Nintendo Ds

Goity posted on May 14 2005 at 03:23 PM said:
RoboJoe32 posted on May 14 2005 at 04:18 PM said:
Anyone who disses FF8 is a complete and utter douchebag.

I don't diss it, I just think a paint drying sim is deeper and has more replay value ;)
Somebody kill this retard.

Yes, because I don't like one game you like i'm automatically a retard :rolleyes:

I prefer planescape and legend of legaia 2, and maybe throw lunar in the mix as well. Not much for turned based RPGs anymore.

Hated FF8, It's so obvious they took a few FF7 characters and "mutated" them for the present cast, Squall= Cloud, Rinoa= Tifa look wise, Zell= Move wise, a male tifa. Irvine= Major major vincent skillset clone. Selphie= Yuffie in skill set essence. The story almost felt like a "fanfic" alternate universe/after timeline of FF7 as well. the characters were -so- forgettable, that I had to look up their names.

That and the junction system could have been so much deeper/fun, like certain elements adding certain effectiveness, like sleep/hold/stone durations increasing for enemies if you focus on "Control" magic or status effects, or elemental damage increasing if you focus on elemental., instead of having a boring system where you have to siphon spells and skills, And is essentially a set where you can twink your characters out with the proper guide.

And the ultimate flaw, punishing the player for leveling (monsters universally gaining levels) I got to level 60 and was having a patheticly difficult time fighting things that I slaughtered at level 10. To beat the game I had to run from every overworld fight, ignore every bit of non-absoloutely necessary XP, it made the game a damn CHORE.

Anyways, back on topic. If anyone else likes the DS, fine and dandy with them. Buuut I personally don't like it much. No games that interest me, lack of fighting games, RPGs, strategy, adventure, just things in general that I like.
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About the costs of games, yes NES games were $40-50 brand new, same with ATARI 2600 games. Believe it or not, video games are pretty much the only thing that has not been affected by inflation. The Atari 2600 was sold at $299 when it first came out.
Yeah, magus got the game price shit all wrong, I remember walking into the mall and seeing mario bros 3 with a whopping 50 dollar price tag when it was first released, (and chrono trigger/harvest moon for snes brand new? -60+- dollars.)
Well wtf, then how the hell did we(my family) always get the games for 10 bucks(which by the way is the max we've ever paid for one... we've gotten them for MUCH less)? I remember paying 80 for Chrono Trigger because we rented it a few times and absolutely loved it... and it was practically impossible to find anywhere. When we finally did, we played it so muh, it was definitely worth the 80 we paid for it... but I swear to god, we never paid more than 10 bucks for an NES game.
Magus 86 posted on May 14 2005 at 09:16 PM said:
Well wtf, then how the hell did we(my family) always get the games for 10 bucks(which by the way is the max we've ever paid for one... we've gotten them for MUCH less)? I remember paying 80 for Chrono Trigger because we rented it a few times and absolutely loved it... and it was practically impossible to find anywhere. When we finally did, we played it so muh, it was definitely worth the 80 we paid for it... but I swear to god, we never paid more than 10 bucks for an NES game.
Because you bought them second hand and/or aftyer the Nes era?
May I be the 8 millionth person to say shut up Magus 86?
And we can do something about it. Heard of moderators?

Anyway: I own a DS and think it's pretty good as consoles go. I want a psp as well, but if they were meant to compete I would have only bothered with one.
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i actually don't see how anyone could compare watching videos on a ds to watching videos on a psp.
and another thing,i can't see how one could get hiped about it getting palm os functionality?or browsing the internet on it at all?the screen is tiny.

i have played a ds extensively just this past two weeks as i was on vacation with a friend who has it.i played it and people,it's bad.i own a psp,and it easily blows the ds away.for all it's worth,i agree with magus 86 when he says psp has more potential because it's more me,as a statement,it just makes sense.

more functionality,therefore more possibility.i think the cool thing that opens the psp to more things is the use of memory stick and the huge screen.i love watching all kinds of videos.i love being able to download some quick videos of the net like machinima stuff,and have it sit along some crisp encoded dvd movie in my 1 gb memory stick.

it's just a really good,emus and homebrew are already getting released on psp.also,in case you haven't noticed,the psp is already gathering mass appeal.
by that i mean outside the gaming world,and inside the collective consciousness.
people everywere are seeing the potential of releasing free visual content like comics,magazines,videos etc.
even playboy is releasing pics made for the sounds silly,but small things like these mean it has mass appeal,when people from outside choose it as a platform for viable mass exposition.

