GBA emu from yoyofr

Apr 5, 2003
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[/QUOTE]Then, he want to include a GBA emu too, and maybe a SNES emu ! He think he can make its GBA emu in fullspeed with 0 frameskip, in some months. <--from gp32news

This isa good message. I wish him the best of luck on little john and when he starts his GBA emu too. He seems to be a very talented coder
all the best to him little john is a damn sexy bit of coding and he keeps up the work then who knows :D
The post is speculation, but --

This guy is a coding machine. He mixed three different NES emus and worked on about one a week on average, IIRC. He'll have no problem handling a couple of GBA emulators :) Seriously, considering the speed he did the work, I think he's more than capable of taking on a GBA or SNES emu. While the SNES slot is being filled in the GBA is one of the big three still left to emulate (x86, gba, atari).

(Yes I'm aware of the Atari WIP)

- Rico
whats with all of the emulated nintendo systems? where is a sega genisis emu?!? but anyway i'm still happy and thank all of the coders for thier time and effort working on free emus.
I'd rather want to actually try the bloody thing.

What's with this stupid ACE format? All Unix-style unace-progs simply can't deal with this archive. Why not use zip, everyone can extract those archives. And don't start with better compression ratio, I don't give a dung, this is a 200KB archive, if it's 210KB it would take me about 0.2s longer, big deal... :angry:
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Well, skab, why don't you boycott yoyofr's emulator then... when he doesn't get your registration fee, he'll be so sorry... oh wait, its free... so you're bitching because someone took the effort to develop and release something, but it happens to be packed in a format you have problems with?

You can rant/flame me if you want, but just remember: if you asked nicely someone would probably repack and post the file, but since you wanted to complain expect a sarcastic reply.

Edit: BTW, no idea if it will work, but WinRAR decompressed the file for me. There is a linux command-line version of the program, not sure if it supports ACE also, but may be worth a try.
I don't believe that at all, that a GBA emu can run full speed frameskip 0. If he can do it, then it'll seem like a miracle to me. And I will have a nearly religious awe for the GP32. I really don't see it being possible, but we'll see.

I think most people would much rather have SNES and Genesis anyway - combined that's a better library of games than GBA and the GP32 can most likely emulate those systems pretty well once talented coders give it some time.

Also, GBA resolution will be a slight hassle. It will either be a weird shaped small rectangle in the middle of the screen, or an ugly scaled image. My favorite GBA game is Advance Wars, so it would be nice to have that on GP32 I guess.
I have a gba so i'm not too enthused about that particular emulator (but it's stil really cool! :) )

However, the Snes emu.......I'm still waiting for a top notch one (I know some are coming so thanks to those of you who are working on them).

Long live the snes! :P
While the SNES slot is being filled in the GBA is one of the big three still left to emulate (x86, gba, atari)

I'll add to that: Amiga, Genesis (hopefully out soon)

How about the small three: Atari Lynx, Wonderswan Color, NGPC

Well, yes, technically they're "being filled in", but work on them is stopped/suspended as far as I can see (though it's still wonderfull what has been done; don't get me wrong).

Have there been any rumours about an x86 emulator?
Personally i think the two best and most worthwhile emu's would be a SNES and Amiga one. Both of them had a huge library of classic games, and the Amiga had thousands of games and progs created for it.
Hmm... Well I used to luv my Amiga and all, but I'd rather see Genesis and SNES. Why? Because computers are more of a hassle to use on GP32 because of the keyboard. Plus you can't beat Japanese consoles for gameplay - Gunstar Heroes and Final Fantasy 3 on GP32! =) That's the ticket!
I'm a SNES/Genesis person myself (and NES, but that's slightly closer than the distant horizon) on the basis that SNES was where all the good RPGs (console-wise at least) are; although the ones that *are* on the Genesis are truly superb.

GBA, though, would be truly amazing. If Yoyofr can do it, he'll get a cult set up somewhere I suspect; I just think that Snes/Gen is more likely than GBA atm - and on a screen the size we've got, SNES/Gen look at least as good as GBA games (if not better on the basis that they're higher resolution systems). LJgp32 is an amazing emu (and its 0.1! - I'd have said nearer 0.5 or something - wonder what's in store for it) and a repeat feat with anything else would be great :)
One thing for sure, if Yoyo can pull off full speed frameskip 0 GBA emulation, you'll see a LOT more GP32's being sold. ;) And GBA Flashcart sales will go down. Hehe.

But I don't believe it will happen. Prove me wrong Yoyo, but I just don't.
How about the small three: Atari Lynx, Wonderswan Color, NGPC

Well, yes, technically they're "being filled in", but work on them is stopped/suspended as far as I can see (though it's still wonderfull what has been done; don't get me wrong).
Well, Yoyofr is also working on a Wonderswan color emu called oswanGP32. He said so far he could play FF2 & 3 at a good speed with frameskip 2 (no sound IIRC). A nice start considering he's been working on it for a week or so (while still working on LJGP32 and his PocketNester port)

Somebody said "Coding Machine" ?:D
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Why not just get objective...

Is GBA more powerful than SNES and/or Genesis? Or merely "different"?

ie: GBA can certainly do a lot of the modes SNES can do, but can it do all of them? Does it do more?

SNES is a lot of work to pull off fast on a machine like a GP#2, but it can be done (ie: the last mile rule.. getting it working is a days work, getting it working halfway well is a weeks work, getting it full speed is 6mo work).

If the GBA is more beastier than a SNES, then there you.. we don't have SNES working well yet, so GBA will be that much more work if it is more powerful than a SNES.

So whats the comparison between SNES, Genesis, and GBA?

(Mind you, if the GBA source thats already out there is kickass optimized, it makes porters life that much easier; so if the public GBA emu source is better than the existing SENS emu's source, its easier off. But I somehow doubt that.. the snes9x team hasn't been slouching off for the last 5 years so its got to be halfway decent..)
