Gamepark Selling Games Directly, Online!


Active Member
Sep 29, 2003
Now that joygp is closing, gamepark is selling games directly from their page, in english at

most are $7 to $9 for the download version,
and look, they have All for princess/Her Knights!!!

Maybe they will get wanna be wizard and Blue Angelo?

This is better news, isn't it!
Dude!! Her Knights!!??!
I must get money to pay gamepark for a download!!
Thats the only commecial gp32 game that ive really wanted at all. (Besides the upcoming english WBW)
or we can get Funny Soccer. it's developed by Metallica!! that's gotta be wicked :lol: :lol:
Funny Soccer is actually quite nice, bought it from JoyGP.
But the saving bug ruins the game. I have given up
hope for a fix. :(

Super Plusha is really good, as is Pinball Dreams. And
for 7 $ even Raphael is an option.

I'm extremely impressed; looks like Gamepark finally got their act together with regard to putting up a relatively up to date english site. I like it, I must say. As well as the fact that its amazingly enough not entirely in Engrish :D!

Oh, btw, don't use a password of more than 10 letters if you don't already have a user (if you signed up on the old GP site, then your user details will have been carried over). The login page has a limit on the length of 10; thankfully its not so secure at that point that you can't open the HTML and change the maxlength value from 10 to 12 for password and name (though you'll need to add in to the address where it submits the form since you won't be running it from there).

Now, to re-validate my GP32 and buy marself a good ole copy of HerKnights :)

EDIT: Well, at a glance it didn't look in Engrish at least; take a look at the Raphael details - they're slagging off their own game lol.

EDIT2: Well, I've ordered the games; and HOPEFULLY they'll turn up on my account by the end of tomorrow. Though considering that once finished ordering it moved through to a page saying "Don't click back" and with nothing else in the source than that, so I've a feeling I'm going to need to write to them and complain in a few days :S. Ah well; only $16 :)
I wonder if they will offer boxed games. I like those as they are not encrypted to one specific console.
Well, I've ordered the games; and HOPEFULLY they'll turn up on my account by the end of tomorrow. Though considering that once finished ordering it moved through to a page saying "Don't click back" and with nothing else in the source than that, so I've a feeling I'm going to need to write to them and complain in a few days :S. Ah well; only $16 :)
I've just ordered (finally got round to buying the excellent Super Plusha), and when the popup window closed the "Don't click back" screen automatically moved on to the download screen. Try clicking on 'My Order' - if everything went through ok then your download should be available on there for the next 7 days.
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I dont know for you, but for me the HER KNIGHTS download is failing ...

i got an incomplete file of 6Mb instead of 10,3Mb as marked

i tried it 20 times with different timesizes, it looks like gamepark webserver is sucking ...

I talk to other people and they have the same problem ... maybe not with smaller games, but Her Knights is the biggest donwload (i think)

Unfortunately it would seem not to have... bah; Opera must've done something messy to the whole thing :(.

Need to find out if any money actually went through then; if not then fine (try again in IE), but if it did, I want my games lol!
what is going on i cant get full download of her knights shit man i want my game i paid for
Kinda the situation I'm in... I can only assume its Opera pissing me about. I've send an email to, but I don't think I'll get a reply somehow :s - they aren't what you'd call great at PR.
My download worked fine, but it was quite a small one at only 2.1MB. I also used IE because in the past I've had nothing but trouble using Firefox on gamepark sites or joygp.
That's really a great great news :)
I simply wish they will offer the possibility to buy boxedgames soon :P but at less buy by download isn't that bad ^^ and EXTREMLY cheap ;p
I'll surely buy Super Plusha & Her Knight ;p
Many thanks to GP for that move :)
Re-went through in IE... what a surprise, it worked... I suspect I'll have been billed twice :( - however, you never know... maybe I'll get away with it; didn't get a receipt for the first one either :(.

Its only ~£10 when all's said and done, though; not like it messed up on ordering an actual console...

Anyways - now to enjoy Super Plusha and Her Knights... Yay :)
Is Treasure Island any good?

it's not that bad, but honnestly not an unforgetable game imo ^^
I've played it for a while & finaly gave it up really fast compare to other games like Tomak for exemple or Raphael (which is really better according to me even if gfx are not fantastic, at less fun is here :P)....
Maybe at this price it would worth a try for you depending on your money ;op
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Right after I buy Her Knights SMC for $25. <_< Oh well, at least I know my SMC will work on any GP32 and I could always resell it.

Glad to see Gamepark doing something smart for once. As soon as I see Blue Angelo there AND I hear they fix the larger downloads, I'll buy it. Immediately.


Anyone own some of the other games they have there? What is your opinion?

I used to own Super Plusha (from JoyGP) on my FLU that I sold. but it won't work on my BLU of course. It was a very good pltform game. Really super smooth and slickly programmed. I just never got really immersed into it, but in its time it was a great example of a well programmed GP32 game. Especially because it has full music and sound effects and no popping at all! Back then most GP32 games had some popping issues. But Super Plusha didn't. :)

If youreally enjoy platformers, I would recommend Super Plusha. It's very inexpensive now. But make sure you like the super cutesy graphics. They may not appeal to all players as much.

I also owned (from JoyGP, so can't play them now) Pinball Dreams and Tomak. Pinball Dreams was alright, lotsa popping in the sound tho. Looks decent, and plays OK. Tomak looks awesome, like a NeoGeo game. Sound isn't too good, but it's a decent shooter. It's kinda short tho, and also it really needs an auto-fire setting - you can really wear out your buttons and your thumbs on that game. ;)

At these prices ($7 - $9) you really can't go wrong. The only negative is they'll only work on one GP32. But such low prices, much lower than JoyGP!