this means more possibilities,therefore more exposure,therefore more possibilities.
a lot of games are being released on psp,a lot are being's going to be big,and it's easy to see it.

whatever your position is on the matter,staing that ds has equal potential as psp is silly or an overstatement of some sort.whatever it can have,be it emus,homebrew,palm os or internet or whatever,the psp can do it and it can do it better,and that is a fact.
Goity posted on May 14 2005 at 04:35 PM said:
Magus 86 posted on May 14 2005 at 09:16 PM said:
Well wtf, then how the hell did we(my family) always get the games for 10 bucks(which by the way is the max we've ever paid for one... we've gotten them for MUCH less)? I remember paying 80 for Chrono Trigger because we rented it a few times and absolutely loved it... and it was practically impossible to find anywhere. When we finally did, we played it so muh, it was definitely worth the 80 we paid for it... but I swear to god, we never paid more than 10 bucks for an NES game.
Because you bought them second hand and/or aftyer the Nes era?
May I be the 8 millionth person to say shut up Magus 86?
And we can do something about it. Heard of moderators?

Anyway: I own a DS and think it's pretty good as consoles go. I want a psp as well, but if they were meant to compete I would have only bothered with one.

No, not quite, I didn't buy them after the NES era. No, you can't be the 8 millionth person to tell me to shut up because there haven't yet been 7,999,999 others to tell me to shut up. Yeah, I've heard of moderators. Have you ever heard of ignorance and stupidity? Fuck you... you want your opinion, and ONLY your opinion to be heard. if anybody disagrees with you, you want him to be silenced immediately. Eat my shit, you fucking Fascist. I'll talk if I want to, asshole. Go ahead, get the moderators after me... OOOH, I'm so scared. I can just as easily make another name and post all I want. Unless they can actually ban my IP from this forum, there's nothing anybody can do about it. And if that does happen, whoopty doo. I don't really care. I'd rather not be trying to talk sense into a Fascist fanboy asshole who thinks his opinions are more relavent than anyone else's.

By the way, Watoto, thanks... It's good to see that SOMEBODY here isn't a complete moron.
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Blah posted on May 14 2005 at 10:29 PM said:
Where's 7,999,999 people when you need them? :P
Let's hire them! Maybe we could make gamepark money on the side by advertising them!!

No, not quite, I didn't buy them after the NES era. No, you can't be the 8 millionth person to tell me to shut up because there haven't yet been 7,999,999 others to tell me to shut up. Yeah, I've heard of moderators. Have you ever heard of ignorance and stupidity? Fuck you... you want your opinion, and ONLY your opinion to be heard. if anybody disagrees with you, you want him to be silenced immediately. Eat my shit, you fucking Fascist. I'll talk if I want to, asshole. Go ahead, get the moderators after me... OOOH, I'm so scared. I can just as easily make another name and post all I want. Unless they can actually ban my IP from this forum, there's nothing anybody can do about it. And if that does happen, whoopty doo. I don't really care. I'd rather not be trying to talk sense into a Fascist fanboy asshole who thinks his opinions are more relavent than anyone else's.
Yes. Bow down to me. You must play FF8 all the way through to see it's true greatness.
Yes, we do have IP ban.
And go to school.
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No I'm not, jackass. When have I said anything bad about someone else for having an opinion that isn't my own? I simply stated my opinion about the DS and the PSP, and everybody jumps down my throat. Then dipshits complain because they have trouble reading, and now you're telling me I'm being hypocritical. You people are fucking retarded.
Magus 86 posted on May 14 2005 at 11:50 PM said:
No I'm not, jackass. When have I said anything bad about someone else for having an opinion that isn't my own? I simply stated my opinion about the DS and the PSP, and everybody jumps down my throat. Then dipshits complain because they have trouble reading, and now you're telling me I'm being hypocritical. You people are fucking retarded.
Can somebody give him a packet of crayons or something?
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The opinions stated in posts on this message board are just that, OPINIONS, and do not neccessarily reflect those of anyone else, and thus nobody need be responsible for them or make a big fuss.
I like my DS, but I`m in a lack of games, all the goodgames I`ve been waiting for are not out yet (except Mario64 and Wario Ware). I`m really waiting for Castlevania DS that one is going to be awesome!
Okay, I can settle this!

Ninty=crap, Sony=best!

