What's Your First...

i think the first app i ran (after a huge battle to understand that i needed the freelauncher.....) was...doom.
and the game i play the most, i will say drmd, even if it not a game (if you want a games, then i will say ristar the shouting sar on MD, a great game you should try...)
first for me was nesterGP with ninja gaiden 2 or 3....dont remember...the last for nes neway...friggin hard, but i managed to go quite far...and korean firmware mp3 player. those were the days...camping in the NL and playing ninja gaiden, listening to sum 41.....great (=
GA01 posted on Apr 25 2005 at 06:02 PM said:
Ok, this is going to apply to most of us here (those who have GP32's anyway) but what was the very first thing that you loaded and run on your GP32? For me, it was playing Sonic on DrMD.


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For me it was Giana's Return, then SMB 3 on Little John =)! Totally blew me away! :P
I luv my gp32_console !

You're not drunk until you can't lie down on the floor without holding on to it!
also goldeneye wad for doom..i think ;) then SmashGp or BOR?

I do remember that I got my GP for emu's and didn't end up using any emu's for a month cause the homebrew/ports were so good
Doom was the first game I fired up I had played doom on the GBA and was astonished with the clarity of the screen, Then Quake and then Sonic on Fgen32 (Before I got DRMD, Not sure if it was even available then...)
Winterkid posted on Apr 26 2005 at 06:07 AM said:
Sorry to sound like a broken record, but...

Ultimate Doom

Me too, good first game in my opinion.
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First played was Columns and Frodo (H.E.R.O.(tm)) and that strange robots game
and a asteroids clone...

Now it's Frodo and Castaway games

:rolleyes: Retro me up! :P