Blu+ Firmware Solution


Still Fresh
Sep 8, 2004
hi people, i was messing about with firmware and manged to fix a copy of windups multifirmware so it has no bar , you see when it was launched manually by original GP firmware (fxe format) you wouldnt have the white bar but if you used something like GPbios which is a auto load type program you would get the bar so i thaught to myself maybe its the bios program under the firmware itself and it was....

Use GP Firmware Maker V2- made by Aquafish to rip apart the bios and FW into seprate files on your original firmware that was supplyed with the GP then rip apart the FW you want to install on your gp and simple switch the bios files over then recompile the whole FW you want to install using the same program and your done , it may be wise to test it on the GP32 emulator first to ensure its ok ( i take no responsibilty etc)

you then have no white bar exsept at the very bottom of the screen its hardly noticeable.

if anyones to nervious about recompileing there firmware/bios etc i guess you could contact me and i could do it

Is this info usefull to anyone?. (and can you undersand what my instuctions are ;) )

Steve gp32_console

Edit update: some programs are acting somewhat oddly divix player reboots when trying to run - the only odd thing ive found so far and maybe frodo acting odd, i need to do more testing and try find out the stibility .....
steven84 posted on Dec 28 2004 at 04:33 AM said:
hi people, i was messing about with firmware and manged to fix a copy of windups multifirmware so it has no bar , you see when it was launched manually by original GP firmware (fxe format) you wouldnt have the white bar but if you used something like GPbios which is a auto load type program you would get the bar so i thaught to myself maybe its the bios program under the firmware itself and it was....

Use GP Firmware Maker V2- made by Aquafish to rip apart the bios and FW into seprate files on your original firmware that was supplyed with the GP then rip apart the FW you want to install on your gp and simple switch the bios files over then recompile the whole FW you want to install using the same program and your done , it may be wise to test it on the GP32 emulator first to ensure its ok ( i take no responsibilty etc)

you then have no white bar exsept at the very bottom of the screen its hardly noticeable.

if anyones to nervious about recompileing there firmware/bios etc i guess you could contact me and i could do it

Is this info usefull to anyone?. (and can you undersand what my instuctions are ;) )

Steve gp32_console

Edit update: some programs are acting somewhat oddly divix player reboots when trying to run - the only odd thing ive found so far and maybe frodo acting odd, i need to do more testing and try find out the stibility .....

Why don't boot the BLU+ FW with gpbios ?
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because the gpbios greats a bar on any program it runs.

Progress update: things have been acting odd on some programs the most interesting one is when i load drmd and load a save state , the previews load at lightning speed and when you choose to load them its allso mega fast but when it comes to saveing it its the oppisite - much slower....

The odd behaviour was down to a partually currupt smc which i corrected using windows scandisk so this may be a stable fix for BLU+ firmware
