Gaming, Socially Acceptable?


Feb 9, 2004
Ilfracombe Devon UK
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First a story...

About a month or 2 ago me and a friend went to the local boozer for a couple of pints, whilst in there our attention was drawn to an old man sat in the corner on his own.

Clutched tightly in his hands was the latest issue of the Spiderman comic book which he was avidly reading, much to the amusement of the whole pub (myself & friend included).

It only dawned on me a couple of days later that the same situation could apply to me if I were to take out my GP32 in a public place, would I be categorised as strange for playing on what many would percieve to be a childs toy in an adult environment?

Who knows?

As for wether i'll ever play on the GP32 on the bus on the way to work...

The jurys still out on that one.
personally i dont see it as any different to play a game on you mobile phone.

Although i dont play my gp32 out in public places as such...mainly because people keep asking what machine your playing on etc.

I do play it in the car (not while driving of course) and around the house.

Keep the retro gaming alive :)
I have no problem with playing on the train as long as the people opposite are old, fat, ugly... or all of the above.

If a really hot bird sits down opposite me I'll get the paper out instead as I don't wanna come across as a fekking nerd... If only the gp32's microswitches didn't click so loud!
Clutched tightly in his hands was the latest issue of the Spiderman comic book which he was avidly reading, much to the amusement of the whole pub (myself & friend included).

I dont personally care what a person wears listens or reads INFACT if they are outhere with their musical or literary tastes i resoect them more.

My gp32 I play proudly, my personalised berserk tshirt i wear produly under my blazer, my 80's taste in music I play proudly in the local pub, my love of anime i declareat the top of my lungs (i went crazy at the premier of kill bill).

In short be who the fuck you want to be anyone who says any diffrent pick them apart in clever conversation if they refuse to admit defeat ACT crazy and cause pain if you have to.

LIFE is too short to give a flyin fuck what other people think.

I live by that statement.
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I must agree, i love gaming on the go. It doesn't bother me one bit to play my gp32 on a train, a car journey, around the house. Whatever, its great.
i agree with who cares...i'll play my GP32 anywhere I see fit if i'm bored. especially since I live in the US, and as far as I know i'm the only one around in like 400miles that has one, I'm in pittsburgh and I think the closest person that has a GP32 to me is in Philly. So it makes me feel special :P
if anybody looks at me funny when im listening or playing my gp ieither turn up the music or start playing even harder to make em jeolus but alot of the time they take out a gba(alot of the time i just laugh)
Chciago eh?

well, for 400 miles from chicago, ur wrong, Im 392.91 miles acording to map quest
You see, were not THAT far apart!
well, especially in ohio, Im not far from the town of the other Ohioan

Yesterday I was visiting a branch office to sort a server glitch and at lunchtime I was using the GP for GPcinema.

The boss spots me and says what are you watching? the news? I replied no. Fawlty Towers. Next thing I knew I was removing the headphones plugging in my external speakers (Philips 6.99 unpowered or 9.99 powered at Argos. I can recommend both types. I use powered at work coz the server room gets a bit noisy but unpowered at home where it's quieter) and the boss watched the episode with me.
can u say Raise? JK :lol:
Yeah I think the same thing life is to short so do what ever suits your mood.(but follow the rules) :lol: :)
Takes me an hour to get to university every day, and another hour back home.

So ask people what they would prefer: Me playing GP32 or me disemboweling them with a rusty kitchen knife I stole from a hobo called Jeff who stood in my way and unfortunately ceased to exist because I am so bored that I am starting to get strange ideas and voices start telling me about vivisection and how to further the human race by sorting out the useless and.....

I didn't say anything, you hear me?
*flashes dirty hobo knife menacingly*
Yesterday I was visiting a branch office to sort a server glitch and at lunchtime I was using the GP for GPcinema.

The boss spots me and says what are you watching? the news? I replied no. Fawlty Towers. Next thing I knew I was removing the headphones plugging in my external speakers (Philips 6.99 unpowered or 9.99 powered at Argos. I can recommend both types. I use powered at work coz the server room gets a bit noisy but unpowered at home where it's quieter) and the boss watched the episode with me.
lol my episode of Family Guy was getting passed around the coach on the way to Germany :P
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Although i dont play my gp32 out in public places as such...mainly because people keep asking what machine your playing on etc.
This happens all da time to me at skool, and end almost getting caught.

and as far as I know i'm the only one around in like 400miles that has one, I'm in pittsburgh and I think the closest person that has a GP32 to me is in Philly.
Is Knoxville closer? [god i hate this state...] [yes im too lazy to look it up myself]

lol my episode of Family Guy was getting passed around the coach on the way to Germany
Usually watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force gets peepl drooling over my GP32. Music videos strangly don't have dat same effect and the few times that i attempted playing Megaman X2 [not full speed and usually have to configure buttons on SNES9xgp] people tell me to sell it to a pawn shop, there i usually get pissed off and tell em to fuck off. But so far, 4 people wanna buy a gp32_console because of me...