Wtb: Nlu Cheap (anyone Feeling Generous?)

trooper posted on Apr 25 2005 at 10:16 AM said:
Man of many words, You should meet bast225. :P

Sorry bast.


O.K., here's the skinny.

Am poor college student with 2 kids and a wife. Looking for a dirt cheap gp32 for emulation and watching porn. Also I don't have a cd player in my car, so I would use the gp32 as an mp3 player on the road. I am in California. I don't own any kind of hand-held gaming device. Please help me.
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Well, I might if I buy untouchable's FLU but thats not likely. My gp is a nlu which has a glass screen mod (not taped down very well, needs some new tape...) and I have spraypainted all white parts black (along with the red "on" light. A couple of spots are white because I accidentaly put it in my backpack and it was scratched). I tried the button LED mod but haven't gotten it working (problems with my crappy cold heat...) This means that the start and select buttons end up sticking if you push down too hard (just pull 'em out a little and they work fine). It can overclock to 156mhz stable, sometimes 160mhz. I probably won't end up doing this though because I don't think that untouchable will accept my offer and I can't afford to offer him more. I'd post pics but I haven't gotten around to installing the software for my dad's new digital camera :D
Mange posted on Apr 25 2005 at 11:47 AM said:
trooper posted on Apr 25 2005 at 10:16 AM said:
Man of many words, You should meet bast225. :P

Sorry bast.


O.K., here's the skinny.

Am poor college student with 2 kids and a wife. Looking for a dirt cheap gp32 for emulation and watching porn. Also I don't have a cd player in my car, so I would use the gp32 as an mp3 player on the road. I am in California. I don't own any kind of hand-held gaming device. Please help me.

I am sorry but it was your choice to have kids while still going through collage etc. Don't put the guilt on us, Life it hard to wear a helmet!!

Everyone has thier own problems wiht money and life, so I don't see why you thik you deserve special treatment. Either look on Ebay for a good deal as I don't think ou can sucker any one into it here or go and buy a Game Boy Advance should be wiht your in price range.

Also, if you are wanting a GP32 to watch porn then you are buying the wrong device, it is mainly for gamming as you can watch movies but you would be better off with a portable DVD player if you are going to want to use it for that.
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deadlychicken22 posted on Apr 25 2005 at 01:54 PM said:
Well, I might if I buy untouchable's FLU but thats not likely. My gp is a nlu which has a glass screen mod (not taped down very well, needs some new tape...) and I have spraypainted all white parts black (along with the red "on" light. A couple of spots are white because I accidentaly put it in my backpack and it was scratched). I tried the button LED mod but haven't gotten it working (problems with my crappy cold heat...) This means that the start and select buttons end up sticking if you push down too hard (just pull 'em out a little and they work fine). It can overclock to 156mhz stable, sometimes 160mhz. I probably won't end up doing this though because I don't think that untouchable will accept my offer and I can't afford to offer him more. I'd post pics but I haven't gotten around to installing the software for my dad's new digital camera :D

I offered untouchable 150$ American USD and he accepted but he dissapered and didnt answer my pms. But i eventually fonud a better deal and now buying a flu yay. So you can contact him if u want for it.. If hes still around
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tattooman posted on Apr 30 2005 at 01:09 AM said:
I am sorry but it was your choice to have kids while still going through collage etc. Don't put the guilt on us, Life it hard to wear a helmet!!

Everyone has thier own problems wiht money and life, so I don't see why you thik you deserve special treatment. Either look on Ebay for a good deal as I don't think ou can sucker any one into it here or go and buy a Game Boy Advance should be wiht your in price range.

Also, if you are wanting a GP32 to watch porn then you are buying the wrong device, it is mainly for gamming as you can watch movies but you would be better off with a portable DVD player if you are going to want to use it for that.
You = Asshole. KThx.
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finty posted on Apr 30 2005 at 02:03 AM said:
tattooman posted on Apr 30 2005 at 01:09 AM said:
I am sorry but it was your choice to have kids while still going through collage etc. Don't put the guilt on us, Life it hard to wear a helmet!!

Everyone has thier own problems wiht money and life, so I don't see why you thik you deserve special treatment. Either look on Ebay for a good deal as I don't think ou can sucker any one into it here or go and buy a Game Boy Advance should be wiht your in price range.

Also, if you are wanting a GP32 to watch porn then you are buying the wrong device, it is mainly for gamming as you can watch movies but you would be better off with a portable DVD player if you are going to want to use it for that.
You = Asshole. KThx.

I agree he should perish.
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I like the line about wanting to play games and watch porn! At least he was honest.

But why not try to combine the two?

Anyway, this is one of us, seeing who is the most generous before revealing his true identity! So, I'd like to offer him my GP32, my PSP, my car, and my wife, oh and my mistress too!!!!

Just speak to my secratary (Sam Fisher), and he will arrange delivery!

(PS. If this offends anyone, sorry!)

lubidog posted on May 1 2005 at 12:31 AM said:
I like the line about wanting to play games and watch porn! At least he was honest.

But why not try to combine the two?

Anyway, this is one of us, seeing who is the most generous before revealing his true identity! So, I'd like to offer him my GP32, my PSP, my car, and my wife, oh and my mistress too!!!!

Just speak to my secratary (Sam Fisher), and he will arrange delivery!

(PS. If this offends anyone, sorry!)


I`ve already posted my GP. :P

oh and my mistress too!!!!

:o I wouldn`t let the missus see that line.

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tattooman posted on Apr 29 2005 at 06:09 PM said:
I am sorry but it was your choice to have kids while still going through collage etc. Don't put the guilt on us, Life it hard to wear a helmet!!

Everyone has thier own problems wiht money and life, so I don't see why you thik you deserve special treatment. Either look on Ebay for a good deal as I don't think ou can sucker any one into it here or go and buy a Game Boy Advance should be wiht your in price range.

Also, if you are wanting a GP32 to watch porn then you are buying the wrong device, it is mainly for gamming as you can watch movies but you would be better off with a portable DVD player if you are going to want to use it for that.


Guess I'm an asshole.
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finty posted on May 6 2005 at 07:20 AM said:
No, he is.

agreed - he's probably bitter cause never got into college

and the GP plays any movies just fine!! porn should work well!

people should really think before spamming...

look on ebay m8 - you get a bit more protection!!

sPaCe :ph34r:
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Thanks for the support guys!

I wasn't asking for special treatment, just posting a WTB and explaining why I am so cheap.

I was able to find a nlu with a 32MB card and a 64MB card for $65 USD including shipping. So I will probably be posting some n00b questions soon (if I can't find the answers on my own).
Mange posted on May 8 2005 at 07:51 AM said:
Thanks for the support guys!

I wasn't asking for special treatment, just posting a WTB and explaining why I am so cheap.

I was able to find a nlu with a 32MB card and a 64MB card for $65 USD including shipping. So I will probably be posting some n00b questions soon (if I can't find the answers on my own).

Good, I am glad every thing worked out for you!!!
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