Magus 86 posted on May 13 2005 at 06:17 PM said:
What do I think of it? Do you really want to know? I could go on for days... It's a gimmicky piece of crap... an utter waste of money, time, and resources. It's one of the most retarded things Nintendo has ever done/made. "innovative new gameplay," my ass... The 2 screens are a gimmick. The touch screen is a gimmick. Try playing WarioWare Touched... you'll see what I'm talking about. YES, the touch screen is a new idea as far as using it for gaming is concerned, but they're not doing anything cool with it anyway, so who cares? I don't have a DS of my own, but I've played one at Electronics Boutique. I would NEVER buy one. I don't care if it costs less than a PSP or GP32 or anything else. It's not worth even a penny anyway. I have not yet had the oppertunity to play a PSP, so I don't know how good it is compared to the DS, but I'm almost 100% certain, based on what I've seen, heard, and read about it, that it is definitely better and more worth it. I can say this because of its specs and what has come from sony in the past. They've got a powerful system with great graphics and a huge screen. The only problem I see with it is the fact that the whole thing is the most glossy object known to man and will pick up tons of smudges and fingerprints easily. Now if they're smart, they'll release ports of some of their old PSX games like the Jet Moto and Twisted Metal series(old ones like TM1 and 2. 2 was the best), and maybe Final Fantasy 7, 8, and 9. It would also be cool to see ports of Tobal(Squaresoft fighting series that wasn't very popular, but it's my favorite fighting series ever). Maybe a port of Final Fantasy Chronicles? Basically... we need psx ports. If they don't give us PSX ports, then the PSP will follow in the footsteps of every other handheld before it(excluding the GP32). The only plus it will have over previous handheld systems is the fact that it can play music and movies(good quality, too) unless we see ports. Let's face it... I can't possibly be the only one out there who wished for ports(REAL ports... GOOD ports... not some crappy redone games with the same names as the originals that weren't even close... and when they are good ports, I'm not about to pay 20 bucks for a game that's 20 years old and only cost about 10 at the time when it was new... screw you, Nintendo, you won't get another penny from me) of my favorite console games to appear on the handheld systems of the time... That's why I love the GP32 so much. It might not be able to play anything newer than SNES(and the SNES emulation isn't the best either... hopefully that will change eventually though), but that's fine with me. I grew up playing NES 10 hours a day. the NES is part of who I am. Even if all it emulated was the NES, I'd still have one. Whether the PSP can be used for emulation or not is irrelavent. However, if it can emulate SNES flawlessly at some point in time, AND it gets some good PSX ports, I'll buy one. But I will never buy another thing from Nintendo... not until they get their act together. Everything they've done in the past 10 years has been a stupid gimmick and/or ripoff.

By the way, Trooper... speaking of the "cool new gadget" excitement that I got on the day I received my GP32... It still hasn't worn off(It's been about 2 months now), and I don't think it ever will. I absolutely LOVE this machine. The GP32 = best 200 bucks I've ever spent. I feel as though my life is now 90% complete. All I need to complete it now is for someone to make a good SNES emulator that runs at full speed with sound without that stupid grey bar on a BLU+(or if someone makes a perfect SNES emulator for PSP), and for Sony to put out ports of all the games I mentioned above(except FF8, that game sucked anyway... but I know there are some out there who loved it, so why not?) on the PSP. If those 2 things happen, then I will buy a PSP, and my life will truly be complete. :D

Magus 86 posted on May 14 2005 at 06:02 AM said:
"Uh oh! Magus said something bad about Nintendo! Let's flame him!!! ...oh wait... Everything he said is true... SHIT! Now what can I flame him for?! Aha! I'll comment on his lack of using the enter key, because we all know that is such an important issue! Hopefully complaining about Magus not using the enter key will keep people from noticing how far up my ass my head is! Yes, this plan will work perfectly! BUWAHAHAHA!!!"

