Mame Sprite Ripping


I like turtles!
Sep 2, 2004
Dteuschland ;)
Please help me!

Is there any better way than rip sprites in Mame as just making screenshots?
I did so until now, but I`m tired of using Paint to resize it and make the background black and so on...

I searched google and found out, that WinKawaks and NeorageX have a built in sprite editor thingie, but NeorageX doesn`t start on WinXP (or have I the wrong version) and Winkawaks doesn`t recognize the rom.

I created a .dat file and run it and the rom through clrmame, but that didn`t work...

Do I have to download the rom again, or is there any program that can be used to rip sprites directly off of a rom?

It`s for my new fenix game


But I tried it, but it doesn`t find the roms.
Do they have to be unpacked?

Is there any documtation for NeoRageX?
Do I need some other files to add to the NeoRageX directory?

I`m really starting to hate the mame emulation with all it`s version changes...
Yeah, it`s definatly a Neogeo rom, but I don`t know how to make it run on NeoRageX (and WinKawaks), but it works in Mame32 v0.87.
I haven't had the pleasure of mame as yet, but in most other emu's I've tried you can turn the different layers off, would it be possible to turn off the back and foreground layers in the mame emu and just leave the sprites. You could then screen grab that
Yeah, that`s how the shot factory works in neoragex.
Mame32 does not have this feature.
But I`ve got NeoRageX working now.

I have a programme that takes a screen grab ever 0.1 seconds and if it is different to the previous shots it exports it to a folder

i havent been ble to use it since it crashes my Win98 pc

its called AnimGet
I would use the programme Mattmagoo suggested and Paintshop Pro if you can get it. Just get the 30 day trial version, as you won't need it very long and use the batch facility to go through every screenshot to cut, resize, add neutral colour to background etc.. You'll have all your rips done in ten minutes or so...