Hokuto No Ken Beats Of Rage Mod???

I was browsing some GP32 sites the other day and there was a Korean one that had screenshots of a Hokuto No Ken mod for Beats Of Rage. Babel Fish was unable to translate the site and there didn't appear to be a download link (or link to any relevant sites) for it. Also, all the web and forum searches I've done for it have turned out to be fruitless, so I was wondering if anyone had any information/links about this mod or even better, a download link?

Most Beats Of Rage mods don't particualrly interest me, but I'm a big Hokuto No Ken fan and I'd love to play a game based on it on my GP32 (when it arrives) apart from the crappy Gameboy and SNES games (if anyone knows of any non-crappy Hokuto No Ken games that can be emulated, please tell me).

Any information would be appreciated, ThanX.

YAW! Very nice! Please, Lethe, make some translation :)


Thanks for the info!
It's from the creator of Kill Ryu bor mods serie, so we can expect a very good MOD :)