Best Mp32 Player?


Mar 19, 2003
I installed the mp3 player that is included with the gp manager and it sounds alright but it makes this weird skipping sound unless I hold the joystick up or down. Is there a better mp3 player out that than the offical version or is there some way to get it to stop making the the skipping sound.
Yeah I know but concidering that most of my music is in the mp3 format the ogg player dosn't do me much good accept for a few albums.
do you have the original Korean firmware mp3 player? There was a new version made back when the european release was being talked about, that is what i use and it works great, unfortunately my Gamepark is at home and i do not remember what it is called to help you with your search. All i know is i believe it was coded by team 2kyaa or something like that.
yes use madmp3 its very good for mp3.
im going to convert my mp3 to ogg in some time :D better format anyway.
Get GPmad MP3 here. It's a great player. And when somebody specifically says he can't / doesn't want to use Ogg and is looking for an MP3 player just answer the question instead of plugging a different format / player.
Get GPmad MP3 here. It's a great player. And when somebody specifically says he can't / doesn't want to use Ogg and is looking for an MP3 player just answer the question instead of plugging a different format / player.

Well said Raven - GPMad is the best MP3 player available. And BTW Ogg support is on the list of requested features for this excellent player.
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Well thanks for the help guys I'll try out GPmad MP3 when I get home from work. As for all of the ogg talk I undertand I know it's an awesome audio format but like I said before I only have a hand full of albums that are oggs and the rest are mp3's. I am not willing to try to convert 1000's of songs to a diffrent format for the sake of playing them on the gp32 so I'm stuck with what I've got.