I will type in whatever format I want to, okay? If I don't feel like making new paragraphs where you think they should be because you have trouble reading and comprehending what you're reading. That's YOUR problem, not mine. And where the hell did I say anything about nintendo making ports being stupid? What I said is that they're stupid for charging 20 bucks for a game that's 20 years old and only cost 10 when it was new. THAT is stupid. The fact that they've FINALLY made some good NES ports for their handheld system is great... they just did it in a really stupid way. One cartridge can definitely hold more than 1 game. Even if it couldn't, 20 bucks is a ripoff for an old game like that. I never said I wanted NOTHING but ports of old games(I want original games too, but what's the point? There's no need to make a game exclusively for a handheld system. Why would you want to limit the resources you have for making a good game? I realize that there were and there probably will always be some games that are impossible to port correctly from a console to a handheld, and that's fine. But they've had the ability to port NES games to the handheld consoles for a LONG time. If they thought bringing back old games was such a bad idea, why the hell did they decide to wait until those games were even older than they were at the time when they originally could have ported them all?... Note, I said I want some ports of current ones as well... When the gameboy came out, I wanted some Megaman ports(TRUE megaman ports. I know there are megaman games on the gameboy, but they're rehashes... they're not the same game. the levels are different, and so are the boss sets). I would have loved to play super mario 1, 2, and 3 on my gameboy. Did I get that? No. That was stupid. I'm not commenting on something I know nothing about. Ever since I laid eyes on Twisted Metal 2, I've been with Sony(before anybody tries to label me a fanboy, I'm not one. The NES is my favorite system of all time, and my favorite game ever, Chrono Trigger, was on the SNES. However, I've hated Nintendo(the company) ever since the N64. It was a crappy system, and everything they've done since then has been a piece of shit and/or gimmick. They acted all high and mighty before their DS was released, saying that the PSP won't compete with it because it's such a unique system. They also said any type of gameplay that the psp can do can be done by the DS, but the reverse isn't true... That's a true statement, but the "new, innovative" gameplay they're using on the DS isn't new or innovative, so it doesn't matter anyway... as far as use in games goes, it is new, but other than that, it's not. The touch screen isn't a new concept at all. It's a gimmick. And the 2 screens are stupid too. Like I need a second screen in Mario Kart to show me the map of the fucking race track, and who's in what place... HELLO?!?!? Has anybody at Nintendo ever heard of a goddamn HUD!?) I know what Sony makes is good. They have support from a lot of great 3rd party developers. Even if the PSP ends up sucking in the end, the simple fact that it is not a gimmick like the DS's stupid double screens and touch screen, along with the fact that it has a Twisted Metal game on it tells me without a doubt that it will be better. Yes, N64 sucked(it looked like shit compared to the PSX, and almost every single game on it forced you to use their shitty joystick. The controller design is fuckin retarded too. It has 3 triggers, but you can only use 2 of them at a time, what's the fuckin point?), and yes, I've played Goldeneye. That sucked too. Ocarina of Time was good, and Majora's Mask has a somewhat cool concept(time travel), but the way in which it's used in the game is fuckin retarded. Even without the reasons I've given for knowing the PSP will be better, the fact that the PSP is simply more powerful remains. It's more powerful, so it has more potential. It can process more stuff. The games can be bigger and therefore have better video and audio quality. What can the DS do? Play crappy gimmicky games. What can the PSP do? It can play games, just like the DS can. But it can also play movies and music. It's basically a much more powerful version of a GP32 that costs a little more and can play even better commercial games than the GP32. Once someone cracks it(if they haven't already), the door is wide open, and you'll be able to do almost anything with it. Because it's a more powerful system, there are more things you can do with it. Based on that alone, it is already a better system in that it has more functions. It's more versatile. If the games suck, you can still use it to watch your favorite movies in DVD quality wherever the hell you are. It's like a portable DVD player that fits in your pocket. It can also play music. It's an MP3/DVD(referring to quality, I know actual DVD's don't fit in it) player that fits in your pocket. So if the games suck, it's still useful. If the DS games suck(and the games I've played sure as hell do. Most retarded concepts I've ever seen, and the most inane tasks I've ever seen in a videogame as well...), then it's a useless piece of shit. At the end of the day, The PSP is better as far as I'm concerned. Since you seem to think I'm commenting on something I don't know about, please tell me... am I wrong? Does the PSP NOT play music or movies? Does the DS in fact play movies and music like I "THINK" the PSP Does? What have I said that isn't true or isn't based on knowlege? Please tell me. Feel free to pick apart my comments. Good fucking luck. You're gonna need it.

Magus 86 posted on May 14 2005 at 07:15 AM said:
"Well, you answered your own question there.
Any aspect of it you think is stupid, then you're still dissing them."

Yeah, I'm still dissing them. I'm not denying that. But what I'm saying about them releasing ports finally is that they're charging too much for them. It's good that they've finally done it, but they're charging too much. And you can't tell me the inflation has been bad enough since the 80's to warrant selling a game that was 10 dollars 20 years ago for 20 dollars today, especially when the original cartridges aren't even that much now.

