Best Mame Emu???

DaveC posted on Feb 21 2005 at 03:09 PM said:
The big question is are those games mentioned with sound ON? Audio is important, and in my post I said that I have doubts that these games will work a a good speed (without alot of FS) with sound. With no audio then yes I believe that those games you mentioned will work at a playable speed. I know that many of us don't play games much without sound though.

I knew it was the same DaveC from Rylehs forums !

I would love sound on these games but i could live without it if it meant i could play the rom at 100% speed. Of course we all prefer sound to be on but considering its only a beta release then its a start just to be able to play these games whether theres sound or not.

Many people would use this emulator though even if it didnt have sound. If its a choice between a Mame emulator without sound and not using it at all then the majority would still use it rather than not.
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e_b posted on Feb 21 2005 at 03:47 PM said:
Atari ST has a great port of joust

I'm sure it's good (the Lynx version is excellent, so the ST probably is too) but I'd still like to be able to play the original...
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Franxis posted on Feb 21 2005 at 04:11 PM said:
i have done my tests with sound, 166mhz and frameskip 1-2

Well to me personally the best Arcade games were the early ones in the 80's. If i can play Bombjack and Commando fine then i'll be happy as hell !

So many great games, eg Bubble Bobble , Mr Do, Pacman of course. Its gonna be great fun beta testing these games using the various arcade emulators coming out.

Yes things might not be perfect but i'm sure in the future with a faster GP32 at some stage and fixing of bugs on betas etc a lot of things will be possible.

Thanks a ton Franxis for your work ! Cant wait till March 6th now !!!
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damn even the mention of the Robocop game gets me psyched... that's akways the first game I'd tested on Mame
(even though he said it wasn't working yet)


fuck it i just want Jr Pacman and Gaplus... hahah.

btw if Robocop's not running then you're darn tootin' rampart (+ that level of games) won't run either.. but screw it...!

looking fwd to see what comes of all this. GP32 scene, lulls here and there but never never boring!
a bit off topic, but thought i'd mention, Robocop for Castaway runs great and is very close to the arcade version. To jump is a bit akward at first, but you can go through the entire game on training mode invincible and that is fun.
mortimor posted on Feb 20 2005 at 11:07 PM said:
It's Multipac and it's made by Franxis who is working in port of MAME. This MAME now runs some small roms (tetris y gng) and it has a 68k core, When it'll be improved it'll run a lot of roms like SnowBros and other roms as old as it. Franxis has said that a GPMAME beta i'll be released en MadridSX on 5th of March.

This will indeed be awesome, it'll be great to see Mame running classics on the GP32!
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