Extra Extra! Nintendo screws over europe!


Active Member
Mar 9, 2003

:angry: Is nintendo DETERMINED on alienating as many fans and potential buyers as possible? Plus if this happens.......Europe starts boycotting nintendo's lame arses... Gamepark's european launch could look miiiiiiiiighty successful.... but I doubt it, who else think's this is complete and utter bullshit? (And i'm not even IN EUROPE) :angry:
i just had to say how cool *Dc*hardcoregamez is. i love family guy (for all of you griffin haters, the monkey icon is from family guy). i want to buy a gp32 just so i can play family guy episodes on it. can i do that? does it cost money for the software? how hard is it to install?
the only company that ever truely cared about the PAL market is sega. Good old dreamcast and its forced 50/60hz switch mode!

Here in Australia I seem to remember basically that imports are perfectly legal, and in fact it's illegal to be sold a region locked DVD player as it creates a monopolised selection of titles, and inflates prices unfairly! It's also legal to have or sell modchips, but it's still illegal to sell copied games. I think the modchip thing though is still persued by companies here though so most people these days don't advertise 'WE MOD YOUR PS2 HERE'...
wow that really sucks for people in europe. then in a few months nintendo will be complaining that sales in europe have dropped because of lack of intrest from the users. kinda like sega sports for gamecube. they stoped making sports games for the cube because nobody bought them. i'm sooooo sorry that i have all 3 next gen systems and would like to play my sports games online maybe if they included online play they would have sold more. now don't get me wrong but I love sega but they placed the blame in the wrong place just like nintendo will do in a few months.

wow been signed up for this board since jan 2003 and this is my longest post ;)
the only company that cared about sega was europe???!!!

lol!! Yeah, they cared so much about europe .. that's why they put the 33.3 kbps modems instead of 56kbps in european dreamcasts.

I don't think it's that big a deal regarding nintendo banning imports to europe, the only games that you can't get in the eu are Animal Crossing and Winning Eleven. And blame the non english speakers for Animal Crossing not making it over here......

Which is a pity, as it's one of the best games for the gamecube......

And exactly what does nintendo's policy on gba/gc imports have to do with the gp32?? <_<
Animal Crossing is great, for a while... but its life quickly dies.

Europe has always been shafted by Nintendo. And now that the Cube is starting to flop, Nintendo are cutting their noses off just to spite their face. Its gonna get a whole lot uglier, before it gets better.

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Regional locks are actually very common in the entertainment industry, this doesn't really seem like that big of a deal to me. Nintendo has always made their cart slots slightly different, so you can't buy Japanese games (for example) and use them in a US system. The same thing is done with DVDs (region coding). It's all about marketing and timing and sales, not really meant to punish owners. And as far as Nintendo goes, they have always been "follow our rules, or we cut you off".