

Still Fresh
Feb 11, 2004

I have the latest doom file (V10 .fxe) and I have placed it in the "GPMM" folder but I have been trying to find the "doom1.wad" and I can't seem to get hold of it anywhere. It says on the websites I have visited that you can "find it anywhere on the web" and it is "freely available". Please could someone point me in the right direction. Thankyou.

P.S Do you know if anyone has managed to implement the music in the playstation version of doom into the GP32 game? The music is great and really adds atmosphere to the final experience, unlike the PC original.
search for doom shareware in any web search, you'll get what you want. As for the full version I think it's still deemed commercial and you'll have to buy it.
cokebloke posted on Mar 15 2005 at 01:24 PM said:
Thanks a lot. Shame about the playstation music but, oh well!

Regards NickEriksson

have you sorted the freelauncher then?
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The original sounds - which are in the GP version - are excellent - very moody...