"Maybe, but I'm sure the PSX ports for the PSP would only come one game per UMD, when it could hold a minimum of three.... going by your logic then these PSX ports will also be ripoffs. And as for charging more than they originally did, it's because of a little thing called INFLATION."

That all depends on how much they charge for the ports, and since they're ports of PSX games(which are only 10 or 11 years old at the most), they should cost more. Think about it. A 1989 Nissan Sentra will cost a lot less than a 1995 Nissan Sentra(unless the '95 is in really really shitty condition, and the '89 isn't).

"What about if *I* don;t like Twisted Metal? Apparently ONLY this one game makes the PSP good (going by your logic), but I don't like that game, so by your logic, then I must think... no... KNOW... the PSP sucks."

That's fine. You don't have to like Twisted Metal. Just as the DS sucking is my opinion, Twisted Metal(and the PSP, for that matter) sucking is your opinion. There's nothing wrong with that. You choose what you want to do based on your opinions and personal experiences just as I have.

"So? The PSP and DS are aimed at different ends of the handheld market. The DS is market purely as a games machine, not a hand held multimedia center like the PSP is. And just because one device is more powerful than the other means jack. As log as the developers making games for them know how to harness the potential of each device correctly, some stunning games can be made no matter what the limits of the systems are. And things like FMV in games are nothing more than a gimmick really."

True... But what I'm saying is that there are more things that the PSP CAN do that the DS can't because of limited power. It has a larger potential. I wasn't referring to FMV's, just the fact that the quality of the sound and video(meaning the stuff you see, not necessarily an FMV) can be better. While audio and video quality aren't the most important things in the world, they are still a plus, and they contribute positively to the gaming experience.

"Movies aside, there was a device (or was it a homebrew app... I forget) that allowed you to play mp3s on the GBA. And I'm sure it will happen on the DS before much longer.

NOTE: I am in NO WAY a DS/Nintendo fanboy (I used to be a Sega fanboy, but there' s no point in being that now). I DO NOT own a DS, nor do I have any desire to get one right now. Nor do I have a desire to get a PSP right now, but since my love lies in emulation, once the door on PSP homebrew is busted wide open and emulators are available,m then yes, I will get a PSP then. But I am sitll not saying the PSP is better in the end.

Everyone has their own preferences on what they like and don't, and what is released for each system will sway their decision. When you look at it (and tech specs for systems really mean nothing, it's what is available for the systems) there is no one system that it better than another. It's what each individual person thinks is better, and that's what counts for them and them alone."

Just like audio and video quality, ability to play movies and music are not absolutely necessary. They are extra features, and they still have relavence in deciding which system to buy(maybe not for everybody, but they are for me). What I'm saying is that the PSP has more uses. it's more versatile. It can actually save you money down the road, even though it's more expensive initially than the DS because it serves more purposes. Once cracked, it will be able to emulate more systems than the DS, as well as ones that require too much power for the DS to emulate. People use cost as a reason for the DS to be better(not necessarily in this forum, but I have seen people mention it before). If it can't play movies, and you have to buy an accessory to make it play music, you're probably already looking at the same price as a PSP to do less than a PSP can do. Aside from that, the games suck(once again, my opinion. I don't understand why everybody gets so damn worked up about this crap. Someone started a thread asking for opinions, I gave mine, and people start bitching at me... wtf?). I don't necessarily plan on buying a PSP either... maybe in the future, once more stuff is out for it and all the kinks(i've heard about some defects) are worked out(and I have the money...), but definitely not yet. I see no reason to buy a DS. As far as I'm concerned, it's a waste of money. That's my opinion. We're all entitled to our own, so don't get pissed at me for expressing mine(not directed at you, white demon, just everybody who got pissed at me for doing so)

One last thing... perhaps if this were some kind of report written for school, I might consider putting everything into nice, neat little paragraphs. However, it's not. It's just a collection of thoughts, typed in the order in which they appeared inside my head. Putting everything into paragraphs would require me to rearrange a lot of what I've written because not all related sentences are grouped together anyway... so what's the point? That's the reason we have paragraphs... to group thoughts that are relavent to each other... If you can't read or understand what I've typed because it's not in neat paragraphs, then your reading sucks, and you need to go back to 1st grade, kindergarten, or whenever/wherever the hell you learned how to read and learn it again because you obviously didn't learn it corectly the first time.

