What's The Name Of That Gba/ds Flash Cart???


Trust the recursion...
May 21, 2003
California, USA
I'm not 100% sure that I read it here, but I remember reading something about getting a DS along with this GBA/DS flash cart that was actually in megabytes and not megabits. I think it had something to do with compact flash. Does anybody know what card I'm talking about and where it can be purchased? If it helps, I think in the thread that I saw it in, some guy was praising about how awesome it would be to get the DS with this flash cart to be able to play all those GB/GBC/GBA games with a backlight or something.
Only "compact flash" compatible DS card I've seen is the "Super card", maybe at Liksang? I've not read much about to be honest, as I'm only interested in homebrew.

Oh, and of course the GBA Movie player supports CF too, but I'm not sure if it supports roms, too.
As I recall, you cannot play GBC games with that thing, as GB games are handled trough emulation, Goomba, to be precice. GB only. Well, you can pretend it's GB pocket, if you like. :D
Squidge posted on May 11 2005 at 12:10 AM said:
Only "compact flash" compatible DS card I've seen is the "Super card", maybe at Liksang? I've not read much about to be honest, as I'm only interested in homebrew.

Oh, and of course the GBA Movie player supports CF too, but I'm not sure if it supports roms, too.

Titcher posted on May 11 2005 at 12:44 AM said:
Yeah, I think that's the one. But I'm hearing that it doesn't quite exactly fit into the DS's slot, causing you to file off the side of the cartridge. True?
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They had that problem, but fixed it. You better ask the seller, I think they are quite distinctive. Atleast these guys mention their's is compatible.

"OBS! Nu har vi nyare modell av Supercard som går bättre in i NDS!"


(In english.. :) )

Atleast I'll propably order from them, if I should ever get one of those, as I propably will.
Jarska333 posted on May 12 2005 at 09:12 AM said:
They had that problem at but fixed it. You better ask the seller at I think they are quite distinctive. Atleast these guys mention their's is compatible.

"OBS! Nu har vi nyare modell av Supercard som går bättre in i NDS!"


(In english.. :) )

Atleast I'll propably order from them, if I should ever get one of those, as I propably will.

GBA iz fa gerls!!! PSP ROKS!!!
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GBA iz fa gerls!!! PSP ROKS!!!

INtelligent first post :rolleyes:

Mind you judging by your grasp of the english language its not so suprising
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GBA iz fa gerls!!! PSP ROKS!!!

INtelligent first post :rolleyes:

Mind you judging by your grasp of the english language its not so suprising

He, i kan speek English!!! I iz from da US da A!!!!!!!

I juz chuz ta speek da way ofda BRUFAS!!!!

Anyhow, wher iz da romz fa diz ting? I kanna find any? gp32_console
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Stop spamming, you wannabe gangster :angry:

Come one, who are you really? No one can be that stupid and penetrant!
You are just want to go on our nerves, right?

Hey kknd_cf, how about stop banning sam, and go on to other idiots :P
lol, ps2 games on the gp32? You must be playing stupid! No one can even think of a portaple machine emulating the ps2...

Come on tell, us who you are! Some asshole who got banned and now wants to take revenge (I don`t mean you, Sam :D)
Well, I can fix this... First, ducttape a generator to your back, then load up a baby stroller with a TV, a PS2 and a game rack, add a little gas to the motor, start it up, there you have it. Portable PS2....

Then play all the games you want while walking off a cliff and do the world a large favor.
Winterkid posted on May 12 2005 at 10:46 AM said:
Well, I can fix this... First, ducttape a generator to your back, then load up a baby stroller with a TV, a PS2 and a game rack, add a little gas to the motor, start it up, there you have it. Portable PS2....

Then play all the games you want while walking off a cliff and do the world a large favor.


I got da baby stoller, niked a TV, got ma mates ps2, gaz...

Yep, dot it al! But waz iz duktape?

Tel me an I offff
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GBA iz fa gerls!!! PSP ROKS!!!

INtelligent first post :rolleyes:

Mind you judging by your grasp of the english language its not so suprising

He, i kan speek English!!! I iz from da US da A!!!!!!!

I juz chuz ta speek da way ofda BRUFAS!!!!

Anyhow, wher iz da romz fa diz ting? I kanna find any? gp32_console

Nope thats not english, what you are writing is complete garbage and makes you look stupid, its no different from what that other annoying text speak kiddies use .. L33t or haxxOr whatever its called/spelt/written/pronounced

Oh yes just managed to transalte your last sentence.

Request for any type of commerical roms are not allowed. Can you not read either? :rolleyes:
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Where do you guys recommend that one should buy this supercard? The only place I can find it for sale is "iOffer," which doesn't seem like the best place to bid or something.
Oh man that CF adapter thing is sweet... I wish those were around a couple years ago :( Could fit a lot of games on a 1gb card :D too bad I never touch my gba anymore...
Azure posted on May 12 2005 at 12:30 AM said:
Squidge posted on May 11 2005 at 12:10 AM said:
Only "compact flash" compatible DS card I've seen is the "Super card", maybe at Liksang? I've not read much about to be honest, as I'm only interested in homebrew.

Yes thats the one :)

Titcher posted on May 11 2005 at 12:44 AM said:
Yeah, I think that's the one. But I'm hearing that it doesn't quite exactly fit into the DS's slot, causing you to file off the side of the cartridge. True?

The new version fitz fine in the DS check 1st with the seller that it is a newer version! I got mine of ebay.

bast525 posted on May 25 2005 at 09:31 AM said:
Oh man that CF adapter thing is sweet... I wish those were around a couple years ago :( Could fit a lot of games on a 1gb card :D too bad I never touch my gba anymore...

I just got mine to use with my DS, it works great, I have a 256mb compact flash card and I have 32 GBA games on it at the monent, GTA Avance etc, lots of big games like Sonic Advance... The only thing I will say that on some games I noticed some slowdown, I dont know if this is the card or the DS, I never had this problem with my old Flash 2 Advance. There are also a few games that do not work with the Super Card but most seem to work fine.

Well worth getting, just wished I had got a 1gb CF Card ;)

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