it's first andbased on the last generation of consoles i....BUT I mean, It's like 4-5 months at least until the PS3 comes out after the XBOX360 so that's ample time to afford something new.

No problems.
Specs mean fuck all. PS3 will have the same graphics as Xbox360. If its as powerful as they say then y haven't we seen stuff to back this statement. And I say revolution will have the same graphics as them too cause im sure nintendo will have found a way to create the same graphics but lower the developer costs. The PS3 and Xbox360 are all hype. look at the games that have been shown for xbox360. Dark sector for example. Same graphics as Doom3. and they say its 5 times more powerful than a home computer. And as for the PS3, well apart from Killzone 2 all the other stuff they showed was FMV running. Don't believe me, go watch the sony vid and watch the Devil May Cry 4 part. Total Hype over nothing.
uh oh Ganepark's here... it's all over now......

Ganepark - as usual, a typical Nintendo fanboy response. Specs DO mean something, they are VERY important, actually... otherwise we'd all still be playing atari 2600's. A bit extreme but you get my point I hope.
Yes i get ur point but wat i mean is over the top specs aren't important. I mean all the specs have done for the machines has given them better lighting and texturing while only just improving on wat has been accomplished on pc with Doom3 and Half Life 2.
whats everybody complaining about specs for?? The revolution is 2-3x the power of the GC, 2-3 TIMES!!! that means 2-3 times more the mario, zelda, metriod and 2-3 times less the 3rd party support. We should all be rejoicing.

Nintendo has the Atari and Sega Syndrome and i hope it bites them in the ass.
yes and that 2-3 times more powerful mean that companies won't have to plow money into trying to make something that'll end up closing all the small developers.
KickinWing posted on May 18 2005 at 06:35 PM said:
but if its as easy to program for the PS3 and XBOX 360 as what has been said then that shouldn't be an issue.
Programming it is fine, but making thousands of extremely high-res textures and unneccesarily high-poly models, then animating those models as fluidly as the clips seen show, then masses of voice acting, combined with giant, very detailed level maps will be extremely expensive and time-consuming.
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well then no matter what the system, the little guys have no chance, i mean, whats the difference between the systems now? It is mostly programming, very rarely do you find a newer game on xbox, ps2, gamecube that DOESN"T have voice acting, tons of 3d and the such, so whats the difference.
KickinWing posted on May 18 2005 at 08:17 PM said:
well then no matter what the system, the little guys have no chance, i mean, whats the difference between the systems now? It is mostly programming, very rarely do you find a newer game on xbox, ps2, gamecube that DOESN"T have voice acting, tons of 3d and the such, so whats the difference.

Blueray = bigger disc`s to fill ?.

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I just can't wait until all third party companies except EA have to close down due to the expense of making games. It'll be awesome, think about it. Only first party and EA games on ALL consoles, awesome.