Still Fresh
Why Doesn't my DOOM recognize that i have the .WADS? I have them in the place? Right? I put the DOOMV10T.FXE in the GPMM folder, the ULT_DOOM.RAR in the GP:GAME/DOOM folder. CAN YOU PLEASE HELP!?! 
lol I think everyone's done it, dl'n Doom is no different to downloading an old rom that's still got it's copyright.Octavious, who cares?
I downloaded Doom and Doom 2. Heck, I pirate a lot. Don't bother starting arguments about pirating on a board of a console who's average user primarily uses it to play roms.
Edit : Just some preventative measures here, I'm not bragging about pirating but I'm not going to hide it.
Or maybe he plays some of the 343 homebrew releases available from http://www.pdroms.deYea OCT, all the comercial games for the GP pretty much suck! Your telling us that you don't have any ROMS,EMUS,PORTS on your GP? Wow, you must just sit there and look at the hardware because that must be a very BORING GP!
Don't worry, he downloaded it on my site, so it won't freeze and it's patched for better weapon looking.Did I ever say any of that? I just wanted to know because If he did, I wanted to be sure he had the right version
remember that there is a version of Doom ( or is it Doom 2 ) that freezes on level 2?
doubt ID software makes that much on doom...