Rise Of The Triad


Active Member
Jan 31, 2005
Is it right that ROTT can only be played with the registered version?

Did all you guys pay the $15 download? or am I missing something?

sPaCe :ph34r:
MIK posted on Feb 25 2005 at 10:19 PM said:
Jeha i Use the Shareware and it works, but the creen is really dark on the original GP

IIRC ;-) lol

right - no brightness correction in the engine?

I cant believe ive never got inot this game?

im old enough to remember Doom 1 and two coming out and wolf 3d SOD etc

but this one I missed entirely!!

sPaCe :ph34r:
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holy shit!!

I remeber playing this game when i was about 5, but never kbew the name or anything....

I wasnt interested in rise of the triad really, i thought it was something crap. But i googled it today, and wow.... it all comes back to me now.

I remeber randomly selecting lvls and being crap at the game so i died in about a second.

I also rewmeber the characters saying "dont kill me" and my sis saying "kill them, theyre lying"!!!!

It was actualy this screenie whch brought it back... I remeber trying to get past them by running in to them.. it never worked....


pm me if you know where i can "obtain" a copy


  • rott5.gif
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spaceboygp32x posted on Feb 25 2005 at 10:23 PM said:
MIK posted on Feb 25 2005 at 10:19 PM said:
Jeha i Use the Shareware and it works, but the creen is really dark on the original GP

IIRC ;-) lol

right - no brightness correction in the engine?

I cant believe ive never got inot this game?

im old enough to remember Doom 1 and two coming out and wolf 3d SOD etc

but this one I missed entirely!!

sPaCe :ph34r:

You missed out then rott kicked all kinds of arse. The only game I have played with a real god mode. :D
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how's the speed? The description in the file downloads section says almost unplayable. Hows it compare to how Doom runs?
Blah posted on Feb 27 2005 at 08:04 AM said:
I dunno, the shareware version doesnt work with the port.

make you melons up man!

Im sure it has to be the full version too

but theres a hell of a lot playing it for it not to be the shareware version too...

and apparently it plays ok at 40mhz !!!!

maybe overclock past this makes it unplayable!

sPaCe :ph34r:
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uh, now I'm a little confused. That review says it runs perfectly whereas EvilDragon seems to think it runs very badly...

Whos right?

Port of the First Person Shooter Rise of the Triad.
You need the Original version to play it... although it is not really playable...
c0ncept posted on Feb 28 2005 at 02:10 AM said:
uh, now I'm a little confused. That review says it runs perfectly whereas EvilDragon seems to think it runs very badly...

Whos right?

Port of the First Person Shooter Rise of the Triad.
You need the Original version to play it... although it is not really playable...

That's what I'm saying.... I've been avoiding it because I didn't think it was even worth trying. That review makes it sound pretty good... it's based on the first release, did they ever release another after that? Did they get the music working as in Doom?
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I remember trying it and its pretty much spot on in all respects and it is only running at the default clock speed, I think evildragon might have confused it with Heretic.


Hmmm... I am gonna have to give this a try. Soon as I get thru all chapters of Ultimate Doom so I can make some space on my SMC :)

friggin SWEET playing doom with perfect sound, saves etc.
bast525 posted on Feb 28 2005 at 03:16 PM said:
Hmmm... I am gonna have to give this a try. Soon as I get thru all chapters of Ultimate Doom so I can make some space on my SMC :)

friggin SWEET playing doom with perfect sound, saves etc.

let me know whether it works on SW version and what clock speed is good...

I have to finish doom II first.

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