neo geo


Jun 16, 2003
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will there be any chance of a neogeo arcade emu

cuz one of the first emus for neo arcade (neoragex) was fairly nippy on nearly any computer or should i crush these false hopes.
i wouldnt hold your breath. you never know but... if you expect one.. you might be really dissappointed.
It's doable, without sound for sure. With sound it may be too slow. Frame rates might be iffy, but using CaSTaway as the example for 68000 based system emus on GP32, it could be decent with some hard work.

The main limit is RAM. Most NeoGeo games would be too large to fit. But still, there'd be some good stuff. Magician Lord etc. would fit. But most of the fighters and the slugs (the games most Neo fans would be after) wouldn't fit. :(

Don't you wish Game Park would release an updated GP32 with a 200 - 300 MHZ CPu and maybe 32 - 64 MB RAM? That's common fare on $200 PDA's these days, and man would the GP32 kick butt with emulation if it had that kinda speed and RAM to work on. Just dreamin'. :)
Well u might be able to use the SMC card as the ram kinda like how mame does it will use the hdd as ram if it needs more but then again it be 2 much trouble for the coder to do that and the smc will prob be 2 slow then again the whole idea is stupid :( my idea not the neo geo 1 ;)

The GP32 processor has an MMU built in. Used for managing virtual memory. So in theory you could use the SMC for this. Of course if you did a neo-geo CD port, you wouldn't need loads of RAM, 'cos it didn't have a lot- and spooled the data of a CDROM that was way slower that the GP SMC speed.
What are good neogeo games because I have yet to play a fun neogeo game...
Have you ever played them properly? By this I mean on the original console/cabinet with the original controller. Not on a PC emulator with your keyboard.
You can play them emulated on an arcade cabinet. :) I do.

As for some good ones to try, here's a short list:

Metal Slug 1, 2, X, 3 (4 is OK, but not great) - military action at its best
Waku Waku 7 - zany, happy, nutty fighting
Last Blade 1, 2 - classy 2D weapons fighters
Puzzle Bobble 1, 2 - fun action puzzlers

There are so many more, but those are some of my favorites. In fact I was just playing Metal Slug 3 on my cabinet this afternoon. :) It's even more fun with two players. And that's a big part of it - NeoGeo games IMO are best played with another person. They worked really hard to make the games extra fun with two players, simply because that means more coins being inserted. :P
WTF leech?! So your saying that the games or system doesnt matter, its only fun if your using the real neogeo controller. Well what do you want a neo32 emu for if your not using the real controller?

And thanks for the short list prophet
I am not saying it is only fun when using a real system/controller. What I meant was there is a huge difference between playing NeoGeo games on an arcade cabinet (emulated or not, @Prophet; I use advance mame :D ) with a friend, or just sitting there behind your keyboard staring at your monitor and zapping to all the roms you just downloaded.
Phil posted on Jul 1 2003 said:
will there be any chance of a neogeo arcade emu

cuz one of the first emus for neo arcade (neoragex) was fairly nippy on nearly any computer or should i crush these false hopes.
problem here is this:

The NeoGeo system used 2 CPUs, an 8bit Z80 for sound and a 68000 derivative for game processing. Running both of those at the same time would interesting to see (on an embedded RISC chip like the one that GP32 has.)
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Well it be nice to see a neogeo emu and all but i dont think its possible the best way to go about this would be to emulate the 68000 processor for the gaming and leave the z80 out for the sound and see how it runs then if it runs you can add the z80 cpu into the program and see how it works from there

but i think the best we might get is a playable neogeo emu with no sound but there still the problem of the ram etc altho the smc as a ramdisk is still a good idea i think we would have to see

I agree with leech.. the feeling of loosing your coins in the machjine and the adrenaline to get every pennies worth is a feeling that you WILL NEVER GET playing mame or any other emus.

For me i can now D/L any PCE game.. but none give the feeling i used to get playing the real thing..!

Emus are cool, bnut can never replace the feeling, they may be nostalgic but thats all..!
