
LHC posted on Feb 21 2005 at 10:32 PM said:
Nobody with any credibility thinks you should change your policy on betas, Reesy.

I can't believe how far some of you guys are up Reesy's ass. It's bloody hilarious. You can disagree with me all you want and hell try making a decent argument like some of the other guys here, but firing out snide remarks like that just show how much of a prick you are.
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davey g posted on Feb 22 2005 at 12:38 AM said:
LHC posted on Feb 21 2005 at 10:32 PM said:
Nobody with any credibility thinks you should change your policy on betas, Reesy.

I can't believe how far some of you guys are up Reesy's ass. It's bloody hilarious. You can disagree with me all you want and hell try making a decent argument like some of the other guys here, but firing out snide remarks like that just show how much of a prick you are.

I think they call it support, ie Support the dever`s with donations, Praise, Constructive criticism etc. That way we get what we want and the dever`s get what they want.

Reesy could alway`s do private beta`s like Rlyeh does, That should then make everybody happy.

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This is not a thread for flame wars. Cool your jets, everybody. Reesy's entitled to do whatever he wants with his creation--end of story.

Reesy: As for you saying there's better performance with 11hz sound... You said that the reason some music doesn't work is because it only updates the sound twice a second and not at critical points.. would it be logical to ENABLE sound updates at critical points when the user has the sound set to 11hz and have it disabled if the user selected 16hz (so that games that don't need this will still have the higher quality sound)?

I thought this might be a way to accomidate the games whose sound doesn't work because it isn't updated enough without seeing as substantial of a framerate hit.
shinneri posted on Feb 22 2005 at 03:50 AM said:
This is not a thread for flame wars.  Cool your jets, everybody.  Reesy's entitled to do whatever he wants with his creation--end of story.

Reesy: As for you saying there's better performance with 11hz sound... You said that the reason some music doesn't work is because it only updates the sound twice a second and not at critical points.. would it be logical to ENABLE sound updates at critical points when the user has the sound set to 11hz and have it disabled if the user selected 16hz (so that games that don't need this will still have the higher quality sound)? 

I thought this might be a way to accomidate the games whose sound doesn't work because it isn't updated enough without seeing as substantial of a framerate hit.

I have thought of this too. I bet Reesy had that idea too. I have been finding ALOT of games recently that have this sound problem. I would estimate 30-40% of the games have this sound "bug". Since you can have settings for each game saved you could set for accurate and 11KHz for the ones with the problem and 16 Khz for the ones that don't have the problem if you want.

As far as I am concerned this music bug and the cyclone bug are really the only things keeping this from being perfect. The cyclone bug would be harder to find but it sounds like Reesy may be on to another core that may be better. Whether this works out or not is another story. It should be interesting though.
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I donated just to get a beta... does this make me a bad person? :D :P But I also felt DrMD was worth the money, whether I got the Beta or not. That's why I donated another $20, even after Reesy had sent me beta's. If it weren't for Reesy, I don't think I'd be nearly as thrilled with the $200 purchase I made in getting a GP32. DrMD is definately the most used app I run on my GP. After reading about why Reesy doesn't release all his betas as public releases, I can't say I blame him for not releasing them as public anymore...
bast525 posted on Feb 22 2005 at 06:17 AM said:
After reading about why Reesy doesn't release all his betas as public releases, I can't say I blame him for not releasing them as public anymore...

What thread was this in?
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Phantasy Star series is good, Legend of Oasis, Light Crusader, Crusader of Centy, there actually alot of decent RPGs that work on DrMD. It seems that most RPGs DO work, including the music on DrMD so you are in luck. I don't know which are like FF exactly though.
May i ask what does my drmd reboot my blu after a minute or two of play? I have verson V1.0
Shonen X posted on Feb 23 2005 at 03:04 AM said:
May i ask what does my drmd reboot my blu after a minute or two of play? I have verson V1.0

Overclocking too high ?. Try 144 mhz and see how you go.

