Gpdrive Pc-link

pc-link works but not as good as GPdrive....

you need to install "GP32 manager" to be able to transfer files with pc-link.

I recommend that you install GP32 manager and then put GPdrive on your gp32 and then use GPdrive to transfer files....
what the hell are u on about i have gpmanager but tell me how i can use the pc-link mode on gpdrive plllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
ok, U need to use gpmanager to put GPdrive.fxe on the GP32

now, GP32 manager is I think verry buggy and does not always want to connect.

but you should start GP32 manager and connect your gp32 to your pc. put the gp32 in pc-link mode and then press ok on the GP32 manager screen as it says...

now as I said it does not always work .... but if it don´t you can try to format your card in the File menu on GP32 Manager, and then it usualy connects ... atlest thats how it has been for me..... as soon as you can connect to your gp32 put GPdrive on it... and you will find it alot more easy to pu things on your GP32.

to use GPdrive, start GPdrive and then connect your gp32 to your pc... and then you just use exporer to transfer files between your computer and gamepark32.

hope that helps....