Magus 86 posted on May 14 2005 at 06:47 PM said:
I didn't just play the DS for 5 minutes at EB, it was more like 20 or 30. I was in there for a long time, laughing at the stupidity of the tasks Wario Ware touched was having me do. I don't have to actually OWN something to know something about it. I learn about stuff, then I decide what I want to buy based on what I know. I also know that even without games, I would much rather have something that plays mp3's and DVD quality videos than a DS. So whether the PSP games suck or not, I'd still rather have one than a DS anyway. How does deciding that I want something because it can do more so that it has a backup plan in case the games suck make me a damn fanboy? And by the way... just because I mentioned writing a paper for school doesn't mean I'm still in school. I graduated last June, so eat shit. And so what if I was in school? What relavence does that have to this thread at all? Because someone is younger than someone else, he's automatically dumber too? Not quite...

I never said that the companies who make this stuff sit there and wonder what I would want, did I? No, I don't believe I did... See, what everybody wants is different... that's why we have these things called opinions. Not everybody thinks the same way. I was simply stating my opinion from my point of view. They don't sit down and wonder what any other one person would want either. That doesn't change the fact that I shouldn't buy one because I don't like it, does it? No, I don't believe it does.

The last time I checked, spaces and paragraphs weren't punctuation. Punctuation consists of symbols. And spaces aren't really necessary either, you're right. I could read that just fine. But spaces are much more important than paragraphs. The lack of paragraphs don't make each individual word run together with all the rest.

I hate FF8 because the story sucked. The magic system sucked, and the summons sucked. They weren't "too difficult." I just hated the way they were set up. I watched my brother play thru almost the entire thing. I played until the part where you get Irvine, and there's some big parade or something(I forget. It was a long time ago). The story wasn't interesting at all. The way the leveling was set up... how the enemies got stronger as you did too... that was dumb. That made it pretty pointless to level up at all. I decided to give the game another try a few years ago. I had to go to the training area or something... some place inside Balamb Garden where there were a lot of plants, and you can also sometimes fight a dinosaur. Well, I ended up having to fight the dinosaur. I was in that battle for at least 45 minutes. What kind of crap is that? It wasn't hard... just tedious and time-consuming as all hell. I'm not about to sit there in one fight for 45 minutes or anywhere near that amount of time. Emerald Weapon took about 20 in FF7, and that was more than enough too. But 45+ minutes for one fight is just fucking ridiculous.

I didn't say it was okay for Sony to charge more money for older games, but it's not for Nintendo. Now here is where someone truly is speaking of what he does not know... You don't know how much they will charge for PSX ports, or that they'll even put out a lot of them... or that they'll only put 1 on each disc(most likely, they can make more money that way). That's why I said it depends on how much they charge. And even so, Playstation games were 30-40 bucks per game when they came out. I can't see Sony charging 50 or more for a Playstation port. Even if they did, that's a lot more reasonable than what Nintendo's doing. For one thing, the Playstation games aren't 20-15 years old. The oldest they can possibly be is 10 or 11 years old. And when they were made, they cost between 30 and 40. Now it's time for a little math lesson... NES games were about 10, okay? Now they're charging 20 for GBA ports of them... 10 + 10 = 20... 10 = 100% of 10. They increased the prices for their games by 100%. In other words, they've charged double the original price. Even if Sony were to charge 50 for a Playstation port, how muh of an increase is that? Let's take a look. 30 + X = 50... 30 + 20 = 50... 20 = 66.66% of 30. They've increased the price by 66.66%. 40 + 10 = 50... 10 = 25% of 40... They've increased the price by 25%. That's not even considering that the NES games are much older and not worth as much money anyway. This information is assuming that Sony actually charges 50 for them. There's no way in hell they'd charge 60 or 80 for them. They wouldn't get any sales if they did. And how much do you want to bet they're only gonna charge the amount of every other PSP game for them, if not less? it's not the exact same situation. The situation is relative... If Sony were to charge 60 or 80 bucks for their PSX ports on PSP, then YES, I would criticize them! But I'd still buy a PSP for emulation(which I hear is coming along pretty nicely at the moment), movies, and music. Like I said before, It'll be like a more powerful, more expensive GP32.

