

La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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Considering selling a NES (NES version).
It has easily over 40 games, some boxed with instructions and some loose with just instructiosn and some loose.

I've got lots of sleeves (I think enough for all of them).
I will amke a list soon of all the games if people are interested. PM me for details ;) :P
Alas, if only you were stateside! :(

while it's on my mind, here's a question for anyone out there. Can EU NES games be played on a NTSC NES? Without an adapter, that is. Just wondering :D
Alas, if only you were stateside! :(

while it's on my mind, here's a question for anyone out there. Can EU NES games be played on a NTSC NES? Without an adapter, that is. Just wondering :D
I could probably ship to you, all this is new to me, but how much would that cost?
I just sold my gp32 and am just getting sent a new one from a friend. So I understand more how this all works lol.
This was what I used to have btw:
Bubble bobble
Clu clu land
Cobra triangle
David Cranes, A boy and his blob, Trouble on Blobonia
Donkey kong classics
Dragons lair
Kung fu
Marble madness
Mega man 2
Rush'n attack
Super mario bros (2 copies)
super mario bros 2
Super mario bros 3 (2 copies)
Teenage mutant hero turtles 2, The arcade game
Time lord
Top gun, the second mission
World cup (Nintendo)
World wrestling (Temco)
I know have more :D
I will get you an updated list soon, this weekend. My friend's been borrowing it because I have no television free to play it on.
EDIT: also some of them are gone sorry, some have arrived and some have left lol ;)
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