Suspended From Work

google stress symptoms
go to doctors
do the stress symptoms
get time off from work
sue the fuckers
retire and buy moz a 200mhz gp32
You should tell them you are a diabetic and would've had serious problems if you didn't get any sugar at that time - and as you didn't have any money with you, you wanted it to pay next time you're in.

He would've lost one mans power for the rest of the day if you wouldn't have gotten some sugar, right? So basically, he only lost some chocolate bars and got you working the rest of the day instead of you lying collapsed on the floor...
This actually turned out better than I could have imagined. I was suspended for all of monday tuesday and wednesday on full pay while they investigated. Then when I went in on wednesday evening to see what they had decided. They told me that they were going to let me off, but they were renewing my suspension until the end of the week. My contract terminates at the end of the week so I don't need to go back and I get a weeks full pay for the privilege! I get all my holiday pay, no verbal or written warnings and still get a reference.

Sainsbury's shittness pulls through again.
where i work we all take a fuck laod of liberties

today for insatnce we found one of those HP245 photo printers (the tiny ones) that were no longer on the system so my manager sold it to my colleague for a fiver

+ chocolate seems to go missing, we are spose to have hundereds of bars of choco in stock, but they all appear to have vanished over time

+ we found a way to get free drinks from the machine in the corner of the store (but thats not owed by us)
Axeman posted on Feb 27 2005 at 05:16 PM said:
Yep - lucky - but take that as a warning... It's not even worth the hassle of trying to explain - just dont do it in the first place!
Yeah, I'll deffinately be more careful next time. To not get caught.

Lol, but seriously I'll be good now :D.
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that reminds me of the time when someone nicked a computer/tv projector from school and sold it to a yr 7 for £20 on the same day and the yr 7 got busted cos one of the ict staff saw a RGB wire hanging out of the kids locker :P
Nova posted on Feb 28 2005 at 09:37 PM said:
that reminds me of the time when someone nicked a computer/tv projector from school and sold it to a yr 7 for £20 on the same day and the yr 7 got busted cos one of the ict staff saw a RGB wire hanging out of the kids locker :P
LOL :lol:
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