Pick One Of The 2... Regarding Framerate...


Active Member
Sep 26, 2004
those who can handle 10 fps or less have superior brain power and imagination, which fills in the gaps for them and makes it tolerable, sometimes even pleasurable for them to play games at 10 fps or less...


those who can handle 10 fps or less are somehow stupid in a helpful way.. their brains only run at 15 fps or something like that normally, so any more than 20 fps would be kinda wasted...
kindof a yin/yang situation here... I'm not sure what i'd pick between those two...

actually, I realise there are a lot of thoughts that could come behind this post... i'll explain a litle about one for now.

a GP32 owner has spent a lot of money on the console. they generally want to feel as if they've spent their money on the right thing, so will be biased towards it. (this is a well-known psychological phenomena, and is called 'cognitive dissonance' it is the root of fanboyism, as I think someone here might have alluded to in the PSP v DS discussion.)

might a GP32 owner convince him/herself that 10fps is fun, simply so they do not admit to themselves the fact that such-and-such an app *doesn't* work well on their hard-earned handheld?

and the things i'm thinking of are an emu at frameskip 3 (snes) or gpquake at 9 (or 6? :blink:) frames per second... surely this *can't* be *good*. the human eye has a bottom animation threshhold of 15 FPS... maybe such games are playable, but...


anyway, sorry if this post tastes of vinegar. i just can't stand low framerates, that's all... maybe it's *me* that's the weird one...
hmm... I didn't completely think this through, did I?

still... my question is valid... why do you think some people are happy with 10fps? reason one, or two.?

oh, or reason three (in my second post)

edit: or reason 4 (which i've just thought of...) they just _said_ they were happy with the snes emulation at the time because they wanted more people to buy a gp32, thus slowing the gp32's inevitable* decline

*inevitable like the integer sequence thingy inevitably reachres infinity... i was talking about *slowing* right?*
hmm... I didn't completely think this through, did I?

still... my question is valid... why do you think some people are happy with 10fps? reason one, or two.?

oh, or reason three (in my second post)

OIC now!

Reason 3 ... like someone who got a bad $200 tattoo; they'll convince themselves it looks 'decent'.
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hmm... I didn't completely think this through, did I?

still... my question is valid... why do you think some people are happy with 10fps? reason one, or two.?

oh, or reason three (in my second post)

OIC now!

Reason 3 ... like someone who got a bad $200 tattoo; they'll convince themselves it looks 'decent'.

yeh! my tatoo is pretty crap, but it's not the tatoo's fault, it was the ttatooist's fault.

she's called betty.
(she's a bit wonky there.

umm i'm sure I thought of reason 4...

edit: yeah. reason 4... above... so what is it then?

edit edit: so what is it then out of 1,2,3,or 4 (or another of your own evising) not 'what is reason 4' sortof thing.


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forget the frigging tatoo!

it's about the framerate!

and I didn't ask you if you were impressed with the frigging framerate!

I asked you why you thought some people said that *they* were impressed with the friggin' framerate!

ok! maybe you never thought about it. do me a favour and think about it now, please?
10 frames per second is crap.

might as well buy a tommytronic shark attack machine or one of those disney photo wheel slide viewers.

Personally I've not bothered with anything that runs shite on the GP32.

NB stay off the whizz toxi :)

EDIT 2 please

read my post! answer my question, PLEASE!!!!!

i'm not asking 'what do you think of 10fps?' --- i'm asking 'why do you think the people who say they like 10fps like it?'

*hypothetically* ... if someone was to say to you 'I enjoy games on the GP32 that only run at 10fps... it doesn't bother me'

what do you suppose the reason would be for that?

any ideas?