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shinneri posted on Feb 23 2005 at 03:09 AM said:
DaveC posted on Feb 22 2005 at 08:08 PM said:
Legend of Oasis
It appears that that's a Saturn game... or was there a Genesis version, too?

I have played it on the Genesis. I think there was a version called "the story of Thor" too. I don't know why there were two different names for it. I have come across both roms and can't tell the difference except for the name.

It is real detailed with nice animation and great graphics. Runs great on DrMD.

Thanks Reesy :)
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Yeps, the one about the two armlets... Those tend to be too fast for my reflexes, those action RPG's. But Phantasy Stars are on the right ballpark. Is there anything similar? What type are those Light Crusader and Crusader of Centy? Sword of Vermilion seemed to be similar...
it's called Beyond Oasis on the Genesis, and the Story of Thor is just a hack of it, which sucks balls btw, it seems the same at first but is actually pretty fuxxored. I think Legend of Oasis was a sequel, and was on Saturn.

Beyond Oasis works perfectly on DrMD... i wouldn't consider it an RPG though more like a Zelda-type adventure game. And in that department you're probably better off playing Soleil, as it's even more Zelda-like and seems much better.
Jarska333 posted on Feb 23 2005 at 06:23 AM said:
Yeps, the one about the two armlets... Those tend to be too fast for my reflexes, those action RPG's. But Phantasy Stars are on the right ballpark. Is there anything similar? What type are those Light Crusader and Crusader of Centy? Sword of Vermilion seemed to be similar...

Not sure about the others, But Crusader of Centy (Soliel) is a Zelda type game. I`ve not played it much, So not sure how good it is yet.

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Sword of Vermillion works fine for me in Beta 5, and I remember it working fine in v1.0 as well. I played about 1 hour into the game with no problems.
Hanz™ posted on Feb 21 2005 at 06:13 PM said:
davey g posted on Feb 21 2005 at 06:13 PM said:
You're a great developer and it's obvious that you're working hard but I think you're going about this the wrong way.
Don't be ridiculous - and besides the main releases are free - you have not meant to be paying for the betas but donating money in thanks - if you send money just to get Betas you are getting the wrong message.
How many developers do you know who have given their Betas away to everyone for free.

read this thread from top to bottom - hienz has the only sane view - I have donated - but only cause i have been using DRsms and DRmD and feeling guilty about not donating for months - they are the reason why most people are using the GP32... and Drsms is the best emu for the GBA...

threads like this have projects abandoned - your donation is a thanks for the program you already have - not the one you expect to get in the future

get a grip - i am hoping that reesy might take a look at snes emulation but im not going to demand it because i donated - thats just irrational.

+ like flubbas pocketnes - it will be stolen and used commercially unless the GP32 scene protects it!

Space :D
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trooper posted on Feb 23 2005 at 09:36 AM said:
Jarska333 posted on Feb 23 2005 at 06:23 AM said:
Yeps, the one about the two armlets... Those tend to be too fast for my reflexes, those action RPG's. But Phantasy Stars are on the right ballpark. Is there anything similar? What type are those Light Crusader and Crusader of Centy? Sword of Vermilion seemed to be similar...

Not sure about the others, But Crusader of Centy (Soliel) is a Zelda type game. I`ve not played it much, So not sure how good it is yet.


Oh right, Soleil. I thought C. of Centy sounded familiar. Seemed fun, though.

Sword of Vermilion seemed to work as far as I played it. (Not very far, in case Saves don't work in 2.0.

( Well, It's my payday... According to my calculations, 17.3€ donation trough Moneybookers would make the total 21.80€, and bank fee being 1.80, the actual withdrawable sum would be 20€, which is a nice, round sum. Can't say how much that is in squids... Or was it quid... I quess it could be both, if you like sushi.
I pledged to myself to donate 20€, and by Hugh Hefner, I intend to do just that. :ph34r: )
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