Yes, I have friends. If I didn't have any, I would never have touched an N64... yes, I've played Deathmatch in Goldeneye... Yes, it still sucked. It wasn't any fun. The whole James Bond thing is old and stupid, and I'm sick of it. I hated it back then, I still hate it now, and that's not going to change. And since I must not have made this clear enough yet, I like mostly RPG's. Very few shooters interest me at all. TimeSplitters is great, and so is the Rainbow Six series. Anything else is just okay at best or just plain shit. I didn't have an N64 of my own because it was a piece of shit. Every time I played one, my previous opinion of the system was blown away and replaced by one that was even worse. Remember, as I said before, just because you don't own something, that doesn't mean you don't or can't know anything about it. In fact, I didn't buy one because of what I knew. Do you think I just run to the store and grab whatever the hell's there without knowing ANYTHING about it before I buy it? What the fuck?

Magus 86 posted on May 14 2005 at 07:14 PM said:
"uh oh, Magus made some good points. Rather than agree that we're fuckin retards and that he was right, let's call him a "newb" and tell him to shut up."

Fuck you all, I'll post here if I want to, and you can't do a god damn thing about it. How the fuck are my posts full of crap? Like I said... Go ahead, poke holes thru my posts. If you can't do that, then YOU shut the fuck up because nothing I said is wrong, and you know it. I don't care about being at the center of the argument... I'm used to that... but I'll be damned if I'm gonna stop posting just because you people don't like what you're reading. Fuck you. It's not my fault you people are too stupid to comprehend anything longer than a Dr. Seuss book.

Magus 86 posted on May 14 2005 at 07:56 PM said:
50-70, my ass. I never paid more than 10 bucks for ANY NES game.

I'll describe my disliking of something however the hell I want. Does it really matter? The same message is still there. Whether I say I dislike it, or it's a piece of shit, I still think the exact same thing... screw you and your euphemistic bullshit.

Magus 86 posted on May 14 2005 at 08:16 PM said:
Well wtf, then how the hell did we(my family) always get the games for 10 bucks(which by the way is the max we've ever paid for one... we've gotten them for MUCH less)? I remember paying 80 for Chrono Trigger because we rented it a few times and absolutely loved it... and it was practically impossible to find anywhere. When we finally did, we played it so muh, it was definitely worth the 80 we paid for it... but I swear to god, we never paid more than 10 bucks for an NES game.

Magus 86 posted on May 14 2005 at 09:22 PM said:
Goity posted on May 14 2005 at 04:35 PM said:
Magus 86 posted on May 14 2005 at 09:16 PM said:
Well wtf, then how the hell did we(my family) always get the games for 10 bucks(which by the way is the max we've ever paid for one... we've gotten them for MUCH less)? I remember paying 80 for Chrono Trigger because we rented it a few times and absolutely loved it... and it was practically impossible to find anywhere. When we finally did, we played it so muh, it was definitely worth the 80 we paid for it... but I swear to god, we never paid more than 10 bucks for an NES game.
Because you bought them second hand and/or aftyer the Nes era?
May I be the 8 millionth person to say shut up Magus 86?
And we can do something about it. Heard of moderators?

Anyway: I own a DS and think it's pretty good as consoles go. I want a psp as well, but if they were meant to compete I would have only bothered with one.

No, not quite, I didn't buy them after the NES era. No, you can't be the 8 millionth person to tell me to shut up because there haven't yet been 7,999,999 others to tell me to shut up. Yeah, I've heard of moderators. Have you ever heard of ignorance and stupidity? Fuck you... you want your opinion, and ONLY your opinion to be heard. if anybody disagrees with you, you want him to be silenced immediately. Eat my shit, you fucking Fascist. I'll talk if I want to, asshole. Go ahead, get the moderators after me... OOOH, I'm so scared. I can just as easily make another name and post all I want. Unless they can actually ban my IP from this forum, there's nothing anybody can do about it. And if that does happen, whoopty doo. I don't really care. I'd rather not be trying to talk sense into a Fascist fanboy asshole who thinks his opinions are more relavent than anyone else's.

By the way, Watoto, thanks... It's good to see that SOMEBODY here isn't a complete moron.

Magus 86 posted on May 14 2005 at 10:50 PM said:
No I'm not, jackass. When have I said anything bad about someone else for having an opinion that isn't my own? I simply stated my opinion about the DS and the PSP, and everybody jumps down my throat. Then dipshits complain because they have trouble reading, and now you're telling me I'm being hypocritical. You people are fucking retarded.

Just in case anyone missed them, or just wants to read them again!
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Everyone is jumping on you because you painted a huge target on your back with your first post in this thread... The price equation is wrong due to inflation as said eariler. I remember Mario 3 costing £39.99 at Toys R us when I begged my dad to get it for my birthday. Your parents may have got them when they were on sale or something. I also remember the Beano costing as little as 15p when I was a kid.. now? closer to the 70p mark I think..

