GP Fight


Still Fresh
May 24, 2003
Bought this off entware just but every time i run it , it resets the machine.

Any advice people ?

I tried downloading it again and how can you tell if you have the original bios? i have the mp3/game and pclink icons thats it.

I tried downloading it again and how can you tell if you have the original bios? i have the mp3/game and pclink icons thats it.

Did it work after downloading it again???.

It seems that you have the original bios, Unless you have flashed your bios.

But to just double check, Switch off you GP32, Hold the select button and switch back on (still holding the select button. Does a list come up???. If not, Then you do have the original bios.

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Held down select and still get the game/mp3/pc icons so im assuming original bios there. Even took drastci action and formatted my memory card. Alas it still wont work, just resets everytime :(

Held down select and still get the game/mp3/pc icons so im assuming original bios there. Even took drastci action and formatted my memory card. Alas it still wont work, just resets everytime :(

Have you tried to run any other games, Programs or Emulator ???.

What happens if you do ???.

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Everything else runs fine. I got a bunch of stuff off entware last night (moviepark, tomak, little wizard an GPFight) its only this one that doesnt work.

Is there a chance someone can send me a copy of theirs (i will send mine as proof that i bought it first or perhaps i could send it to them and get them to test it)

It`s probably best to contact entware with your problem, As they might be the best people to help you out.

I don`t think it`s worth trying to test a downloaded version of GPfight ( or any other commercial game from entware) on another GP32 as they are registered/encoded to the GP32 system they were downloaded for, As an antipiracy measure. So will only work with that particular system.

Just my 2p.

Got it sorted. Went into the Forums on entware and apparently there is some problems with the installer. I had to extract the installer into the separate folders. Insode the main game folder you have to add a folder called MISC. That is it , alll works a charm now.

Got it sorted. Went into the Forums on entware and apparently there is some problems with the installer. I had to extract the installer into the separate folders. Insode the main game folder you have to add a folder called MISC. That is it , alll works a charm now.

Glad to hear it :) .

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