Hi Scores And Bombjack!


Active Member
Mar 1, 2004
Hi all!

I just thought it would be interesting to have a Hi-score table for some classic games.
This does require people not to cheat though (a bit like Lloyd Manngrams hall of slime, in the legendary speccy mag Crash - if anyones old enough to remember!).

Anyway, i'll start the ball rolling with my current hi-score on Bombjack (mame of course!) 420000 (approx, it was actually 41..something).

What a great game Bombjack really is, I play nothing else at the moment. So addictive. I had to make do with the Speccy version before, which is fantastic but lacks the Arcade Perfectness! I remember when Bombjack first came out on the Speccy - I played it so much I got a blister on my trigger finger, from my Quickshot II. AAhhh, them's were the days...(or should I say Daze, School Daze...Oh myu god I think I'm regressing)

Does anyone else find themselves regressing back to childhood? Scary innit?
Lloyd Manngram :D
Those so were the days... this warrants more in reflection....

I still read my old Crash mags through teary, nostalgic eyes quite regularly and my spectrums are the only old machines I own that I could never sell. Reminds me of the days when there was far less elitism involved in gaming, it was new and exciting and about having fun.

Where are you now Hannah Smith? I still love you :)
Do any of you buy Retro Gamer in the UK ?


Its a very good retro mag for Speccy/C64/consoles etc. Its had a new 'remake' lately and theres a lot of very good articles in it. One of the earlier issues they even had a free Your Sinclair supplement !

Plus Matthew Smith (Manic Miner) has been found ! Hes working on a new speccy game which could be amazing.

Over at www.worldofspectrum.org and www.c64.com the sites are alive with retro gamers and fans. Its great to see the scene still alive.

I loved the Speccy back in the day and regularly use fzx32 which is an excellent Speccy emulator. Those old Ultimate games were superb. Plus because of emulation i can now try other systems and enjoy a lot of the C64 games i find.

I'm happy as anything the arcade version of Bombjack works very well, like you say its such a good game. If you dont know try Mighty Bombjack for the NES. Slightly different Bombjack game with vertical areas as well as horizontal. Great game if you are a Bombjack fan.

Also for old Speccy fans remember Jon Ritman and co ? Match Day/Batman etc ? They created a game for the mono Gameboy - Monster Madness. Very good game it is in the old Batman/Alien 8 type style
@The Wub: Hannah Smith, yes but why did Robin Candy "go to pastures new"? I used to love the playing tips section of Crash. Computer mags just don't have the same charm and sense of community nowadays.

Yes, Jon Ritman and Bernie Dummund, they produced the some of the most amazing graphical 3D games ever, Batman, Head over Heals. I was never really a fan of Match Day though, my footbal fanatic brother loved it though!

I am really interested in Mattew Smiths new game, I havn't heard anything about it. Jet Set Willy was an incredible game. Remember all the folklore that went with it? Like staying up untill midnight for something strange to happen, the Atic Bug, the Forgotton Abbey, the Your Sinclair 'poke' to reveal the hidden screen. I remember me and a friend using the JSW editor to make a new game, then fooling a gullible friend into believing JSW3 was out! Grrr great days!
I am really interested in Mattew Smiths new game, I havn't heard anything about it. Jet Set Willy was an incredible game. Remember all the folklore that went with it? Like staying up untill midnight for something strange to happen, the Atic Bug, the Forgotton Abbey, the Your Sinclair 'poke' to reveal the hidden screen. I remember me and a friend using the JSW editor to make a new game, then fooling a gullible friend into believing JSW3 was out! Grrr great days!

Yeah i met Ritman and Drummond (long story !) but theyre top blokes.

If you read this link over at http://www.worldofspectrum.org/forums/view...8029&forum=2&20 its a transcript of a recent Matthew Smith interview in which he mentions the Speccy game, fascinating stuff.

Seeing as you are a fan of Manic Miner have you tried the many clones over at the archive at WOS ? Many people have created their own levels and games and some of them are very very good (Eugenes Lair is one). Also theres a Jet Set Willy clone that is amazing, every single level is from a different game, eg Bubble Bobble, Chuckie Egg. Excellent is, forget the name to hand, could email it to you once i'm back at the weekend.

Like i say MANY of the JSW and Manic Miner clones are very good and all can be downloaded legally and free from the archive at WOS

You should seriously try some
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manic miner was the first game i ever bought on my own, when i was about 8 years own, i bought it before i even had a spectrum, it forced my mum to buy me aspectrum for christmas :)

ah the days

did you have a kempston interface or a sinclair?

skoool daze/back to skool

the worlds only school RPG's?
White Demon posted on Mar 15 2005 at 04:50 AM said:
@Wub: I agree totally. For me, replace Spectrum with Commodore 64 and Crash with Zzap!64, and it's exactly the same for me.

Good stuff :) You guys also had the luxury of Oliver Frey front covers iirc?
I wonder how many of todays single platform mags achieve the kind of sales that Crash attained during it's peak years? not many I'd wager...

Miner49er posted on Mar 15 2005 at 09:23 AM said:
@The Wub: Hannah Smith, yes but why did Robin Candy "go to pastures new"? I used to love the playing tips section of Crash. Computer mags just don't have the same charm and sense of community nowadays.

Didn't Robin and Roger Kean have some sort of fall out?
But it's true about the mags and those good old days in general.
I think the gp32 scene has come close because like those early 8-bit machines, the gp32 feels like it's "ours". Almost all the mythos of the gp32 has come from it's users, developers or otherwise. I think we'll be looking back on this scene in a similar way in a few years time.

/rambling :)
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I always had a kempston interface. Ha ha those Quickshot II's could get knackered so easily.

Moz if you love the Speccy go to the forums at www.worldofspectrum.org , its the best Speccy site out there, great forum and it has nearly all the games in the archive. I said elsewhere about Retro Gamer, when they had the Your Sinclair supplement it was amazing !

I bought all the Crash scanned magazines on a dvd, so great to read they are.

I always preferred Back to Skool as it was much bigger than the original, great original games those two though.

Retro Gamer is one of the very few magazines to give me that 'Crash' feeling again. I've seen a few videos on the net from the Speccy days, eg about the Imagine story and Matthew Smith. When i see footage of all those Speccys//C64's in Dixons for you to try the games out on i get all misty eyed !

Those were great days back then, in WH Smiths for example you had SO many magazines, Crash, Zzap, Sinclair User, Your Sinclair, C & VG and who could forget all those crappy listing magazines where you had to type in a ton of code for some crappy game ?

Like i say Retro Gamer brings back a lot of memories , discovering the forums on the net a few years ago , finding out there were many other fellow Speccy fans is pretty amazing as well.

Currently on the WorldofSpectrum.org.uk forums we've had some great 'stars' from the past. The creator of Chuckie Egg was there, the daughter of the guy who created Trashman. Currently theres a guy who used to work for Ocean and hearing some of the goings on behind the scenes there is fascinating.

I do like trying C64 version of games now that i have the chance, to be totally neutral some of the games are better on the C64 (better colour/music) but some of the games are better on the Speccy (less colours but more well defined) but i've found some gems on the C64 before.

Great great days though. All those weeks of saving up your pocket money to go off and buy some 7.95 game back in the 80's were superb ! I'm ranting again !!