DS: Hoping some developers will take advantage of the features, short development times and the fact that it is easy to develop for to see some original ideas and games. That's all I am asking for on this console.

PSP: Hopefully we get some gameplay underneath all these graphics and effects. Have 4 games and happy with Lumines and so-so with Ridge racers. Wipeout doesnt do anything for me and I am not a fan of dynasty warriors anyway (gift from dad) (way too much slowdown as well). Emulation is a big winner here when it really takes off.

Movies and Mp3s are a bonus but not for me.

Online play (not counting Xlink) should be interesting to see how that develops on both consoles.
Alright then, I'm sorry about that. I didn't know. I guess my parents must have gotten all our games at flea markets or something... Either way though, that's not what made everybody jump on me in the first place. Maybe the way I stated my opinion was a bit "harsh," but that's not the point. It's just an opinion... if people can't live with conflicting opnions, they might as well just kill themselves then because not everybody is going to think the same way they do. I couldn't see Sony charging more than the original price for their PSX ports(if they actually make them) anyway. That would just be stupid. But still, The Legend of Zelda is a 20 year old game... 20 bucks is a bit much, don't you think? Maybe if it's the original NES cartridge, or even the original Famicom cartridge, and it's really rare and hard to find(I'm not saying these conditions aren't the case. I don't know, and I haven't checked... I'm just saying, if this is the case, then 20 bucks(or even more) would be fine). Then they could be considered collector's items or something.
I izda Boi inda Hood! posted on May 14 2005 at 05:08 PM said:
My Speccy WAS better than your C64 :P

Keep dreamin', pal.

Magus 86 posted on May 15 2005 at 11:10 AM said:
Alright then, I'm sorry about that. I didn't know. I guess my parents must have gotten all our games at flea markets or something... Either way though, that's not what made everybody jump on me in the first place. Maybe the way I stated my opinion was a bit "harsh," but that's not the point. It's just an opinion... if people can't live with conflicting opnions, they might as well just kill themselves then because not everybody is going to think the same way they do. I couldn't see Sony charging more than the original price for their PSX ports(if they actually make them) anyway. That would just be stupid. But still, The Legend of Zelda is a 20 year old game... 20 bucks is a bit much, don't you think? Maybe if it's the original NES cartridge, or even the original Famicom cartridge, and it's really rare and hard to find(I'm not saying these conditions aren't the case. I don't know, and I haven't checked... I'm just saying, if this is the case, then 20 bucks(or even more) would be fine). Then they could be considered collector's items or something.

Okay, good to see you've calmed down a bit. All that swearing you carried on before is simply proof someone is losing the argument, when they have to resort to childish name calling.

Like everyone else has said, games prices have always stayed cosistent. I'm in Australia, and here NES games were always priced at around AUD$70 - $90. Nowdays the average DS game is between $80 -$100, so very little (if any) price difference at all. This average price quoted has/is generally the same for all console and PC games here over the last 10 years.

Now as for Nintendo releasing 20 year old game or whatever, do you (or anyone) really think Nintendo/Sony/Atari/whoever would do it if the market wasn't there? Games such as the classic Zelda and Mario games hold a sweet spot in many people's memories, and to be able to play them on today's systems is like a dream come true for them and they will fork over the required amount to own a DS cart/PSP UMD or whatever containing the game they have always loved. It's the same for us with our GP32s (except for the fact we're not paying anything and the obvious legal difference). Basically, if the mainstream audience is prepared to pay, the publishers will charge.

Everybody has some fanboyism in them, something they care passionately about and will defend to the hilt. I hate many rabid Nintendo fanboys for this very reason, even theough I quite like Ninty's products and have owned all of them since the Gameboy (except for the DS). Unfortunately you too have done your dash Magus, by coming across originally as a PSP fanboy.

You tried to claim a friend in Watoto, s/he didn't come across as a rabid fanboy though because the post, while favouring the PSP, was claer, with many good points made and remained objective without bagging everything in sight or insulting everyone else here. Well done Watoto.

Back on topic: I have not played either DS or PSP yet (PSP isn't out and the DS is never on at the EBs I visit) but I think that both machines have great merits (DS in it's touch screen functionality, PSP in it's ability to play movies and music), and while I can't see myself getting a DS (even the homebrew emulators are gonna be pointless on that low res screen in my opinion), I think both the DS and PSP can coexist in harmony together.

You get and play what you want to. And I'll do the same.
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