Help Me With A Moral Dilemma

Playing the GP32 on the beach is....

  • a perfectly acceptable thing to do

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • rather nerdy, but ok

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • likely to get sand kicked in your face by the bigger boys

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • just not done!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

WrongEyedJesus posted on Oct 19 2004 at 04:15 PM said:
Mind you you don't hear of too many people bringing large volumes of sand into darkened rooms and putting up umbrellas do you? Perhaps it is breaking some undefinible social taboo hitherto unearthed until this moment. :blink:

That's only because we get funny looks when we talk about it.
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Just go for it. Fuck 'em, you'll probably never see them again anyway. Who cares what other people think? They don't know you and you don't know them, so their opinion shouldn't hold any weight.

If they ask, tell them it's a miniature computer emu or something cool and techy like that. Besides, if someone's the age of kicking sand in your face, they're probably of age enough to know the value of the system once they know what it does.

I know it's an old post, too. But hey, it's an interesting question and I'm sure there are others who have this dilemma SOMETIME.
funnily enough I haven't had this moral dilemma anymore as I've been travelling without my geepee, and it's been heaps of fun.

absense makes the heart grow fonder though, eh. lots of new emus and games to play one day!

greetings :)
Jegriva posted on Oct 21 2005 at 01:31 AM said:
Just promiseme that as you see a cute girl,you will turn off the GP32 (saved your progress, of course), and you'll follow her.

... but only to show her that the GP32 is the coolest and cutest device around :P
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Fishbong posted on Oct 22 2005 at 09:29 AM said:
...But WHY do you go to the beach if you rather want to play a videogame?

The same reason people go to the beach and listen to music. Its the whole atmosphere and the sun.
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BaDToaD posted on Oct 22 2005 at 01:42 AM said:
Hey Frolik how you doing? How are you surviving with no c64 on the go :)
well it's not easy, I'll tell you that. But the trip ends in one week, and I wonder if I will return to my original, worldly unwise & geeky state....

maybe just "same same, but different!!"

ps. whatever happened to gameprobe32? bob? alan?
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